
Jenna felt the cold, hard chains digging into her wrists as she hung from the wall. She had been here for weeks, with nothing but her thoughts to keep her company. Her mind often wandered to her friend Josefine, wondering if he had escaped their captor James. Jenna knew that Josefine had autism, and she worried about his safety.

But despite her fears, Jenna had not given up hope. She knew that Josefine was a strong and resourceful person, and she had faith that he would find a way to rescue her.

Days turned into weeks, and Jenna's spirits began to falter. She was tired, hungry, and in constant pain from the chains that bound her. But just when she thought she could take no more, she heard a faint sound in the distance.

At first, she thought it was just her imagination playing tricks on her. But as the sound grew louder, she realized that it was the sound of someone approaching. Her heart began to race as she strained to listen, hoping against hope that it was Josefine coming to her rescue.

And then, suddenly, the door to her cell burst open, and there stood Josefine, his face determined and his eyes blazing with fury.

"Jenna, I'm here to get you out," she said, her voice steady and firm.

Jenna couldn't believe her eyes. She had never been so happy to see anyone in her life. With a surge of renewed energy, she pulled against the chains, straining to free herself.

Josefine quickly set to work, using a set of lockpicks to free Jenna from her chains. It was slow and difficult work, but finally, the chains fell away, and Jenna was free.

They ran through the dark corridors, dodging guards and avoiding traps. But they were determined to make their escape, and they refused to be stopped.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, they burst out into the sunlight, free at last. Jenna collapsed onto the grass, tears streaming down her face as she realized that she was finally safe.

And standing beside her, smiling, was Josefine. he had risked everything to rescue his friend, and Jenna knew that she would be eternally grateful. Jenna's heart stopped as she heard the sound of a gunshot. Her eyes darted around, searching for the source of the noise, but she saw nothing but the dense trees and foliage that surrounded them. And then, suddenly, she saw Josefine fall to the ground, a red stain spreading across his chest.

Jenna screamed, rushing to his side as she cradled his head in her lap. Tears streamed down her face as she begged him to stay with her.

"How could this happen?" she cried, holding his limp hand. "You risked everything to save me, and now this?"

Josefine's breathing was shallow and labored, and Jenna knew that he didn't have much time left. She leaned down, pressing her lips to his forehead as she whispered words of love and gratitude.

"I love you, Josefine,"