
Seeing that Levi and Alexander noticed her, Bündchen also left in embarrassment and returned to the room. She knew that Levi boasted that she was smart, maybe she really thought she was smart, but maybe it was more of a reminder. When the top executives of the film company were talking about things, she shouldn't be too smart to eavesdrop.

After all, compared with them, her status is too low.

"Nick, I thought your life was a lot better now. At least you'd date women with brains... but model? I don't know how to rate your behavior; I thought you'd be more interested in thoughtful Women. Looking for a model? They'll just take your money."

Outside the door, their discussion continued, but the content changed. The contempt for the model in Alexander's words can be heard very clearly, even through the wall. Bündchen knew that they didn't care what she heard, and Bündchen could do nothing about this contempt: she knew that compared with the partners of Enigma Company, her status was too low.

Compared with the film industry, the modeling industry is really unbearable. This industry looks beautiful, but behind it, it is extremely difficult. Even the most stunning models can only earn 10,000 US dollars a day, but in the eyes of movie actors, this kind of money is really too low. Even for second-tier movie actors, the income is several million after the movie. In comparison, the life of a model is hard, and the money is too much less. This industry is far less beautiful than actors.

"It's not a relationship at all... It's just a relaxation with a lot of work pressure. You can't let me be alone when I'm on vacation, right? They all have jobs, and I don't want to go on vacation alone."

"Then find a model? What is there to talk about with this kind of woman?"

"I said, that girl is very smart... and do you think I am just for fun? Some work considerations also make me want to get in touch with people in fashion."

Is he disarming herself for work? Bündchen, who was in the room, didn't know if this was just Levi's excuse or if it was true. But what difference did it make to her? Anyway, both she and Levi knew very well that their communication was definitely not love: of course, Levi thought so.

Bündchen also knows what she's doing. She was not surprised to hear that Levi had other women, nor did she care. It's not because she's a fan: Bündchen has seen Levi's movies, and those movies made her feel wonderful.

She doesn't know how to judge a film, good or bad, but at least she liked to watch Emily very much, but she doesn't particularly like The Truman Show. The Lives of Others is a movie that she doesn't want to watch a second time after watching it once.

Just the second day he met her, Levi expressed his admiration for her mind, making her proud. However, reflecting on their interactions, she realized that she had not learned much about him in return.

However, she knew very well how much weight Levi's name represented. She knew very well that whenever Levi's movie appeared in front of people, people were full of discussions about him.

She also knew that 'The Truman Show' had been released for six weeks, and the movie's box office had exceeded 200 million. If nothing else, this was another extremely successful movie.

And for Levi, if a movie is successful, he can go to various award shows; he has been there in the past two years, so there is no reason he can't go this time. And that is also Bündchen's ultimate goal; she wanted to be at the party, and if it was the Oscars, it would be great.

Bündchen has always been very clear about what kind of event an awards show is in the entertainment circles of the United States and even the world and what status the Oscars hold. It has received too many people's attention. If the film is the crown of the entertainment industry, then Oscar is definitely the jewel on the crown.

Bündchen doesn't understand movies and doesn't like movies very much, but this doesn't affect her knowing Oscar's reputation. She didn't know the mood of those people sitting in the hall watching the movie awards ceremony.

Still, she knew that the clothes worn by the stars who appeared on the red carpet were the most prominent brands before various awards.

She also knew how many people in the fashion industry are affected when those famous brands' clothes are worn by different people and walk on the red carpet. Every time they step on the red carpet, how many people will be watching them.

For a model, walking in a top fashion show can make a model become famous overnight, but how can Oscar's carpet be compared with ordinary fashion shows? Maybe it's not as professional as a runway, but the name Oscar and those involved can shame any runway.

And the person who can bring her to Oscar is right before her eyes.

Every model has dreamed of walking on the red carpet and being watched by the whole world.

Thinking about her own dream and seeing that Levi participated in the Oscars for two consecutive years without a female partner, Bündchen couldn't help being a little unbearable.

Such a large waste of resources is really unimaginable. If only she has the opportunity to go there for a walk...

Gisele Bündchen has always had enough confidence in her figure. She is very sure that it is difficult to find a figure better than her in the whole world. She believes that when she is wearing famous brand clothes and standing on the red carpet of the Oscars, all the actresses in Hollywood will be compared to her beauty - the figures of those women are nothing compared to her; if she had, How could they have the opportunity to appear on the screen, and the endorsements of those brands?

'If I can walk on the red carpet, if I have the opportunity to show my figure and fashion taste on the red carpet, if I have a chance, let the whole of America know me...' Bündchen bit her lip. Even just thinking about her life's opportunity would excite her.

As Levi said, she is smart enough. It is precisely because she is smart enough that she will ask to come to Los Angeles and see Levi. And after seeing Levi, she also took the initiative without hesitation; in her opinion, all of this was worth it.

As long as Levi can be satisfied, take her to appear in public, or even walk around on the Oscars carpet, she can save a lot of struggle. She knew very well that there was only one reason for her to find Levi, and that was because Levi's identity was sufficient.

He doesn't even have to give anything, and he can get a lot for herself; this is what human status brings. Even as his attachment, she can get a lot of benefits.

As for paying the price for it... whether it's at work or in private, what does it matter?

The door of the room was pushed open, and Levi had already sent Alexander away and came up again. Seeing him appearing before her, Bündchen immediately smiled as if she hadn't heard what he said.

She lay on the bed, trying to make her body look perfect: she didn't need respect from the other party; she needed something else.

"I'm sorry, there are too many affairs in the company, and I'm very busy..." Levi came over and apologized to Bündchen, "But fortunately, it's basically finished."

"Attractive." Bündchen replied with a smile, "Compared with the man who brings me breakfast, I admire the man who can talk about tens of millions of business in the morning."

Levi laughed: Of course, he knew the girl approached him for some other purpose, but the girl in front of him, who didn't hide it at all, gave him a great impression of the contrary.

"I'm glad I'm attractive in your eyes. I'm planning to invite you to go to Miami with me."

"Go to Miami to film your new TV series?" Bündchen remembered what she heard.

"It's mainly for fun; someone will take care of shooting TV dramas." Levi shook his head, "Do you have time?"

"For your sake, of course, there is." Bündchen propped herself up on herelbows.

"That would be great." Levi sat down by the bed, "There are sunshine, beaches, and yachts. If there are no beauties in a place, it will lose a bit of taste. And if you go, we can have fun, and by the way, I can also ask you some things about the fashion industry."

"To meet more girls?" Bündchen laughed.

"No, it's for work." Levi shook his head. "Disney asked me to make TV shows. There are two shows that I've been thinking about. Now that I have free time, I just want to learn more and figure things out."

"What kind of show?" Bündchen didn't expect that in Levi's mind, he really wanted to make a show about models: she thought those words were Levi's excuses.

The man came to her not because of her figure but because of his work - such things made Bündchen somewhat uncomfortable. However, some unaccustomedness can be left behind; what she wants to know more about is what Levi's so-called TV program is.

"Those are not the key points to think about now..." Looking at Bündchen, Levi didn't want to say anymore, "Now, we have more important things to do."


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