Henry's Captivity

Vasily ran through the dense jungle, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he couldn't outrun the Apaches forever, but he needed to put some distance between them and himself so he could come up with a new plan.

As he ran, he thought about the situation he was in. He was alone, outnumbered, and facing an experienced Confederate sharpshooter. He needed a strategy that would give him the upper hand.

Vasily stopped to catch his breath and looked around. The jungle was thick with foliage, making it difficult to see far ahead. He needed to find a vantage point where he could see Henry before Henry saw him.

He remembered a large tree he had passed earlier that had a sturdy branch that looked like it could support his weight. He retraced his steps and climbed the tree, carefully making his way up to the branch.

From his perch, Vasily had a clear view of the jungle floor below. He scanned the area, looking for any sign of movement. After a few minutes, he spotted Henry moving through the jungle, his rifle at the ready.

Vasily took a deep breath and steadied his aim. He waited patiently for Henry to get within range, then fired his Berdan 2. The shot missed, but it was enough to startle Henry and make him take cover behind a nearby tree.

Vasily took advantage of the distraction and quickly climbed down from the tree. He moved swiftly and silently towards Henry's position, keeping his rifle trained on the tree.

As he approached, he saw Henry peeking out from behind the tree. Vasily fired again, this time hitting Henry in the shoulder.

Henry cried out in pain and stumbled backwards. Vasily seized the opportunity and rushed towards him, tackling him to the ground. He quickly disarmed Henry and tied him up, effectively ending the threat.

Breathing heavily, Vasily leaned back against a tree and took a moment to catch his breath. As Henry winced in pain, Vasily expertly tended to his wounds, using his survival skills to improvise a makeshift bandage. Once he was satisfied that Henry's injuries were stable, Vasily sat down next to him and began to talk.

"So, Henry, tell me about this Rocky. Who is she to you ?" Vasily asked.

Henry's eyes flickered with a mix of pain and emotion as he spoke, but she's different. She's kind and gentle, and she doesn't deserve to be treated like a dog."

Vasily nodded in understanding. "I see. And how do they treat her?"

Henry's face twisted in anger as he recounted the harsh treatment Rocky received at the hands of their owners. "They beat her, starve her, and make her do all the dirty work. She's not even allowed to sleep in a proper bed." Vasily nodded That is a moving story. it would not change my mind to take her back to James her owner Vasily looked at the Confederate sharpshooter Henry with a mix of curiosity and concern. As he approached Henry, who was tied up, Vasily cleared his throat and spoke in a calm, but firm voice.

"Henry," Vasily said, "I understand that you care deeply for Rocky, but I must ask you to consider the bigger picture here. The Confederates may win the battle for Washington DC, but what happens after that? The Mexican Empire navy is blockading the ports, and the United States is in a state of chaos. What kind of future do you think Rocky will have in this new country?"

Henry looked up at Vasily, his eyes full of defiance. "She will be with me," he said firmly. "She will be safe."As Vasily drew closer, Henry heard the sound of footsteps behind him. Turning his head, he saw Rocky approaching, her musket at the ready. He breathed a sigh of relief - Rocky was a skilled fighter, and he knew she would do everything in her power to save him.

Vasily sneered at Rocky as she approached. "Your real master James is looking for you," he said, his voice laced with contempt.

Rocky bristled at the insult, but she kept her cool. "I'm not interested in James," she replied. "I'm here to save Henry. Vasily took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on Rocky as she stood between him and the forest. He knew that he had to be quick and precise if he was going to take her back to her master James. He lifted his Berdan 2 rifle, aiming it directly at her.

Rocky, on the other hand, had her own weapon at the ready. She clutched her brown Bess musket tightly, determined to protect Henry.