TWELVE: The House of Women pt 1

"Queen Candidate Esther seeks an audience with the Lord!"

One of the House's many, many attendants had led Esther and Baara to Lord Hegai's audience chamber, where he was currently announcing their arrival.

"Send her in!"

Another attendant within the room responded after several moments.

Esther filled her lungs in an attempt to slow her racing heart as the doors of the chamber were hauled open.

The interior of the chamber was surprisingly comfortable given the rest of the House's austere extravagance. Red silk drapes were hung along the walls while various carved lanterns casted their glow in mesmerizing patterns.

In the middle of the room was a small table, made for only two people, and a man lounging on a small mountain of cushions behind it.

He rose to his feet as Esther entered the room and extended his arms.

"Welcome to my home, Queen Candidate Esther," he greeted her.

Esther dipped her head in return.

"I thank you, My Lord."

The man's gaze lingered on her so intently, it felt as if he was burning a hole directly through her. He was already observing her, scrutinizing her every movement to determine if she was a woman worthy of his house.

"Come, please be seated," he invited her, settling himself back on the cushions.

While Esther kneeled on the other side of the table, her handmaiden went to stand along the wall with the other attendants. At least for this meeting, she would no longer be able to rely on the woman's subtle clues and suggestions.

Clasping her nervous hands together in her lap, Esther surveyed her surroundings.

There were no scrolls or documents lingering around. No officials attended directly to Lord Hegai at his side. On the small table lay only a tray filled with tea supplies and two cups.

Anyone would think the Candidate and Lord were old friends enjoying a casual get together, not two strangers engaging in a formal meeting.

Apprehensively, she glanced at Lord Hegai again, who was smiling politely, his eyes still scrutinizing her.

From what she learned regarding the Lord's age, she had expected him to somewhat resemble her uncle with graying hair and weathered skin.

The man in front of her, however, had a strong body, smooth skin and curly golden hair without a hint of gray in it. The only indication that he was indeed a middle-aged man was the tiny flecks of silver in the short beard covering his chin and jawline.

In the past, Esther had occasionally overheard the idea that a person could buy anything with enough wealth and power. She'd always dismissed it as nothing more than self-righteous blasphemy, but now it seemed the proof of that idea was right before her eyes.

Perhaps, a person really could buy anything with enough wealth and power, including youth.

Or, at least, the appearance of youth.

The longer she observed the man, she began to realize something else as well.

Lord Hegai was waiting for her to make the first move.

She glanced again at the tea supplies on the table between them. The first logical move would be to offer to make tea or call for an attendant to make it.

Usually, the host of the gathering would be the one to procure the tea, but if there were only a man and woman present, the duty always fell to the woman.

Any refined woman of Shushan would know that and start the tea preparations immediately.

Esther could not afford to hesitate any longer.

"Would you have some tea, My Lord?" she asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over the chamber.

Lord Hegai blinked slowly and nodded toward the tea supplies on the table.

Now that he had accepted the offer, Esther was faced with her first difficult decision.

Should she make the tea herself or call for someone else to prepare it?

Nearly two weeks previously, Mordecai had brought a similar tea set to their home in order to teach Esther the etiquettes of tea making. There wasn't time for her to practice a lot, but she had a firm grasp on the method.

In that moment, relying on her small amounts of practice seemed the safer option, rather than attempting to guess the correct attendant to call upon and the best way to address them.

"I shall serve you myself," Esther declared, reaching for the table.

The first step was to light the charcoal box.

It was a small metal enclosure, filled with hardened bits of slow-burning coals. The purpose of the box was to bring the water in the teapot to the correct temperature for brewing tea.

Carefully, Esther placed the charcoal box in front of her and reached for the flint laid on the edge of the tray.

At home, she used large, crude chunks of flint to light the hearthfire every day. But the pieces of flint on the table were small and smooth. They had been cut with precision to make them appealing to the eye.

To think the House of Women was such a lavish place that even the fire starters must be elegant.

Placing the small, elegant flints between her thumb and forefinger on each hand, she closed her eyes, offering a silent prayer that she wouldn't accidentally break the delicate objects while trying to use them.

Her hands were already in motion when Lord Hegai suddenly spoke.

"Queen Candidate Esther, do you need assistance with-"

The man trailed off as the flints clacked together, sending a large spark directly into the charcoal box.

"P-pardon me, My Lord, I meant not to interrupt you," Esther hurriedly apologized.

She clenched the stones more tightly to mask her trembling hands.

"No, I am the one who must apologize for interrupting you," Lord Hegai responded politely, though his face was filled with curiosity. "Please continue, Queen Candidate."

Esther cleared her throat.

"Yes, My Lord."

The sound of flint clacking together filled the room three more times before the coals had been sufficiently fed. Esther's hands moved efficiently and skillfully, conditioned from years of starting the fire in her own home.

Somehow feeling that she had already made a mistake, Esther replaced the stones on the tray's edge and reached for the teapot.

Just as she was gently placing the pot onto the charcoal box, Lord Hegai asked the meeting's first question.

"How old are you, Queen Candidate Esther?"