
Seeing Levi's eyes, Brad Pitt smiled a little embarrassingly.

He still remembers that when he first joined the crew, he also liked to tease the women in the crew - filming is very tiring, and some life adjustments are also very good.

It's just that the ridicule of that time was still fresh in his memory. When he was talking to Aniston, Levi stood aside, and with just one sentence, they didn't want to talk anymore.

"I'm really curious," Levi's words seemed to be joking at the time, but his expression seemed serious, "If you two give birth to a child, how big will your cheeks be... I don't think it's necessary to play a hamster makeup."

After this joke, Aniston scolded Levi for a long time, but since then, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston have never wanted to talk to each other.

Brad Pitt always thought he was handsome, but his cheeks were bigger; it is indeed a fact of existence, and some people in the media have made fun of him. And Aniston does have this problem. Although she is considered a beauty, her face shape is not particularly standard.

Before that, none of them felt that the other's appearance was strange, but after Levi's words, when he saw her, Brad Pitt always thought of the cheeks; no matter how he looked at her, he felt awkward.

He believed she probably felt the same way when Aniston looked at him. When they see each other, what they see is not the beauty of each other, but their own shortcomings presented on each other, as if each other has become the embodiment of their own ugly side, which is awkward no matter how you look at it.

Levi probably said this on purpose: he didn't like the actors doing other things instead of filming well in the crew, so he deliberately disturbed them with acrimonious language.

However, it was awkward.

Anyway, the play between the two of them only lasted a few minutes. Aniston was just a secondary actor who came to the studio to shoot for a week with a salary of one million. After this period, she was out of sight and out of mind.

In this play, she is not considered the heroine at all. The meaning of her existence is nothing more than a symbol of William's pursuit of a peaceful and happy life while simultaneously arousing William's uneasiness in his heart.

What she needs to do is no different from any other romantic comedy: she just needs to be in the house and talk about the layout of her new home. It's fine to talk about your own novel ideas.

The only difference is that in a romantic comedy, she gets a hug or sweet words from her boyfriend, but in this drama, she gets perfunctory rhetoric melancholy caused by her boyfriend.

These scenes actually made Brad Pitt a little helpless: in the movie, he even had to cheat when he was in love, and he was superficial with his own woman, more fake than real, saying that this was a double agent. There was no protagonist treatment at all.

By contrast, Norton's Colin is much better. In the play, he not only has the role of meeting and getting to know a beautiful psychologist but also that his ex-girlfriend is willing to raise a child for him - saying that he can play the demeanor of a successful person. However, he was much more successful than himself.

Moreover, the most speechless thing is that even the actor playing his girlfriend is much better than the actor playing his own girlfriend.

Brad Pitt quickly figured out one thing in the same crew: Although Aniston has a good image and is very popular with Americans, the acting skills are really not much.

It's been almost ten years since she debuted. But she can still only play the sweetheart and funny role in front of the screen, which also explains the problem. Even for a director like Levi, she can only play this role.

In contrast, although not well-known, Naomi Watts has amazing acting skills. In the play, the difficulty of the character she played completely surpassed the difficulty of Aniston's role, but she played it even better.

She was the actor who played the lead actress in Levi's last film, The Truman Show.

Although she is famous now, she is not considered a star. He heard that until she was 30 years old, she was still playing some low-level roles. It was not until Levi met her that she gradually became popular. Levi's vision is indeed impressive.

Glancing at Naomi, who was sitting on the side and talking to others, Brad Pitt also shook his head in admiration: "It's really inspirational for this woman to become famous at the age of thirty."


However, what Brad Pitt didn't know was that while he was admiring Naomi's outstanding acting skills, Naomi was actually under a lot of pressure.

Naomi's role is indeed not straightforward: in the movie, she needs to play a psychologist who falls in love with Colin.

On the one hand, this character must have the side of a psychologist: she needs to discover Colin's anxiety, restlessness, and distrust of people in the play, and she provides the treatment. Treating him with indifference, making him think that she doesn't care about his secrets, that he is safe trusting herself, and that resting in her own clinic improves his insomnia and anxiety; these are what a psychologist should do.

At the same time, she also has this woman's side: while she needs to show that she doesn't care about Colin's secrets, as a woman, she is attracted by Colin's personal charm. Started to have feelings for him. Because of the obstruction of the working relationship, this kind of relationship can only be superficial and cannot be made public until the final confession moment.

This kind of implicit but unexpressed emotion must be shown in the movie as if it is nothing so that the subsequent plot will not be abrupt.

Initially, the role was limited, and it was a torment to show both sides of the character. Although not many people pay attention to the duality of her character, she has to show it.

Naomi found that her role was not as straightforward as in some dramas where she directly slept with a man: showing love simply and roughly is much easier than playing like this.

However, she can't do that in this movie: Colin is alienated from society as an undercover agent, and he cannot enjoy a normal life. As a consultant, she can only hook up with patients sometimes.

This is respect for an industry: even if it is disrespectful, at most, it will make the industry association dissatisfied and complain a few innocuous words, but respecting other industries is also a kind of respect for facts, which is what Levi values.

This role requires more speculation. She also saw that Levi wanted to show the characters and the story well, and her character had to be more realistic and delicate.

It's not easy, but it has to be done: among other things, Levi has used herself as the heroine in two consecutive films. This trust makes Naomi very grateful.

She knew she was not Levi's muse and could not inspire Levi, but Levi continued to inspire her. And she has no further relationship with Levi, so Levi can pay attention to herself desperately.

Although the two have cooperated before, they only collaborated in the movie. Under such circumstances, Levi is still willing to continuously use her as the heroine, which is very surprising.

She still remembers Charlize Theron, who was invited by Levi to be a guest star, looked at herself with scrutiny and hesitation when she heard that she was playing the heroine: she was the first actor Levi used, and it is said that the relationship with Levi is a bit ambiguous, but she has never been able to get the chance to act as the heroine of Levi's movie again, but she has such an opportunity, no wonder she has doubts.

When she thinks about it, she also feels that she and Levi have something to do — it is something people like to do by themselves, and Levi is not a gentleman praised by everyone. It is usual for her to have such doubts.

However, if she wants to doubt, let her doubt it. It's not worth explaining to her. What can she be dissatisfied with? Levi even promised to help her film a movie in the future. Is it worth being jealous of herself?

Moreover, she is not the only one who is suspicious, and many media are discussing why Levi, who has changed the heroine in every movie before, used the same actor this time.

As long as you act well, are you still afraid of others gossiping?

But, having said that, there are still quite a few troubles when performing. She needs to play opposite Norton in the film, and that's the problem.

Norton's appearance can only be described as average. He doesn't have a handsome face that makes people jealous. Compared with Brad Pitt in the same group, he is quite different. Because the other party is not handsome, she can't act like she has a crush because of the other party's looks.

How to make her character with professional ethics fall in love with someone who is vigilant, suspicious, anxious, and even violent about things around him in a short contact?

This requires her to show extremely high acting skills and give full play to her personal charm.

But when two actors played against each other, if one person pushed their personal charm to the limit, the other could easily become a supporting role.

If Naomi doesn't want to play a supporting role in this performance, if she doesn't want to act like a lovestruck in this scene, she has to show her charm. But how?

Edward Norton's excellent acting skills are recognized. She has to keep up with his footsteps and be able to play with him. This is her challenge.

"Actually, you can consider talking to the director, adjusting the camera angle, and turning it sideways so that your facial lines look tougher. Your expression can be more pitiful than seeing through all the tricks of the other party. This fits your identity, and it can also highlight your character..."

Sitting next to Naomi, helping her with ideas, was her fellow Australian, Heath Ledger, an actor ten years younger than her and, to a certain extent, a more outstanding genius than her.

His advice has also benefited her greatly in acting and expression. While performing his own role, he was also able to help Naomi prepare for the scene, and his mind is obviously very good.

"Thank you, I will think about this part again." Thanking her fellow countryman, Naomi also began to think about the role again.

With the director's trust and the help of her companions, her performance this time should be even better. Others want to wonder why they can continue to be Levi's heroine? Then, I will use my strength to explain everything.


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