Chapter 52: Grayson: Believing Belle

I sit on the couch, staring at the TV but not really watching it. My mind keeps replaying what happened at lunch. Belle put Cam on the spot, and the jerk squirmed. Is it possible she's been telling me the truth? Is she really an innocent victim of Cam's manipulation? If so, would she have told me the truth? Or would she have kept silent, allowing me to believe nothing ever happened? No matter what the truth is, it doesn't change the facts. She had her lips on Cam's while she was my girlfriend. That's unacceptable. For all I know, they kissed more after I ran out of the school.

"Ready?" Dad asks. He's freshly showered, his dark hair curling around his ears.

"Yup." I stand and shut off the television.

"Good, because I can't wait to get these stitches out of my hand. They itch like you wouldn't believe." He laughs and shoves his wallet into his back pocket.