Chapter 38: Isabelle: Prove It

I spent the entire weekend cleaning, sleeping, getting ahead on homework, and intentionally avoiding Vick's party, despite Grayson's repeated messages asking if I was going. I have nothing against Vick; he's always been nice to me, even now, after everything that's happened with Cam, but I'm not exactly in a partying mood. I know Grayson's probably upset with me for ditching both the party and him, but he doesn't understand. No one does. By the time Tuesday rolls around, I'm anxious to be back in school.

Checking the time on my cell phone for what feels like the millionth time, I tap my foot impatiently. Where is Grayson? If he's skipping school today… Finally, he appears at the end of the hall, and I track him as he makes a beeline for his locker.

"You're wrong, you know," I say.

"About what this time?" He doesn't bother to look at me when he speaks.

"Everything you said at the beach last week."