Chapter 16: Isabelle: First Loser

Grayson's staring at me, and all I can think about is how warm his body was against my back. How firm and gentle his hands were on my waist and hips. Everywhere he touched me itches with the memory. It's crazy and scary all at the same time. It's crazy because Cam and I just broke up last night - it's too soon to even think about getting into a new relationship. And it's scary because I've never felt such an intense connection to anyone before. Would God really put such a temptation in my life?

"So, what game would you like to cheat at next?" Grayson asks.

"I didn't cheat." I stick my tongue out, climb off the bike, and survey the other games. "How about that one?"

The game itself is shaped like a jeep and the object is to shoot killer robots that have taken over a local town. I've never so much as held a gun before, let alone shot one, but this is the only game that will put me and Grayson close together.