The Media's Affirmation

Spacey's publicity on TV made their movie "The Lives of Others" attract a lot of people's attention at once. The movie's leading actor said that this movie is better than another well-received movie, which also makes the audience have great expectations for this upcoming new movie.

At the same time as the promotion, the film's review by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association Of America) has also been passed - the film has been sent to MPAA for review as soon as the post-production is completed. Universal's influence was revealed at this time, and this movie was rated as a PG-13 movie.

For a political film, having this level of classification is already quite a good result. With Spacey's talk show as the focus of promotion, the edited promotional film has begun to be delivered to theaters for promotion. In terms of promotional work, the movie "The Lives of Others" has also made preparations and is waiting for the film to be released.

However, at this moment, another person who Levi forgot called Levi.

"You haven't been home for a long time." On the other end of the phone, Bruce's voice was a little annoyed, "I heard that you had been back from Germany for a while, and the new movie is also being prepared for promotion, but why didn't you go home and visit?"

Bruce's question reminded Levi, who had been in a subdued mood, of what else he had to do, and he could only smile, "I've been busy recently. I don't have time."

"Isn't your movie already entered post-production? What else are you busy with?" Bruce mercilessly exposed Levi's lies, and Levi could only make excuses, "Movies, TV series, and I have to prepare my new movie. Recently, I have acquired several scripts, one of which is quite good. At the same time, I am also thinking about writing a script myself, and I am conceiving and creating it these days. There are so many things. Of course, I am very busy."

Levi's words are not false: the company is indeed buying scripts, and there are some undoubtedly good scripts. Moreover, even if he is tired of always being with Theron these two days, he also thought of planning a new movie script through TV news in his spare time.

"A new movie? You haven't finished shooting this one yet." On the other end of the phone, Bruce was a little surprised, "Nick, are you in a hurry? I haven't seen any good director shoot movies like drinking water. You shot a lot of episodes of CSI last year, and you filmed a movie this year. After your film is finished, you have to stay idle for a while to digress before you can think about the next one."

Levi understands Bruce's opinion very well: People think the film is the seventh art, and film directors are naturally the artists who create the seventh art. The creation of works by artists is not like masons plastering walls. How can works be poured out like blocks without thinking and preparation?

In this regard, Levi can only explain one sentence that is plausible.

"This period of time is the peak period of my creation." In this regard, Levi can only explain it in this way.

"It's not the first time you've said this to me. You've said it many times." Bruce snorted coldly, "Your movie has been sent to the media now. Do you need me to do something for you?"

After the filming is completed, it is natural to send it to the theaters and the media as soon as possible. On the one hand, the theaters will arrange the release, and on the other hand, the media will promote the film.

Many professional movie review magazines are monthly, and the competition is extremely fierce in December. There are hundreds of movies released this month. If a movie wants to increase its publicity, this is the time to buy media space with the media to promote your movie. When any new film is released, there are always articles of praise. Bruce's call is to ask Levi if he needs such praise.

"You can figure it out - I don't think it is necessary to buy layouts for my movie." In this regard, Levi is also very confident.

Bruce didn't say any more nonsense. After hanging up the phone, he got up directly and wanted to watch the movie. As a senior film critic, he has seen all kinds of filmmakers. As an older brother, he also knows what kind of person his younger brother is. Don't need publicity? How good must a movie be to be able to do without publicity? Except for those few classic movies, where are the movies that don't need publicity?

From Bruce's point of view, Levi has been a little proud recently. The TV series he filmed made him think of himself as a successful person. But he didn't think about how the things he thought about could be possible. No money, no publicity. Does he think his movie is a classic? Bruce was very happy that Levi went on to make a good movie, but Bruce still didn't believe that he could make a good movie. Shooting a TV show is different from making a movie, and it's much harder to shoot a movie than a shoddy TV show that can be shot an episode in a week.

Movies are not so easy to shoot. Levi thinks his movies are very good, so, as a film critic, he will let him know how far he is.

"Let's start the screening." As a big movie magazine, their magazine also has its own screening room. After walking into the screening room, Bruce signaled to the staff that the screening could begin. On the screen, the movie started playing. A line of subtitles appeared on the screen. Has the movie started yet? Bruce looked up too. Start with subtitles? The idea is relatively general. Still, why are the subtitles in the printer's font? Is there any deep meaning in this?

Bruce watched it with a question typical of film critics. Gradually, his little pride began to be lost. As the movie progressed, Bruce began to discover that there were too many unimaginable elements in this movie. He felt that he couldn't understand everything in his heart.

Shooting techniques, characterization, politics, gender, all aspects of the character development process—Bruce suddenly found that Levi was right. To fully explain this movie, it definitely needs a large page!

No wonder he is so confident; this confidence could not be more correct!

"Nick, you did a great job. This is the best movie I've seen this year!" After watching the movie, Bruce called again, this time with uncontrollable excitement in his tone, "It's so good. It's unimaginable, unimaginable that you shot the movie!"

"In your opinion, I can't make such a good movie?"

"No, of course, you can shoot it. It's just... I didn't expect it to be so fast." Bruce's tone was still trembling, "Father used to say that you are talented, but I still didn't believe it. If I had known that you had this talent, I would not have refused you to shoot a movie directly."

Levi laughed: If it was the little Levi before, he himself didn't know what would happen. But now, since people have changed, it's another matter. After ten years of hard work in his previous life, he has been preparing for half a year at this time. The actors are all the best actors he can find, with a top-level working team. Compared with the movies in my memory, it would be too shameful if his film failed.

The original "The Lives of Others" is already an excellent movie. Still, in Levi's version, the plot conflicts and task descriptions are more prominent, and better actors and soundtracks are used. The original plot is also improved to fix those loopholes in the film, this movie, compared to the original, dare not say it is better, but it is definitely more rounded.

"Nick, this movie will definitely be a success. I can't imagine why this movie will fail." On the other end of the phone, Bruce's voice was full of pride and excitement, and his tone was already very uncontrollable, "This is the best movie of this year, I believe. It is an absolute classic!"

"I have no doubts about it." Levi hung up the phone and smiled at Theron beside him.

"Is it your brother's call?" Seeing that Levi hung up the phone again, Theron, who was beside him, asked quite nervously.

Theron knew what kind of background Levi's family was like. She knew very well that Levi's brother was not only Levi's relative but also a famous Hollywood film critic. Critics will have a significant say in how a movie is judged. She is also eager to know the result of how Levi's brother evaluates the movie.

Of course, she also knows that since they are a family, if the movie is not made well, Bruce can probably use his privilege to treat the film coldly without causing any damage to his image. However, this is the first movie she has starred in, and of course, she hopes that someone will like this movie.

"Bruce said this is the best movie he's seen this year." Levi looked at Theron's eager eyes and deliberately dragged out his voice.

"The best? The best! Great!" Theron sat on the bed and jumped up suddenly. She clenched her fists and raised her head to the sky while laughter came from her mouth. If Spacey's talk show a while ago just made people wonder whether this movie is really good, then Bruce's words almost gave the film a positive evaluation. Spacey has the need to promote the movie, but Bruce has no such concerns at all. If he said that a film is good or bad, it is entirely out of consideration of the movie itself, and there is no need for him to deceive Levi.

This is the best movie of the year - and it's from the press, affirmation of the film!

The actor's approval, the media's affirmation, then the next step is to see if the audience likes it!


Thanks and kudos for my patreons Cherif Doghri, Abdishakur Hasan, Adam LV, Danny York, haze2343, Scott DePaepe, Dario Cameruccio and MMMCMXCIX, or 3,999.

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