Holloween Travel Plans

Enigma Inc. at this time.

Several partners have not received this good news yet. At this time, they were sitting at the table listening to Alexander talking about the income of the TV series.

"The TV series has been broadcast for half a year, and the income figures have completely exceeded our expectations. It differs from the TV series we originally thought would be good to support us in paying off the loan. Now our TV series can not only repay the loan but also can make money. The next part..."

Alexander reported the accounts, but the few friends around him were a little listless.

"Did you call us here just to talk about money? Since the TV series is making money anyway, why do you have to be so detailed? Just tell us, how much is the net amount it makes?" They are just complaining. Who doesn't know that their TV drama is making money?

The TV series has been filmed for half a year. In the past six months, the ratings of CSI have been quite astonishing, which has also made Levi and his company no longer a small company on the edge of the street. Now, they can be regarded as a relatively hot TV show producers. After producing a TV series with the top three ratings in the United States, any company will have a good income and reputation, and Enigma Company is no exception. Now their income is quite astonishing.

CBS makes money from advertising fees. Now that CSI's spot ads have sold for more than 200,000 dollars in 30 seconds, CBS is naturally earning a lot of money. As for Enigma Company, what they make is peripheral interests and broadcasting rights in other countries. Now their income is equally astonishing.

The first broadcast rights of this TV series were sold for 4 million, which is not exceptionally high. However, after the popularity of the TV series, the purchase price of the second broadcast rights has been raised very high. This TV series's second broadcast rights can sell for 800,000 per episode or even 1 million per episode. If there is such a price, this TV series can even have a record-breaking price for secondary broadcasting rights; it is enough to earn more than 20 million!

In other respects, broadcasting in other countries should also be able to return enough income-not to mention elsewhere, at least now the Canadian side has begun to contact to buy the broadcasting rights. And Europe, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and other countries are also reaching out to purchase broadcasting rights. Although the money they give may be much less and it is very rare to have an episode of hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, it still adds up no matter how small the share is. Fortunately, there are many buyers, and as long as there are more than a dozen countries broadcasting, that's hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.

The income of TV series comes slowly, and the possibility of losing money is high, but as a TV series with the highest ratings, there is no need to worry about sales.

Moreover, there are peripheral products and DVD production income in addition to these. In this regard, thanks to the help of CBS, those relatively large companies have full experience in this area, and the speed of making money far exceeds Levi's imagination. Six days after a hit show airs, there will be a DVD for sale before the next episode airs. And all kinds of costumes of the characters in the TV series will also be quickly released in the peripheral market of the TV series. The peripheral market of the TV series is very important. For urban TV series, it is necessary to ensure that people can buy the clothes that appear in the TV series after the new TV series is broadcast on Thursday for weekend parties. With the support of these peripheral incomes, CSI's current income is completely unimaginable.

Even Levy heard Alexander mention it because the TV series is quite popular. Even some game companies have contacted Alexander and intend to produce a game of the same name as the TV series. Moreover, some famous comic magazines have also submitted to the CSI crew, expressed their cooperation intention, and wanted to produce a comic of the same name. All of these can become money in the future. Alexander estimated that even conservatively speaking, excluding DVDs and sub-peripheral products that need to be shared with screenwriters, actors, and others, this TV series can provide them with a considerable amount of money in this regard for a year—a lot of money.

Originally, the people in the TV series were still thinking about whether the TV series would not earn enough peripheral revenue and be cut off by CBS. But now they don't worry about that anymore: follow-on revenue is almost double that of the first broadcast rights, and CBS will not cut its own cash cow even if it is crazy.

The income in all aspects is very high, so a few friends lost interest in listening to the individual account statements. When you are short of money, you can borrow or withdraw from the company; why bother to listen to the accounts?

Alexander shrugged and closed his folder helplessly, "Actually, I just did my duty... Of course, I didn't call you here for these. Let me tell you something happy: where do you want to go during Halloween?"

There are also gaps in the filming of TV dramas. It's time to discuss plans for the day off when TV shows go off the air during Halloween for a week.

"We want to go to Vegas. Do you want to come with us?" Clark looked up. This is actually the first time Levy heard about this plan, but when he heard it, he didn't express any objection: he had never been to Vegas, and he wanted to see it.

"The casino city is not suitable for me. After I went there last time, I learned to stay away from Las Vegas. No matter how big the number is, it is too small before the six points of the dice." Alexander shook his head, "Las Vegas is a good plan, but I have a better plan here. Are you interested in hearing about it?"

"Don't be secretive; just tell me."

"Do you know Victoria's Secret?"

"That brand that sells porn? Of course, I know."

"Damn it. I should have thought of it a long time ago. A person like you will definitely know about such things as the adult show..." Alexander patted his head, "This year, Victoria's Secret's Fashion show will be held in November, and before and after the event, there will be various parties. I helped you get invitations."

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show? Levi thought about it carefully, these things were not just the memories of his previous life, but he had heard people mention them in the past few months.

The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show has only been held for the third time so far. Now, this show is not as famous as it will be in the future; it only exists as a relatively trendy and alternative sexy show. However, although it is not well-known, this show is very attractive. Several people have heard of this name. Although they have never been to it, they have been fascinated by it for a long time.

And now, Alexander brought this opportunity to let them go there together.

"We can go to their show, and after the show, we can go to their party. A group of models, and a group of sexy models - I have a good Christmas present for you?"

"Chrismas is still months away, and, as a Jew, you still think about it. Are you worthy of your identity?" Michael complained but accepted the offer without hesitation, "Sounds good. Are you interested? I was going to go to Vegas on Thanksgiving and have a good time, but if there are porn models, the gambling thing can be put aside."

"I have no interest in porn shows; I have seen some, but it's not very good-looking," Bob muttered, "I'm not interested in modeling, but since we're going to New York, I also want to go home and visit my parents."

"You can't be more boring," Alexander patted him, "We are now the production company of the highest-rated TV series in the United States. Can't you indulge a little and celebrate with us?"

"I just don't like parties very much." Bob opened his mouth, "As I won't be with you for the duration, as compensation, I will buy air tickets for all of you to go to New York."

"Who told you that we need to buy air tickets to go to New York this time?" Alexander widened his eyes, looked at him, and laughed, "We don't need to buy air tickets - I rented a plane."

"You mean, you rented a private jet in order for a few of us to go to New York Circle? Are you crazy?" Bob turned around in surprise when he heard Alexander's words.

"How much money can we have? It was only sixty thousand dollars. What is this money to us? It's just your two weeks' wages, it's just a little money - Bob, we have money now, things are no longer what they used to be, and now we can have a good time!"

Yes, a few of them are rich now. The peripherals of the TV series are selling very well, and the crew is not too harsh. Instead of deducting the lowest 3% share, they have given a 5% share according to the usual practice. Bob's current income is not a small amount at all.

"That's right; I'll rent the plane." Bob nodded happily.

"Okay, let's go to New York... However, the off-air day is approaching. During the Thanksgiving off-air period, we also pay attention to making some arrangements. Alex, when the off-air day comes, the crew can go on a trip, and you arrange these things."

When he goes out to play by himself, Levi does not forget and doesn't ignore the crew. Thanksgiving is coming, and the four major TV networks' American dramas will be suspended. Most of the crew will take this opportunity to take the whole crew out to have fun - this can be regarded as a kind of benefit of changing directions when shooting American dramas; it is not necessary, but it is a habit.

Levy's crew has always been generous. In the filming of TV dramas, Levi doesn't like to be cheap, whether it's travel expenses or meal expenses. Unlike some directors who use their relatives for accounting, actors eat box lunches, etc., Levi still feels that a good show can be produced only by making the actors happy. Since they are already very generous at ordinary times, don't be stingy anymore when it comes to the travel season.

"Don't worry. I have made arrangements. The crew will go to Miami for vacation this holiday." Alexander also nodded, "The flight has been booked, and the vacation location over there has also been arranged. We will do our best for these things. If the actors are happy and are not in a hurry to raise their salary, I've got all the money back..."

'This guy still insists on the money.' Levi shook his head and didn't bother with him anymore, "Then let's get ready. We should also leave for New York for vacation."

Several partners got a little excited this time, and they set off one after another, starting to prepare for the trip to New York. In the office, Bob, who was walking at the back, was stopped by Levi when he was about to leave the office.

"Bob, I'd like to ask you to help me with something."

"I said you can't just let us know how much money the company has... What things need to be kept from them?"

"It's not really a big deal. I would like you to help me revise a script, a movie script, the script of the movie I want to shoot."


Thanks and kudos for my patreons Cherif Doghri and Abdishakur Hasan.

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