
"Honey, I cooked the Macaroni. Don't fix the lawn mower if it doesn't work. If it doesn't work, we'll just buy a new one. I saw a brand new Ikea weeder; maybe we can try the new one or something."

Standing on the steps, Watts first glanced at the broken lawnmower on the ground and then seemed to think for a while before reaching her conclusion. Half-bent, she walked down the steps and pulled up Jim Carrey, who was squatting. Before Jim Carrey stood up, she returned to the steps and led Jim Carrey up step by step.

"Cut! Excellent, that's it for this part!"

Watching their play, Levi shouted loudly to stop.

"Pay attention to the focus here. Truman and his wife are standing at different depths. One is in the basement, and the other is standing at the door. The lighting behind them is also different. Two people are shown separately to emphasize this scene. In the minds of two people, it is the reality for one and a reality show for the other."

Levi is still telling the photographer, but Jim Carrey has stood up. The makeup staff came over to touch up his makeup, and his assistant also came over and handed him a glass of water and let him rehydrate.

"Unfortunately, there is only water here. It would be great if there were Macaroni." Jim Carrey drank water, turned around, and greeted Watts, "Excellent performance; at least now I really want to eat macaroni."


"You are so strict, dear wife," Jim Carrey joked nonchalantly, "You don't have a show yet, and you still want to control me as a wife?"


Watts didn't argue with him, just shrugged and smiled.

"Jim, you have to admit that Naomi's acting performance is no worse than yours now." Beside them, Levi came over and said.

Jim Carrey grimaced, and Naomi smiled.

Levi gave her an encouraging smile.

He's telling the truth: it's impressive.

The angles Watts moves and her movements are brilliantly done. Relying on her movement, she didn't let the too troublesome height difference show up, and relying on her own designed eyes and thinking movements, she also made the ad that she needs to appear quite natural.

This move made Levi admire: a good actor who is smart enough. The positions and movements designed by herself really look natural.

Naomi has also gradually found her acting advantages during these days: she can't be as arrogant and charming as Jim Carrey, and she can't be as quiet and introverted as Ed Harris, without saying a word. Then, her advantage is naturally her control over the details.

"Okay, just repeat this section again. Naomi, stand more naturally, don't look like a model."

After a few words of advice, Levi let them all go away. And behind Levi, Clark watched them with interest, and it took a while before he spoke.

"It's very strange. You haven't even chatted with the lead actress in the past few days." Clark looked at Watts and suddenly said.

"Why do I want to chat with the heroine?" Levi asked back.

"I just thought it was your hobby and your special ability. You made two movies and slept with both the heroines. And you value the heroine again in the third movie..."

"Those two things are just accidental events; there is no necessary connection." Levi frowned.

Why did he give people such an impression?

"I'm not a sex maniac. I don't sleep with everyone. I've known Amy Adams for two years and haven't done anything."

"Movies are different from TV shows." Clark shrugged.

"Stop thinking about it. This is impossible. I value her a lot because of her good acting skills and her ability to adapt to many different roles.

Charlize's temperament is too strong, it is difficult to play a weak image, and Winona's filming is completely according to her own temperament.

Winona contacted me a while ago and said that when she was promoting in Europe, some British people approached her and thought her temperament was very suitable for playing the British. They asked her to play in a Shakespearean play, and she agreed.

I thought if I really wanted to find an excellent actor to help me film, then Watts was the only possible candidate."

"Have you thought about what to shoot in your next movie?" Clark asked back.

"Why do you ask? "

"This play is not your script. Shouldn't there be a new script by now at the speed you are working?" Clark's attitude seems to be saying a matter of course, "You are a workaholic. It is impossible for a workaholic to take a long break. It is normal for you to stop for a few months and have a new movie."

For Clark's understanding, Levi could only smile wryly and shake his head: Where does he have any new ideas? He keeps filming, but because he has to seize the opportunity from his time travel, he is afraid of being taken by others, "I'm not a workaholic... I guess I'll have to rest for a while after filming this movie. In fact, I'm also very tired. Don't you know if I'm busy or not during this period of time?"


Indeed, Levi has been very busy these days.

While Levi was filming 'The Truman World,' Alexander and Michael were doing another thing: they were trying to make the movie 'The Notebook' together.

Levi didn't participate in this matter but still paid attention to it. Although it was not his script and he is not the director, he contacted Aniston, and Michael was responsible for finding the leading actor.

To Levi's surprise, he actually found Jude Law to play the role.

This is the first time Enigma Company has filmed a work that Levi did not participate in. Levi is also very concerned about how the filming is going.

One's own company can't just be a private workshop for one's own service; it is still a very necessary attempt to expand some businesses.

The two films were going on simultaneously, making Levi's work much heavier.


The time has come to December, and the awards season of the new year is getting closer. Will Emily be able to win the Oscars? There have been gains in the world, and people have been talking about it.


Clark knows all these things, Levi mentioned it now, and he nodded, and after nodding, he also thought of something, "Which movie do you think has the most hope for this year's Oscars? Can Emily succeed in the Oscars?"

"How would I know? I have no idea about this."

Emily is out of the theatres in Europe now, and this movie's box office has reached an astonishing 250 million worldwide.

Although compared with the same type of There's Something About Mary, its global box office is much less. But coupled with the rave reviews of Emily, it can be said to be a double harvest of box office and critics' scores.

People are not concerned about the box office when the awards season is approaching.

However, although Emily's evaluation is good, the Oscars do not necessarily have a share because the competitors are very hard on publicity.


At this time, several other works for the Oscars also appeared. 'Shakespeare in Love' was released in December and received good reviews: as a classical drama, it is indeed very qualified. And 'The Thin Red Line,' 'Central Station,' 'Life is Beautiful,' and other movies have also received good reviews.

People have been discussing which one is better in the outside world.

The film's critical acclaim for 'Shakespeare in Love' has fueled Weinstein's relentless efforts to put his movie on the map.

He is constantly contacting the media, raising issues about the most popular 'Saving Private Ryan,' and at the same time singing the praises of 'Shakespeare in Love.'

Classical British dramas are highly praised by the media, and now the momentum he has created has made 'Shakespeare in Love,' one of the most popular.

Levi is no stranger to this kind of situation. It's not just Weinstein who is making trouble; Spielberg's counterattack is not weak at all. These two films are now in the middle of a row in the media, and it feels like the Oscar for best picture will only be selected between them.

Not only that, but Weinstein also tried to pitch Gwyneth as a Best Actress contender. Moreover, many people in the current media are promoting this possibility.

Levi said that he didn't know how to judge, and it was precisely because of this: in Levi's memory, he only remembered that Gwyneth Paltrow won the Oscar this year.

She has acted in five movies this year, and her name has almost never been missing in the media throughout the year, which has made this unobtrusive actress continue to be popular throughout the year.

This made Levi suddenly wake up: he could shoot movies but couldn't change public relations.

For Oscar PR, even recognized slackers like Gwyneth can shoot five movies a year to make themselves the center of attention, and they really work hard enough.

[A/N: Gwyneth has not made movies for a long time. When interviewed, she said it was to take care of her children. But later, someone broke the news that she hired three nannies to look after the children. She didn't act because she was lazy, and she was complained about by many people because of this.]

Seeing this strength, Levi also doubted that his film could compete with others.


Levi had little interest in winning an award. He also finds it very boring to watch others fight back and forth.

However, at the same time, he is still a little curious, how did 'Shakespeare in Love' beat 'Saving Private Ryan'? Levi still didn't understand this point.

He really wanted to know how did 'Saving Private Ryan,' which has always been well-received, be pulled down?

These things, in his mind, have been somewhat unclear.

This doubt was finally revealed in December.

"Nick, have you read the news? The Pentagon is attacking Iraq again."

The sudden call from Bruce stunned Levi for a long time, and then he realized something: Is this why 'Saving Private Ryan' was unlucky?

Hollywood is the stronghold of the left and has always been the place where the anti-war wave is the most fierce. When encountering this kind of thing, Hollywood will definitely actively oppose the war.

And in the wave of anti-war, war films want to win an Oscar?

How can this be!


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Cherif Doghri

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