
The party was already halfway through when Levi, Clark, and Jack arrived.

"How you want to play is your own business, just don't mess around too much."

Seeing Levi, Bruce told him that Adam had been here but had already left. After that, he no longer cared about Levi and let Levi and the others find their own fun.

This is not a remarkable gathering: before and after the Oscars every year, the influential media will hold a banquet to maintain their connections, saying that it is a celebration and prediction and it is more to inquire about the future of new trends, exchange with each other, to better development. It's just that many real Hollywood celebrities are participating in this banquet, which is grand enough and classy enough to look good.

Hollywood is a place that can be said to be very big but also said to be small. In terms of big, there are more than 50,000 actors, plus other professions, so there must be more than 100,000 people. Speaking of small, there are only so many top stars, and it is not difficult to invite almost every one of them to a banquet.

Jack has a high interest in such a banquet. As a young actor, he only wanted to become famous, so naturally, he also wanted to get to know more celebrities. Levi brought him into the banquet, and Jack and Clark also went around to strike up a conversation. Levi wanted to drink a few more, but who knew? He just drank too much.

When Levi vomited out all the contents of his stomach and let his drowsy head wake up a little with the help of cold water, he did not return to the banquet. He slipped to the back garden of the hotel by himself to have a little quiet.

'How long have I not experienced the feeling of drinking and vomiting?'

He still hasn't fully adapted to the time-traveling. He even forgot that the current body is no longer the alcohol-tested body of the past. Getting drunk after three glasses of wine was unbelievable to the previous self. Still, it is a real problem for the current self. But it's okay; If you can only drink less, it is better to drink less. Drinking is harmful to your body, after all.

At such a banquet, what he should do is find a beautiful woman, but all he did was drink.

Maybe he is too happy on this day - for Levi, the successful creation of the script and the opportunity to shoot a TV series are a firm step towards his dream. Such a step has never been completed in his two lifetimes.

Levi had always dreamed of becoming a great director in his previous life. He never had enough opportunities and abilities to try his dream at that time. To be a director, to shoot the stories he wants, to shoot the stories he likes - such a dream is so out of reach for him.

In his previous life, he had hit a wall several times. On the one hand, he didn't want to shoot nonsense scenes that were totally unreasonable and succumbed to actors and investors. On the other hand, he didn't want to shoot movies that could only win at film festivals but were not allowed to show to the public. He was not pleased with both ends, and he had paid enough for his ideas.

He never gave up and worked hard towards his dream. He has tried and worked hard. Although he has not been very successful, he has never given up. However, not giving up does not mean your dream will be realized.

If not for this time travel, his dream may still be so far away.

And now, he finally did something different from before. However, this success turned out to be so strange. He was reborn, crossed over, and became the second generation in the circle. Hence, success came easily - this subject matter that he didn't bother to use in movies in his previous life has now come true. Of course, this TV series is not something he particularly likes. In a sense, the filming of this TV series copied other people's ideas. It is not particularly glorious, nor can it be said that it is the realization of his dream. It's not plagiarism. But this gave him a chance to get closer to his dream. With enough money and enough status, he could shoot what he wanted, which was his accumulation. Maybe his means are despicable, but he will never forget his pursuit.

Everything has changed in the past and present life, but this idea remains the same in the two lives.

Moreover, even if he plagiarized himself, and maybe he was not worthy of talking about dreams, but Bob finally realized his idea. Look at Bob's happiness and people's excitement after realizing their dreams, and think about their own life; how could Levi be unhappy when he took this step?

Your dreams will come true one day.

A soft sound came from his ear, interrupting Levi's immersion in memories and dreams. He turned around and saw a woman with blond hair and a long pink dress. Unlike Levi, she seemed to have encountered something sad—her thick eye makeup had been messed up by crying so that Levi couldn't recognize what she looked like; he only saw a face full of crying makeup and a rather exquisite figure under the long skirt. Obviously, she also came to the garden to avoid the dinner party.

She is a very hot girl without looking at her face—maybe because of drinking, Levi found that not only is he sentimental today, but his thoughts are always quite divergent.

"Hello, miss." Seeing the other party crying as if she didn't see him, Levi had no choice but to say hello.

Seeing his presence, the woman dodged a step back as if startled. After seeing clearly that it was just a thin man in a suit, the woman was relieved.

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper." The woman opened her mouth, her voice was still clear, and Levi could also recognize that she was not very old; maybe it was more appropriate to say a girl, "I thought there was no one in the garden."

"You can completely ignore my existence." Levi smiled, "I'm not an important person anyway." His words didn't make the girl feel better; instead, she trembled and lowered her head even more, "Is it more important than me? Any person is more important than me."

"What's the matter? What happened?" Levi added the second half of the sentence in his heart: 'You might as well say it and make me happy.'

Maybe he drank a little too much, and when he saw a woman, the first thing he thought of was to tease and have fun, but who would be interested in hooking up with this crying makeup?

"There's nothing to be unhappy about. What can I be unhappy about? I'm a model from New York. My agent told me that I could come here and try to be an actor, so I came here. But until now, I can only act in third-rate bad movies in Hollywood, and in those movies, I'm just a bad character who plays a minor part!" The blonde girl had entirely forgotten where she was when she was talking, and she was full of bitterness, "I am a model, and I am not short of opportunities in New York. I like acting. People who have seen my performance say that I am a genius. When I came to Hollywood, I thought I could be successful. But here, I am nothing. I feel like a bad actor playing a bad role in a bad movie."

"Welcome to Hollywood." Levi spread his hands and made a bowing motion. This is Hollywood. I don't know how many girls who have dreams, have performance experience, and are famous beauties in their hometown came to Hollywood. However, after these girls arrived here, they realized that the opportunity to become famous here was not easy to find. Their talents and beauty are not as extraordinary and refined as they imagined.

Excellent actors from all over the United States and even most of the world are gathered here. Here, there are all kinds of beauties and talents. Many people can be one in a million in their hometown, but when they come here, they are nothing. Getting ahead here is not easy. Looking at the girl in front of him, Levi felt somewhat fortunate: Compared with these women who needed to wear heavy makeup and go to the banquet to seek opportunities, although her creative process was a bit more complicated, at least she did not lose her dignity too much.

Standing beside the girl, Levi surprisingly didn't think about comforting her and taking the opportunity to get some benefits. At this moment, he looked at the hall in the distance and the girl there, but he was thinking about other things.

Success and failure in this place of Hollywood are too direct and too much—Different from the undercurrents of other industries, Hollywood filmmakers live inside and outside the camera, and successful people can enjoy everything under the camera. Those who fail can only look enviously outside the scope of the lens.

There are two worlds inside and outside the lens. Maybe it's just a wall, but the difference between the two is as big as a gap that cannot be crossed. All the lenses are aimed at the inside of the lens. Countless people want to squeeze into the lens. For them, taking a step out will change their whole life.

"You came here hoping to get a new opportunity to perform?" The girl could no longer control her emotions, and Levi wanted to comfort her, but the dizziness and brain swelling made him give up the idea. Comforting a woman is a meticulous job; as drunk as he was, Levi wouldn't try it. Besides, he didn't like to win women's favor by consoling.

"I came here just for a photo shoot in the magazine. Not the cover, not the center page. It's just an ordinary piece. As long as I have a single report, I can have the opportunity to act in a movie, and I can usher in the peak of my career, but I can't get it. I thought I was an attractive woman, but here, I can't attract anyone at all! The way they look at me is like looking at a fool."

A standard report on "Variety Show" is worth 300,000 dollars. With that amount, you can find any woman. She is not without charm, but her appeal is not worth an ordinary report.

However, it is tough to succeed with her psychological quality of crying like a mess after being rejected by someone.

Maybe he was too drunk, and his brain was burnt out, or perhaps seeing Bob's happiness in realizing his dream during the day or possibly seeing Jack's disappointment in waiting for his dream, looking at her, Levi suddenly felt sympathetic, waved to her, and said again, "What's the problem? You can wait here for a while. Don't worry, isn't it just getting published in a magazine? I'll help you to have a section in the magazine."


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