Fu Beichou was not wrong. As soon as the good deeds of the officials in her court exploded, one after another, many officials and ministers were caught involved in the mess of the mecha academy. The fact that more than fifty ministers' daughters stole the credits and blueprints of other students was exposed in just a matter of an hour.
By the time the reports stopped coming, Fu Zhao was furious to the point that she wished she could skin each and every minister alive. A court hearing was called at once and more than fifty ministers were executed on the spot, dyeing the floor red with their blood.
"Is there anything else that I should know?" Fu Zhao asked with her eyes bleeding blood. She looked at the quivering ministers coldly and questioned, "I am in a merciful mood today, so I will not give you a harsh death but a quick one. If you want to confess, then step out."
Of course no one dared to step out. What a joke.