The Supporting Actors

Amidst the media's doubts and Jim Carrey's uneasy mood, the film "The Truman Show" was launched on time in November of 1998. Levi's new movie was launched at this time, which still attracted many people's attention.

After eight weeks of release, Emily was drawn; although in some areas of Los Angeles and New York, the movie is still showing, and the screenings in Europe have yet to end, the box office in North America has basically been confirmed.

The film's final box office was 180 million — a little more than There's Something About Mary, and as time goes on, the box office in some regions may exceed even more. There is still a big gap compared with Saving Private Ryan and Armageddon. But it is already superior to its peers in this year's movies.

In this year's December schedule, no blockbuster movies are confirmed to be released, so if nothing else, this movie will become the third highest-grossing movie this year. This excited the American media: on the box office rankings, the third and fourth movies are romantic comedies, a situation that has not been seen for many years.

The film's high box office and high ratings have reduced the media discussion about the launch of Levi's new film. Although people are not optimistic about Jim Carrey's acting in dramas, people also remember that just over half a year ago, people were not confident about Levi's filming of romantic comedies. However, this high-grossing movie has proved that Levi has a way of impressing people.

The film has also received considerable popularity outside the United States. When Winona promoted the movie in Europe, she was also highly sought after by European film festivals: Such a good film is enough to amaze Europeans: Compared with the United States, Europe is more interested in films with profound content.

And all this also got some attention for Levi's new film. Although the media generally believes that this movie will not be very good, however, in the eyes of some viewers, this movie is still worth looking forward to.

"Director Levi is a person who is willing to try different things. He doesn't want to follow the rules and shoot what others specify. This is a good thing."

When the audience was interviewed, their attitude was to wait and see. After all, Levi has already directed two good movies, and the characteristics of the two good movies are still different. How can such a person be sure that the third movie will definitely be bad? The audience is different from the media; they pay more attention to the movie itself.


"Actually, if you ask me, these two movies are really not at the same level. The framing of Emily, the shooting, the color, and the music is much better than There's Something About Mary. That movie just depends on the low-end entertainment caters to the masses to become popular, and that kind of movie is really boring."

On the set of The Truman Show, the actors couldn't help talking about Levi's last work. Sometimes, they even ask Levi about the movie. Since it is on the set, the director is also obliged to answer the actors' questions, and the one who has the courage to show this point of view in front of Levi is Mark Wahlberg, one of the important supporting roles in this movie.

Mark Wahlberg has not long become famous but has some unique views on movies. After arriving on the set, he has been communicating with Levi, hoping that Levi can give him some pointers. Among the actors in this play, he is the one who chats most actively with Levi. He has always hoped to show some of his insights in front of Levi so that Levi will value him more.

Levi knew what he was thinking: For a newly established actor, how to choose his own path is the most important thing. In terms of acting skills, his acting skills are quite satisfactory. Although he is good, he doesn't have that kind of extraordinary talent. In terms of appearance, he is not very handsome, and it is difficult to stand out. Moreover, he is not as talented as Matt Damon, nor does he have any exceptional talent for comedy. Such a situation makes him wonder how to develop.

Comedy? Art films? Commercial movies? These roads troubled him considerably. As for Levi's current reputation, at least he has a good reputation for being good at directing actors. If Levi can give him a good path, his future may be very bright.

Many actors look forward to meeting a director who appreciates them because a good director can save them many detours.

"Don't say that other people's movies are not good. Diaz's temperament is suitable for this kind of drama. Everyone has their own unique temperament. If you discover the temperament, you can shoot a movie with a high salary." Levi's words made Wahlberg a little restless.

Levi smiled at this: He'd seen enough of Mark Wahlberg's movies to know what kind of role he was suited for.

Levi values him in this play, in fact, because of his appearance and temperament: his appearance is quite a typical American man's face; in this play that brings together Canadians and Australians, his appearance can make the audience feel a little bit better.

Moreover, his temperament is also very unique: he was born with a face that can show the vicissitudes of life, and he looks like a depressed and humble person, but he can show a strong heart and a positive and optimistic side. Such a person in the first half of the play, as a good friend of Truman to persuade Truman, will be very convincing.

A small person with a strong heart and a bit of experience in life, such an appearance, in fact, has already explained his way of acting.

"Mark, in fact, I sincerely suggest that you go to the gym after the filming of this movie is over. Get in shape, and then shoot more military roles, which is very suitable for you."

There is no shortage of war movies in the United States, and the protagonists of war movies are generally experienced, resolute, and brave men... Mark Wahlberg is the most suitable for such a movie. If he develops well, he can definitely become a top actor in this kind of drama.

In Levi's memory, although he has acted in many types of movies, the most satisfying ones are military movies, so he suggested that.

This suggestion made Mark Wahlberg quite satisfied. Although fitness is not his hobby, for an actor, he has to do the work.


"Everyone has their own type that they are good at? In your opinion, what type am I good at?"

During the chat, Holland Taylor, who played Truman's mother in the play, also spoke. As an actor in her 50s who has not yet become famous, she also wanted to hear Levi's opinion.

"You have a lot of personality and can show some very distinctive qualities. It's a pity that such a female role is not very popular with the audience. If you really need my advice, you can try to act in some sitcoms because the exaggeration of sitcoms suits your acting style very well."

Levi's suggestion was also based on his memory. In his memory, the deepest impression of this actor is the mother in Two and a Half Men.

Holland Taylor was not surprised when Levi suggested that she act in a TV series: a 50-year-old woman can't act in any movies in Hollywood, so she might as well act in a TV series.


It's just that Amy Adams is different compared to her open-mindedness.

"When Truman looks over, shouldn't I smile sweeter? I have to give Truman some hints before he will pursue me?" In the studio, Amy Adams was also constantly asking Levi for advice.

She and Levi have known each other for a long time: she has been the leading actor since CSI, and it can be said that she was an early team member of Levi's business. Her luck is also quite good. It is rare to become famous in a TV series in Hollywood, and the director also took her to act in a movie, which is even rarer. But she was not satisfied with it; she wanted more.

"Don't make it too sweet. What you need to highlight is your classical and elegant temperament, your intellectual beauty rather than sweetness. You must distinguish your beauty from Watts's and don't make them the same." Levi explained, "You don't have to worry too much. You won't be able to shoot your scenes anyway. I heard that you are losing weight for filming. It's best not to work too hard."

Hearing Levi's advice to her, Amy Adams just smiled. She plays an intellectual beauty very well, but because she needs to act in some teenage dramas, she also needs to lose weight to make herself look more girlish. This process is very painful, but how can you become famous without little pain?

In this regard, Levi can only accept: if actors who have not become famous want to have a promising future, they can only work harder. In contrast, famous actors have it much easier.

As an actor like Ed Harris, Levi doesn't need to say anything. He was already a top Hollywood actor, and he was very good at playing supporting roles. Especially the gloomy and introverted characters, he can perform very well. In the movie The Rock, which has already been released, his performance is quite flawless in the scene where the soldiers are approaching the city. All he needs is a few movements and a few lines of training to make his gloomy temperament as a controller more prominent and his lines more convincing.

Among these supporting roles, he is the most worry-free. Levi sighed unexpectedly; these actors sought him to highlight their parts after becoming famous.

If he doesn't know the future, it would be quite troublesome.

But his current troubles are not the supporting actors but the real trouble of this movie is the protagonists.


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