Box Office

Although it is said that the new movie needs to be shot as soon as possible, at this time, the new movie has some minor problems. It's not easy to find actors for Amelie. Because the characters in the play are set to be older women in their twenties, so what Levi needs is a post-70s born actress with a very sweet smile and charming temperament. Because she plays a very large role, her acting skills must also be very good-the original director used Audrey Tautou, but she has not yet debuted. The original director initially wanted to use Emily Watson, but Levi also wanted to find a better candidate. This person is hard to find, and Levi can only entrust the actors' union to help him think about it.

He is busy with new dramas, while Alexander is staring at the box office of The Lives of Others. Unlike people's expectations, the trend at the box office is quite amazing.

In the fourth week, 66 million-there is still an increase of more than ten million. The popularity of this movie still hasn't gone. In the fifth week, 78 million—the box office has fallen almost the same as the first week. After a month of release, people are getting tired of it. However, the box office is still okay because it is the New Year, and many people are watching the movie. In the sixth week, 88 million—the box office for the week was less than 10 million, and the decline has been severe. In the seventh week, 95 million—this week, only 7 million in revenue. In the eighth week, 101 million—the box office of the movie exceeded 100 million, but the income from watching movies for a week was only 6 million.

A few weeks passed in a hurry, and the movie The Lives of Others finally began to give up the theaters it occupied in a large area. Although the media estimated that the film would last for a while, the sporadic regions that refused to remove it had little impact on the final box office.

"According to the figure that the box office can exceed 100 million, it is estimated that even if it is a large-scale downgrade, there will be nearly 100 screens that can last until March, and even some areas may last longer, maybe by May, there can still be about 20 screens supporting it. Before March, making another two to three million dollars a week is not difficult. From March to May, you can still earn about 500,000 dollars a week. ...In addition, Germany, Britain, Spain, and other countries have not yet released it, but they will release it soon. It is estimated that the overseas income of this movie can also be 20 to 30 million. The final movie's box office is estimated to be 130 million to 140 million."

Several people were doing statistics in the company, and Alexander was very satisfied with the results.

The movie's show time is over, but there are many theaters in the United States, and some places will not show pictures for a while, and it is common to leave twenty or thirty screens for at least two or three months. It's just that these incomes are small. At this time, the conclusion can be drawn: the North American box office of the film is about 100 million, and the total box office is about 140 million dollars.

"The box office is being counted, and there are no definite figures yet, but what is certain is that it will definitely be among the top ten movies this year. This movie has already surpassed the movie "My Best Friend's Wedding" with certainty. Our movie is slightly inferior compared to "As Good as It Gets" and "Good Will Hunting," but it is definitely among the top ten films this year."

The Lives of Others is not a big-budget commercial film aimed at the box office, so this movie didn't expect to have a high box office revenue. Such a movie has such an income that it is already very good. No one expects this movie to be on par with Titanic, and the more in-depth a movie is, the less market-oriented it is. This year's most in-depth film, L.A. Confidential, has a box office of only 60 million, and their movie has now surpassed most literary movies by more than two times.

This result was also beyond Levi's expectations. One hundred million is a surprising figure, but looking at the box office of "As Good as It Gets" following behind, Levi can only sigh. The decision to release it together with "Titanic" is correct; the blockbuster that pulled everyone out of the house, the movie that drove the entire Christmas season into a frenzy.

This is not the success of one film alone: ​​even with such a total box office, it still cannot enter the top five box office rankings of the year: Titanic, Men in Black, and Jurassic Park 2, these three Movies, like Big Macs, occupy the top three places in the box office, and their box office revenue is so terrifying that people can only sigh when they watch it. Under them, Jim Carrey's comedy "Liar Liar" and Harrison Ford's most combative U.S. presidential movie "Air Force One" also occupy the fourth and fifth positions, the king of comedy and old-fashioned action. The box office appeal of superstars is unquestionable. As comedies and action films, the box office revenue of these films will inevitably exceed that of literary cinema.

And if you go further... Jack Nicholson's near-perfect performance this year has supported the movie "As Good as It Gets," making the movie's box office still above The Lives of Others. In this movie, Old Jack once again showed his near-perfect acting skills. Unlike other actors whose acting skills are too strong and can easily cause others to perform abnormally, Nicholson seems to have an acting aura that can drive actresses to improve their performance. The moderate performance has greatly improved the acting skills of the people in this play, and it has also won people's praise.

Moreover, there is still a movie that has not yet officially launched: on December 5th, "Good Will Hunting" had a trial screening. Although the response was good, in order to avoid the Titanic, they decided to hold the official release until the end of January. When the film is officially released, the box office of this well-received inspirational film may be higher than that of The Lives of Others. Although the official broadcast was in January 1998, since the film was released in December, after the trial broadcast, it was considered a movie released in 1997.

With a box office of 100 million, in the end, it can only rank six or seven in the box office rankings-this winter's movie market is also very hot.

"We chose the right time. No one thought that Titanic would often bring movies to such a great level this winter. A movie with a box office of 600 million in North America, plus three Christmas movies with a box office of over 100 million, Such a hot market can be described as unbelievable."

Yes, the market is too hot, and Levi nodded slightly. He could remember how Titanic swept thousands of troops this winter, but he didn't remember how the market was so hot this winter.

Because of the popularity of the release of Titanic, many viewers flocked out of their homes. During this Christmas period, they flocked to the movie, which also made the movie's box office continue to rise. This Christmas is almost a carnival in the movie industry, and all films have a good box office.

"If the box office of this movie is determined to be 100 million, we will have a pretty good return. Of course, compared with those few monster-level movies, our income can be said to be very small, and it can even be said to be 100 million dollars is extremely bad. Still, if we evaluate it according to the investment amount of 20 million dollars, our movie will make a lot of money..."

"You can stop talking nonsense and just tell us how much money we made." Clark interrupted Alexander's rambling, and Michael standing behind him, gave him a punch to keep him from speaking. The whole room is now waiting for Alexander to say the number so that everyone can be happy. Clark interrupting his words was somewhat inappropriate.

Alexander glanced at him, and his eyes were a bit reproachful, but he didn't continue to say more, shrugged, and turned the topic directly to the main topic.

"Okay, then I'll talk about the numbers... After deducting theater share, taxes, distributor's share, and promotional expenses, in the end, our income is about 40 million U.S. dollars for our movie — Excluding TV broadcasts, DV and videotapes, and peripheral markets, just the box office revenue, 40 million!"

Clark, who was still accusing Alexander of procrastination, was the first to let out a sharp whistle. All of a sudden, everyone in the room cheered at the same time. They clapped each other's hands in celebration.

"Wow, it's unbelievable. An income of 40 million... double the income. Although it's not much, there are profits."

In fact, with an investment of 20 million dollars and an income of 40 million dollars, although it is 100% profit, it is nothing to the lucrative movie industry. Enigma Company is far more profitable than this for filming TV dramas. But the joy of successfully filming a movie is entirely different from that of a TV series, and the moods of several people are also very different.

"Now that the movie has been played, we no longer need to calculate the remaining bits and pieces of money - the income of 500,000 dollars a week is not enough for our teeth. We can't share the money in overseas markets. I think it's almost time, let's hold a celebration party and invite all the actors to celebrate. The awards season is coming soon, and we should get together." Jack was on the side, talking about his own opinion — Of course, it's more likely that he just wants to have fun.

Levi made some plans in his heart and spoke.

"Just have fun. Invite all the crew. We really should get together and celebrate this movie, and maybe we can spend some of our income."


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