Wrapping Up

Levi admits that Charlize Theron is indeed a top-notch beauty.

From the beginning of filming, Levi has been emphasizing that Theron is a very beautiful girl. Especially now that she has a red face, she looks extremely beautiful. Even when Levi saw her, he couldn't control his thoughts.

It's just... this is where the movie was shot, and there are some principles that cannot be violated.

Levi sighed in his heart. He walked over, picked Theron up, and then turned around and put Theron on the bed, but he was already standing at the door and opened the locked door casually.

This move froze the smile on Theron's face. She didn't expect that the confession he mustered up his courage to make would be rejected like this.

"Aren't you going to stay?" Theron said with some embarrassment. She had never done this kind of thing before, and now she had done it once but was rejected, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

"Charlie, you are very charming. I really hope that I can stay here, but I know that you are just a little confused because I brought up the sad past." Levi had a little smile on his face. Looking at his appearance, he seemed to be a little regretful, "But, I can't do this. I can't take advantage of you."

Of course, Levi knows that it is easy to feel ashamed to reject a woman in person, so he also found a reason to make Theron less embarrassed.

"I don't care," Theron propped herself up on an elbow and stretched out her other hand, "I know you're doing it for the movie, so I promise it won't affect the shooting."

"You promised it, but I can't. I don't know if I would be able to scold you when I got to the set if I stayed. If I were with you at night and continued to scold you during the day, I would appear very immoral. If I were with you at night, I would stop scolding you during the day. It's also very immoral. Therefore, for the sake of better filming, I'd better not stay."

Levi felt very sorry for rejecting Theron's overtures, but no matter how regretful he was, he couldn't choose to sacrifice his movie just because of this. Levi is very clear that the ambiguous relationship between actors and directors will often destroy the filming process of the film. Work is work, and feelings are feelings. Now that Levi wants to pursue his own career, he naturally cannot make such a mistake.

"You rejected me just to scold me?" Theron's annoyance replaced her reverie.

"I'm doing it for the movie. Charlie, you're beautiful, but as I said, I'm more concerned with your talent than your beauty. We all want better movies now, so don't get involved in more stuff, Okay?"

As he spoke, Levi gently closed the door and walked out. His actions caused Theron behind him to wave her hands angrily, but immediately, a blush appeared on her face, and she couldn't tell whether it was shame or anger.

It's really embarrassing. I said something like this and was rejected by the other person. Moreover, he also said that she just messed around because she was in a bad mood. Did she look like such a messy woman?

But she couldn't help smiling: she didn't misread Levi; he valued the movie very much, and he also appreciated her very much. Respect your career and respect yourself; these practices are the talents you like.

It's just that someone who treats her so well, why should he reject her? Now, how can she see him in the future?


"Don't you need it? You may not need it, never need it—because you have no chance. They decide who will act. Even if you are a genius, they can easily deny you. You don't want to end up like Jessica, and I don't want to. I have to go." In front of the camera, Theron performed the most important and challenging part for her in this movie. This part of the plot is that after the deal between her and the minister was uncovered by her boyfriend, he asked her to stop this improper deal, but she still had to leave. In this scene, the heroine has annoyance, despair, unwilling, and naive mockery of her boyfriend. It can be said that it is the most challenging part to perform.

However, in this scene, Theron played exceptionally well. In front of the camera, her hands are twisted together, and the knuckles of her fingers have turned slightly white, which fully shows her unwillingness. There is a slight twitch, which well expresses her despair, while the teardrops hanging on her face that she has not had time to wipe off reflect her annoyance and the frivolity in her tone is mocking her boyfriend. Gestures, expressions, makeup, and lines, four different aspects, reflect four different performance levels.


Levi's stop yelled out, and there was already a burst of applause at the scene. Spacey, who is the leading actor in the movie, was the first to applaud, which made everyone on the scene cheer.

"Charlie, I have to say that your progress is quite astonishing. Compared with when the movie started shooting, your acting skills have improved a lot." Levi walked over, "This part is very good. Okay."

"That's because I'm a genius." Theron gave Levi a peevish look and threw her coat away.

Theron just fired her agent and is now on set with no one to help her with some assistant work. Levi finally came to collect her coat, just smiled, and said nothing.

After what happened that day, her acting skills have been improving, but when talking to Levi, her temper has always been bad. Although in private, she often referred to those actors' acting skills a lot, according to Levi's statement, she never mentioned these in front of Levi.

Levi didn't bother with her either. He knew that Theron was still a little angry with him, but he was in a good mood: this part of the movie was filmed, and he could expect a pretty perfect ending. After Theron's outburst scene, the movie's shooting can be said to be flat, and new problems must not be encountered.

In this play, there are only three main actors. Kevin Spacey got the script very early and pondered it for the longest time, and the script itself complements his personal temperament; there are many similarities. When he was acting, he only had some minor issues. However, Spacey himself is easy to speak, although as a star, every time Levi criticizes him, he can immediately correct it, which makes the cooperation very simple, and his role is also passed quickly.

For him, filming is a process of self-improvement. In the film, he doesn't have many lines and can only express the changes in characters through the changes of expressions. He was not used to such scenes at first, but with time he did everything well in filming.

The remaining one is Hugh Jackman's role. As the last protagonist in this movie, he also has quite a lot of scenes. Fortunately, his character has not changed much. What he needs to show is the charm and appeal of a playwright, and in some places, he needs to show the pain after his friend's death. The difficult parts of his filming are one is when the director buried him, his expression changed from grief to firm confidence, and the other was from when he found out that his girlfriend had betrayed him, to when his girlfriend was hit by a car, first grief, then desperation, finally turned to relaxation, and immediately ushered in the mood of devastation.

These two scenes are somewhat difficult, but fortunately, although the last scene has many changes in expression, it does not have to be fully displayed in a short period of time. These parts can be connected together with editing. Although these parts are very different in terms of plot importance, compared to Theron's outburst directly as a turning point in the play, these places are much less important. Jackman has previous stage play experience, and exaggerated expression changes are not difficult for him. Although these places were shot many times, they were completed in a short period of time.

The filming of this movie also made Levi quite satisfied: in the filming of the original film, there were many places, due to insufficient shooting conditions, the film could not use better shooting methods to show the movie, such as where the characters need to be concentrated, the clarity of the background cannot be guaranteed, and there are various noises and unsightly composition. In these aspects, Levi has made changes to it. Levi is already very satisfied with being able to shoot from beginning to end with better results.

"After these days of hard work, basically all the indoor scenes have been completed. The rest are a few short outdoor scenes. Starting tomorrow, we will go to Germany to shoot the remaining parts But don't worry too much. We can shoot the rest with the mentality of vacation."

While everyone was happy, Levi also loudly announced the next step of the movie. The interior part of the movie is basically all done. As for the location part of the movie, it does not take a long time to complete. The location part of this movie is only a dozen minutes in total, and basically, there are no expressive parts, and it does not require many shots. No matter how slow the shooting is, it can be done in half a month.

"Other people can have a vacation mentality. Do you think Theron can really have a vacation-like mood?" Standing beside Levi, Clark asked softly.

Levi shrugged and said nothing: he didn't regret his choice. It's just that I really need to do something for Theron, but how should I do it?

Maybe, give her a present?


Thanks and kudos for my patreons Cherif Doghri, Abdishakur Hasan, Adam LV, Danny York, haze2343, Scott DePaepe, and Dario Cameruccio.

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