
Levi admitted that he never thought that he would meet such a tempered actor: after hearing that he opposed her idea, Winona Ryder immediately said she would come over to talk immediately. Whether the director has other things, she doesn't think about him at all, and she is completely self-centered when doing something. This kind of style of going her own way can be said to be full of a big-name atmosphere.

Moreover, what surprised Levi even more, was that Winona Ryder, who came to the Enigma Company, did not come here alone. Behind her, there were more than a dozen people following her. The appearance of these people made Levi's party disrupted in no time. The music stopped in an instant, and everyone's eyes turned to the door.

"You said that if I want to act in your movie, I have to come over and give you an audition. Now that I'm here, if you want an audition, you can do it now." The entire party looked at the door, but the uninvited guest standing there was unaware of what she had done wrong. Winona Ryder stood there with an unpredictable sweet smile, still saying hello to the people she knew at the party.

Surrounding her were bodyguards, assistants, managers, public relations managers, makeup artists, and drivers, and she alone brought a whole star team, no less than ten people. Among the group of people, Winona Ryder can definitely be said to be the most eye-catching one: this 27-year-old actress still looks radiant and quite beautiful.

"This woman is crazy. She thinks we are her babysitters. Do we have to obey her wishes?" Clark looked at Winona and said with some dissatisfaction.

Clark's dissatisfaction was because Winona's ostentation was too big and disturbed the party. As soon as she stood here, she immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. Levi looked at Theron beside him. Although she couldn't hide the envy on her face, she was more jealous of being robbed of the limelight.

Levi waved his hand and stopped Clark beside him from speaking. Although in his heart, he was also a little surprised that Winona's actions were too arrogant, he also knew that Winona might not really be looking for trouble. These stars who became famous at a young age may not be very clear about many things sometimes. Living under the halo since childhood, it is inevitable that they do things a little differently.

"Miss Ryder, we are having a party."

Levi pointed to the hall, which also made Winona understand something. She waved her hand and signaled her people to leave, leaving only her manager to follow her, and then, she lightly accused the agent, "Jason, you should have told me that they were having a party. I don't want to be a party spoiler. Sorry to interrupt; I didn't mean to. I just want to talk about this movie, I have my own ideas, and I want to talk to you."

It sounded so insincere... Levi complained in his heart, but he also knew that it would be impossible not to talk about it at this point. He waved his hand to make the party music start again and gestured for Winona to lead her manager into a room next to her.

The people on the dance floor jumped up again, but many people in the venue were staring at the room not far away, wanting to know what the two people in the room were talking about.

In the room, Levi also felt a little tricky at this time. Although Winona basically didn't bring anyone in, her manager Jason arranged for her to sit on the sofa as soon as she entered the room, and then he himself sat next to Levi.

Negotiations with the agent are the most troublesome.

"My client is here to talk to you about the filming of your script 'Emily.' Mr. Levi, my client has shown enough sincerity, and I hope you can do the same and show enough sincerity."

[E/N: The title of the script is changed to Emily as this movie is based on New York.]

Winona didn't speak, but Jason spoke first at this moment. Sure enough, in this negotiation, it was not Winona who spoke but him.

Enough sincerity? Levi sneered in his heart. You big stars, the word sincerity is not quite the same as those of us on earth understand it.

"I know what your client thinks, but don't you think you should call me first if you want to audition? At least you can prepare the shot and see how it fits..."

"Mr. Levi, it is my client, Miss Winona Ryder, who is talking to you. Is there any need to pose in front of the camera?"

Jason spoke with a proud tone. Levi glanced at the agent, who rushed to talk with some dissatisfaction, but he also had to admit that there was nothing wrong with what he said. Winona Ryder's face is so good that the camera can't find any trouble; even Levi can't deny it.

Levi has been observing Winona since she entered the door: both her looks and her poised demeanor are quite perfect. She came to play this role, which can be said to be very good.

"Now that I've come here, there's no need to talk about those basic auditions. I think the only thing we're really worth discussing is whether you're willing to let me play this role." Winona directly got to the point and became a little anxious, "SAG, the distribution company, and other messy things, I can handle them all. I came here just to ask: I'm giving you very generous conditions. You don't have to worry about losing money. The investment is mine, the loss is mine, and the money is yours; why don't you cooperate?"

"I'm not short of money." Levi replied immediately, "It's a small amount of money to make a movie. I rejected your investment because I want the final editing rights."

"We need to ensure that Miss Ryder has a sufficient positive image in the filming, which is what we need." Jason immediately opened his mouth. He said, "Our return is not low. Use this money in exchange for you to shoot a movie for Miss Winona, and we can get what we need."

"Sir, this is exactly where our contradiction lies. What I need is not to shoot the movie for her, but she made movies for me. What I need is not money but good movies." Levi also answered without hesitation: From the beginning, this manager has been very arrogant, which made Levi a little angry.

Levi's words made the manager's face turn cold. His tone became much tougher: "Mr. Levi, you should know what this movie means to Miss Ryder.

Is there a chance to turn around?"


This sentence hit the street, and Winona's face, which had been inactive for a long time, finally changed, and her manager immediately reprimanded him, "Your words are too funny..."

"Okay, Jason, shut up. You're deceiving yourself. Do you really think I don't know what a bad movie is? I know you're doing it for my own good, but there's no need to hide everything from me."

Finally, Winona, who had been silent all this time, opened her mouth, causing her manager to stop talking at this time with some embarrassment and indignation. It wasn't until this moment that Levi understood: Winona Ryder took a fancy to this movie and thought she could shoot it easily. She didn't care what Levi's film company was doing. And her agent, on the one hand, kept whitewashing the peace in front of her, telling her how successful the movie was, and on the other hand, hoped to rely on her fame to make Levi give in and hand over the movie to her.

It's hard to say whether what this broker is doing is right. Levi also sighed a little: because his client is a big star, he dared to quarrel with the director, but he lied to his client to coax her to be happy. Even if such an agent had the right intention, his handling ability is making people anxious. Winona Ryder has acted in many bad movies in a row, and it may have an inseparable relationship with this bad guy.

But judging from now, Winona at least knows that when it's time for her to come forward, she can't rely too much on her agent. Although she valued this manager, she didn't obey him 100%.

"Director Levi." After stopping the agent's words, Winona did not let him speak again but chose to communicate directly with Levi, "I hope to participate in the production; the first is to hope that the film production will hurry up, the second is out of selfishness, I hope to shoot myself better. The final editing rights are in my hands, but I will not mess around, and we can even discuss it, can't you consider?"

"Miss Ryder," hearing Winona's words very clearly, Levi said straight up, "You are an actor, you have some thoughts, and you shouldn't make yourself act well through editing; that is self-deception. If you want to improve your acting skills, you have to think more about the problem from the film's perspective, not from your own point of view. A film is a work of art only after it is shot, and it is nothing when it is separated. You can't make a good movie like this; what you need to change is your thinking. I am a director, and I will guarantee to maintain the image of an actor, but you are an actor; you just need to consider your role well."

"Miss Ryder doesn't need you to tell her what to do." The agent spoke again.

However, this time, Winona did not object immediately. She tilted her head, stared at Levi's face for a while, and then said, "I've heard this before." Oh? Has she heard this before? Levi was a little surprised, but Winona spoke again, "It was Tim Burton who said it when I heard this for the first time. Although he didn't say it to me, I remember it very clearly. I can say if it comes out like this, it is definitely trustworthy."

As if the name Tim Burton had a significant influence on her, Winona, who was still insisting on producing her own film just now after hearing Levi say this sentence, she no longer was persistent.

Winona leaned forward with a smile on her face, "Then, tell me, how will you ensure my image well?"


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