
When the news that Levi was preparing a new film, and the leading actors of this new film were as many as four old and new Hollywood actors, the whole of Hollywood was a sensation...

Such news even robbed Jim Carrey of winning the Best Actor Golden Globe Award and took away the limelight of American Beauty from the Golden Globe Award for Best Feature Film.

Even Levi, who won the Golden Globe Award for Best Director, was not asked the most about his feelings about winning the award, but about his new movie.

Levi did not expect the movie to attract so much attention: he wasn't prepared to release the news on this day to surprise the world. It was Bob who just got the script out, and he announced it at this time.

He initially thought it was the awards season and people would pay more attention to the nominated films, but who would have thought that people would be highly enthusiastic about his new movie.

Although The Truman Show was nominated for an Oscar, it was, after all, part of Levi's past glory. Compared with that movie, people want to know more about the news of this new Levi movie.

One of the biggest reasons people are so interested in this movie is that this movie seems to be different from previous movies. Everyone knows Levi likes to use well-known actors in his filming — all three of his films used well-known actors.

If he wants to make a new film, he will also find famous actors, which is not what made people surprised, but finding four famous actors in one breath shocked many people.

Almost everyone in Hollywood knows that if there are two outstanding actors in a movie, then this movie will undoubtedly be a movie in which two heroes fight against each other. The play's excitement can excite many people as long as there are two top actors.

And for this movie, four top actors were found at once - De Niro can be said to be a superstar who has long been a god. Liam Neeson is also a top actor who won the Tony Award. Brad Pitt and Norton, they are highly respected among young actors. Everyone is greatly interested in the effect the four will produce together.

Of these four people, if any two people cooperate, it can be said that it is a strong alliance; If all four people play in the same movie, what will this movie be like? This question has affected countless people. Not to mention, this is still a work directed by Levi.

Having four stars does not necessarily mean a good movie; having such a lineup to make money is not impossible. But if there is a good director directing it, that's another matter. This director has just won the Golden Globe Award. He has always focused on his films' literary and artistic aspects over commercial ones. His movies will definitely not be used to make money.

The media is very clear that Levi's TV series made him a lot of money, and money is not a big deal for him, so he must have recruited four stars to shoot a classic movie — if not, why find four stars to make a movie? He could make a good movie with a single star but found four at once. Does this mean that he has strong confidence in his next film?

What kind of movie will this be? And that's what people are all interested in. After the Golden Globes, this has become one of the most popular topics.

"What we are preparing to shoot is a gangster film."

The media quickly got an answer to this question — in fact, Levi didn't want to hide it. After the script was written and filed with the Screenwriters Guild, a new production crew began to be prepared, and many staff members and extra actors were recruited. It was impossible for this movie to be kept hidden from the media all the time. At this time, breaking the news is not a bad thing.

In front of the media, Robert De Niro confided the news of the movie, "This is mainly a movie about the struggle between the police and gangsters. Naturally, I play the boss of the gangster in the movie... This is an exciting story. Director Levi saw the script in Hong Kong and handed it to Robert Richmond to adapt. The film crew is still director Levi's old team; I believe this will be a good film."

De Niro's words made many media excited again. This is also the effect Levi hoped for. In fact, this movie can be said to be a cop movie because it describes many police situations, but in essence, it is closely related to the gangsters and cannot be separated. With this kind of background, you can say anything.

However, Levi knew very well that many people would not care much if it was a gangster movie, but if it was a gangster movie by De Niro, the effect would be different.

Gangster movie? Robert De Niro as the mob boss? This news made many media even more excited. De Niro is an actor who played the Godfather, and he was Scorsese's queen actor. He has acted in too many classic gangster movies. With him around, Levi's expectations for the film couldn't have been lower.

Moreover, the film itself and the rest of the lineup are not bad: the screenwriters, editors, and photographers around director Levi are all recognized by the world, and these people will not make the film bad if they work together. Those other actors are also of high quality. The combination of these people and a strong production team are used to create a movie.

Moreover, De Niro's words also revealed other information: Levi specifically went to Hong Kong for this script to adapt it? How good is a script that Levi values so much?

The gangster film itself is a subject that is prone to classics. Many directors have displayed their unparalleled talents on this subject. Amplifying the beauty and ugliness of human nature with the help of the life and death of gangsters is a good way to make the movie highlight the theme. Levi's films are always excellent, and this time he chose the subject that is most likely to appear in classic cinema, which inevitably made many media think about it.

However, while the media were thinking about it, they also noticed something else.

"If Director Levi is really going to shoot a gangster film, he must figure it out first. Gangster films are not literary and artistic films but purely commercial films. Does he really know how to shoot commercial films?" After the shooting direction of the movie, some media also raised objections.

After all, this kind of movie is quite different from the films Levi made before. In addition to the depth of ideological content, gangster films need to pay attention to another vital aspect: shooting big scenes and fast pace.

While life and death show the beauty and ugliness of human nature, they must also have commercial elements. People also doubt whether Nicolas Levi can make these films well.

The elements of a commercial film are different from those of a literary film. A literary film needs to show the heart of the characters, while a commercial movie needs to show classic scenes.

It is the consensus of Hollywood people that it is not good to make commercial films in the style of literary films, and they are also worried whether Levi can really do a good job.

Although Levi is indeed a big-name director, he has never played a commercial film in the true sense. Moreover, judging from the actors he recruited, they were more focused on their acting skills.

Can such a mentality make a good commercial film?

Of course, even if Levi made a gangster film as a literary one, it would likely be very successful. But if so, it will always make people feel something is missing.

Moreover, another doubt that people have is directed at the script.

"In Hong Kong movies, many good gangster movies have indeed been created. Some of the themes, scenes, and stories of gangster movies are worth learning from.

However, Hong Kong movies are, after all, a relatively backward film region. It is said that in Hong Kong, some scripts can start filming without even spending on sub-shots, and even some big-name directors use flying pages to shoot directly when filming.

It is doubtful whether a good script can be produced in such an environment. Director Levi said he had taken a fancy to a good script, but why didn't he write a script closer to American society but have to buy a Hong Kong script?

How could a Hong Kong script be completely compatible with the American environment?"

This question is also an even bigger question from the media: It is not impossible for Levi to shoot gangster movies, but why do you have to find a Hong Kong script?

After digging a little more, the media reported that no company in Hong Kong was willing to shoot for this script. Is it really possible to bring it to the United States to shoot a movie?

If you want to make a classic, wouldn't it be better to find a script in the United States? Why do you want to go abroad?

"This group of guys started talking nonsense about us without even reading our script." Regarding the media's evaluation, Levi could only shake his head and smile.

This kind of self-important thinking of Americans has always existed. Although their movies are indeed very good, this kind of statement that they think they are the world's boss and other people's works are not good is really speechless.

"I don't care what the media say. I want to know what our actors think of our script?"

"The actors are very satisfied. They all said that this script was acceptable. Now, they are waiting to start filming at any time." Clark immediately answered Levi's question, "Bob's revision is very good, and the current script has almost noticed all the problems you mentioned." "That's good; since the actors are satisfied, and I am satisfied, what do we have to worry about? We use this script because it is good. Let's get ready for this movie; start shooting!"


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