Awards and Nominations

Levi covets a few things from the Hong Kong industry, such as martial arts instructors. Compared with Hong Kong's martial arts instructors, the current Hollywood martial arts instructors are more than one level worse.

Compared with Hollywood actors who only know how to train muscles, Hong Kong movies are far ahead in martial arts instruction. American martial arts directors follow the path of fighting sports. They want to find good-looking movements from fighting and summarize them into action movies. It's a pity that the movements of combat sports are really lacking in aesthetics.

For example, UFC, which is considered to be the most fierce fighting, seems to be very powerful. Still, it really lacks aesthetic feeling. This is why the audience has always been inadequate compared to boxing. Anyone who watches fighting wants to see fierce fighting from fist to the flesh, not the two muscular men hugging and rolling on the ground. No matter how powerful this style of play was, it could not reverse its unappealing issue. And even for boxing, Holyfield and others in the late 1990s are trying to make this sport extremely ugly through clinching...

The movements in the movie need to be beautiful first and powerful second.

Hong Kong's film industry is much ahead in this regard because Hong Kong's martial arts films are not based on combat sports but on the vividness of martial arts. The accumulation of years of stage performances has made their martial arts movements incredibly stretched and highly aesthetic. The martial arts dramas developed based on these stage shows are very beautiful, and this is why Hong Kong's Kung Fu movies became so famous for a while and even became synonymous with the biggest image of Hong Kong movies.

Levi knew that Hong Kong's action movies had entered the American market in the past few years. Hong Kong is getting more and more depressed due to over exhaustion of martial arts movies, and most of the artists and choreographers left the country for work. For example, Yuen Woo-ping became famous as the martial arts instructor of The Matrix the following year. Wouldn't it be better if he could recruit him in advance?

Besides, apart from action movies, there are still some things in the domestic film industry that are worth getting his hands on. In terms of script creation, there are still many really good scripts over there, some of which are very wonderful ideas that inspired European and American movies. In terms of making props, Hong Kong's many props-making skills are different from those in the United States. As for composing, photography, and all other aspects, Hong Kong has its merits—although they are not good at technology and investment, they are quite good at applications.

Levi never thought about saving Hong Kong's film industry: those short-sighted guys can do one movie a week by themselves, and the only way to save them is to brainwash them. Moreover, what is the benefit of saving them? Levi was not from Hong Kong in his previous life, and he didn't have much of a good impression of the people there.

Of course, there is no need to tell Theron about these things.

Moreover, he wanted to invite Theron on a date, but he turned my attention away when he met someone else. He really went too far.

"I'm busy these days, and I've neglected you," Levi said apologetically.

His tone softened Theron's heart, "It's okay, you are busy with serious business, and career is the most important thing, I can understand."

"Then I have to thank you for your understanding." Levi smiled, "Here's a present for you. The nomination luncheon at the Oscars was over, our film had received multiple nominations, and as the producer and director of the film, of course, I was also invited. I want to invite you to come to the Oscars with me. Would you like to go?"


This word made Theron's heart beat a little faster, but she soon controlled her emotions.

Another message in Levi's words made her even more concerned, "Didn't I get any nominations?"

In the last Oscar application, Levi asked Theron to apply for the supporting actress instead of the leading actress - she didn't have many scenes in the movie, and it was too disadvantageous to sign up for the leading actress, but it was more rewarding to sign up for the supporting actress - this is one of the tricks commonly used in Hollywood.

But the result...

"You are still young, and you will have opportunities in the future." Levi didn't say it clearly, but everyone could understand. This didn't comfort Theron much. She just snorted coldly and then fell silent. After a while, she spoke again, "After returning from Berlin, my new movie is about to start. I'm going to New York to shoot Woody Allen's new film."


She nodded.

"I will go to New York to film in a month, and I will see you then."

"My new movie is starring Leonardo." Theron ignored Levi's words. Her mind is not here, "He said long ago that if he is not nominated, he will not go to the Oscars."

"So people say he is stupid."

"But I think this is very good." Theron said softly, "If I were just an outsider, I would be very happy to hear such an invitation from you, but I am also an actor. I don't want to be your female companion at the Oscars; rather, I would go when I am an invitee."

Levi understood Theron's mentality a little bit, and he just shrugged lightly, "But you know, if you want to get an invitation, it's very difficult."

"I can work hard. I am still young." Theron returned Levi's own words, "Going there so early now will make me lose the motivation to work hard. And, even if I can't succeed in a few years, I can let you take me and see it."

"You're not afraid that after a few years, I won't be eligible to participate in the Oscars, so I won't be able to take you there?" Levi asked rhetorically.

"Don't worry, at that time. I'll take you there - I have enough confidence in myself." Theron laughed.

"Charlie, you are so stubborn..." Levi smiled wryly.

Theron's reaction was really unexpected. He initially thought that even if Theron had her own petty temper, she would be very yearning for Oscar, but who knew that she would be so arrogant that she would refuse to take any apparent opportunities.

She is indeed already a very hard-working actor.


If Theron's refusal to attend the Oscars with Levi is bad news, then what happened next is good news.

In the following Berlin Film Festival Awards, The Lives of Others easily won the Golden Bear Award for Best Feature Film.

Levi is very satisfied with the award. Even if he didn't get the other award he wanted, the Silver Bear Award for the director, he didn't care too much: the Berlin Film Festival is a place to share the cake. It's impossible for any one movie to get too many awards. The Lives of Others won the best film, so naturally, it will be difficult to win other awards. Initially, Kevin Spacey could compete for the best actor, but he didn't come. Although he is recognized as an actor who performed exceptionally well, because he did not come to the film festival, this award fell to Samuel Jackson, who was willing to appear at the film festival.

As for the best actress, it went to Fernanda Montenegro for Central Station; this Brazilian movie released in January this year is very good, and the performance of the Brazilian grandmother is indeed impeccable. For her to win this award, Levi is also extremely supportive.

The awards at the Berlin Film Festival were not too many. At this time in 1998, the Silver Bear Awards were only awarded to the best director and male and female protagonists, and there were no more awards for scripts and soundtracks. For the film festival, winning the most glorious Golden Bear Award is equivalent to getting the highest honor.

"I am very grateful to the Berlin Film Festival for its affirmative attitude towards me and the support for our crew. This film received the support and help of many German filmmakers from when it was filmed to the present. I have seen the true pursuit of film art and reflection on the past from the German filmmakers. Thank you again for this attitude, and thank you for allowing me to win the award."

After a short speech, Levi also walked off the stage. Theron, who was sitting next to Levi, quickly noticed that Levi's expression was a little too plain, "You seem a little unhappy?"

"Why? I'm very interested in this thing. It just doesn't have to be too exciting."

In his previous life, in the domestic media reviews, there was always a sense of wanting to brag about the films that won awards in foreign film festivals, as if the films recognized by foreigners were good films. If it were his previous life, Levi would be thrilled to receive such an award, but now, after Levi has won the Golden Bear Award, his heart is very peaceful.

There is no other reason because, these days, he has won too many awards.

Even if Levi has already arrived in Europe, the craze for awards has not yet passed in the United States. After the Golden Globe Awards, Directors Guild nominations, Screenwriters Guild awards, North American Film Critics Association awards, Los Angeles Film Critics Association awards, New York Film Critics Association awards... There are many awards coming. There is never a shortage of awards. These days, Levi feels a little numb after receiving awards.

Some of these awards can be very important, while others are worthless - hundreds of film festivals worldwide exist. If the various awards are counted in detail, there are tens of thousands of them, and not everything is very important. In his past life, Levi always had no access to foreign awards and felt that an award was worth a thousand dollars, but now that he has acquired more awards, he understands: These are not difficult.

If there are too many awards, there is nothing worth caring about. Although the Golden Bear Award is an important award, it can even be said that Levi, in ​​his previous life, would not have dared to dream about it, but now it seems that it is nothing.

Too many awards have also taught him how to ignore other people's eyes.

Up to now, Levi also somewhat understands why some people only value the Oscars - because apart from the Oscars, other awards are indeed suspected of not having enough weight.

Of course, when it comes to the Oscars, The Lives of Others also got a big harvest. The Lives of Others has also received multiple nominations at the Oscars, and Levi will soon go back to participate in the Oscars after attending the Berlin Film Festival.

Best Motion Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Cinematography, Best Original Screenplay, Best Editing, Best Art Direction, Best Sound Editing - Levi's film won eight nominations in an unexpected burst.

Unlike other film awards, the Oscars have a variety of finely divided technical awards. In other film festivals, it is difficult for these behind-the-scenes workers to be given enough attention, but here, they can all be nominated and get the opportunity to show their faces in front of the public. And this is where the shooting level of a movie is tested. The number of nominations in the technical category often represents whether a film is shot well enough. Eight nominations, five of which are in the technical category, have also verified the strength of The Lives of Others.

As a new director, being nominated for so many awards is unimaginable. This also made Alexander laugh from ear to ear: their film company has just been established, and there is such a film that can attract worldwide attention, which made them extremely excited.

It's just such an attitude didn't affect Levi much. Although he has high expectations for the Oscars, Levi knows that despite many nominations, he probably won't get much.

Eight nominations may seem like a lot, but if you do the calculations carefully, you will know: the selection of the best film, in terms of business, The Lives of Others can't compete with Titanic, and in terms of depth, it can only be said to be on par with L.A. Confidential, and it will be very difficult to compete for the best movie. Although some people are desperately suppressing the Titanic, saying that it is a commercial film and clamoring that the Oscars cannot succumb to commercial films - Levi himself knows that this film is definitely not just a commercial film in the eyes of filmmakers.

Regarding the best director, he is only 25 years old, and this is the first time he has been nominated. Levi is confident that he has talent, but he will not be conceited and thinks that his talent has completely exploded. If he didn't blow up his talent and has no status compared to other nominees in the world, then he can be sure that he has nothing to do with the best director.

Further down, the nomination for Best Actor has quite a chance. Kevin Spacey again won the Screen Actors Guild Awards in one fell swoop. Starting with two consecutive important weathervanes, he is also full of confidence. Although Old Jack is indeed an actor that everyone in Hollywood likes, it is not certain who will win this award this time.

Among the awards for other behind-the-scenes workers, in terms of script, Levi's film has great hopes but not much in terms of photography. Although people have always praised the shooting method of The Lives of Others as good, no matter how good it is, it is only through the skillful use of various traditional shooting techniques there is still a qualitative gap. For technical awards, significant innovative technologies are more important than the proficient use of technologies.

In terms of sound effects, The Lives of Others was nominated because the skillful switching between the wiretapped sound effects and the typical sound effects highlighted such effects; these can be said to be well done, but they are nothing new, and it isn't easy to win the award.

In terms of art direction, this movie did an excellent job restoring the German style in the 1980s, but when it comes to the Titanic, what good art direction is there?

Apart from these other awards, it has nothing to do with Levi. Levi is also aware of this; whether it is the best costume, special effects, or soundtrack, it is not reserved for movies like The Lives of Others, and it is normal not to get these nominations. As for Best Editing, although they were also nominated, everyone knows that these two items must also belong to the Titanic. Levi is very satisfied with the work of Clark and Michael, but with the few people who are just fledgling, compared to Fox and Paramount, there is still a gap in the blockbuster film that has been created with all their strength.

Overall, only one of the eight nominations can be awarded in the end—this makes Levi smile a little bitterly. It's not that their team didn't work hard; it's because the opponent is too powerful! How could a monster like the Titanic let himself catch up?

If things go wrong, his movie will be a big tragedy. Even if it is done well, it will be a tragedy. But then again, if there is a selection of the top ten Oscar tragedies in the future, maybe his movie will be on the list...

With the Oscars just around the corner, other film awards naturally seemed meaningless. Levi now wants to know what kind of evaluation his movie can get.

He has gained a lot from his films and has already received a lot of recognition, and the most important and final award is now in front of him. Only when you get it can you be considered a real success. Let yourself see what you can gain from this Oscar!


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