Promotional Video

The wait is always short, and those in Hollywood passed the month of June in anticipation of Levi's new movie. As Levi's cut of the film neared completion, every aspect of the film's release was ready.

At this time, the entire Hollywood media is also discussing this movie. It's just that some paid media are promoting Levi's film, and more media are debating at this time, not how good Levi's movie will be, but the arrangements made by major companies.

Every year when the important summer period comes, major companies compete for the box office. In the past, Levi's films were not really commercial blockbusters, so they didn't involve much competition for the box office, but this year, Levi also made an attempt at commercial films, which also made this year's box office competition even more lively.

The practices of major companies are obviously different.

Since Sony has communicated with Levi, it will not release its own movie at the same time period as Levi's movie. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the company's film to fight. Charlie's Angels was scheduled for November, altogether avoiding Levi's movie.

The rest of the big companies either didn't have any movies to release at this time, or they didn't want to offend Levi; they didn't arrange any big movies. Although Warner and other companies also have movies released, they are all movies unlikely to steal the box office.

However, there are also companies that obviously don't think so. Dimension Films is a company under Weinstein's name. They don't have much friendship with Levi, and Universal has no deep relationship with Levi either.

Even though Levi took Robert De Niro to shoot the movie, it is an important part of the movie they are now launching, 'Meet the Parents' gimmick is gone. They weren't very happy with Levi either. What's more, Gladiator is their company's movie, and they don't want to see any film rated more than Gladiator, so they are also trying to suppress Levi's movie.

Therefore, these two companies have arranged for their films to be released during this time period. They are all comedies with the main theme of being funny. In terms of word-of-mouth, they basically have no reputation at all, but in terms of box office, they can all be good.

Movie theaters are limited in number. The total box office is not unlimited. If you can hit other people's box office with your own hit movies, why not do it?

If Levi's movie doesn't have a good box office, then they can find an excuse to say that Levi's movie is not popular enough and it will be of greater benefit to the literary and artistic films they want to support vigorously.

No studio is stupid, and they're not in the mood for a head-to-head confrontation with Levi's film. Use a good movie to hedge against Levi; what if you lose? Disrupt Levi's film with other films. Winning is winning; even if you lose, you don't care. This kind of method has never been uncommon.

The movie hasn't been completed yet, and many people have already thought of a way to deal with it. Commercial movies are not easy to make, the competition is more intense, and there are endless ways to deal with opponents.

Now, in many media, Universal is promoting its own comedy movies. Their purpose is not to promote the film but to attack Levi.

"The summer schedule is a time to watch the box office. Most of the movies released in the summer schedule are for young people. For young people, good-looking is far more important than profound meaning. Releasing Levi's movie in the summer is a very unwise approach."

There is no lack of people in the media waving the flag for Universal. However, behind these flag-waving voices, the media is quite disapproving of this statement.

"Actually, such an approach doesn't make much sense. The depth of the film Levi made will not be too bad. As long as such a film can have a box office of almost 100 million, it will be satisfactory. And the film that De Niro, Liam Neeson, Brad Pitt, and Norton starred in together has a box office of 100 million, which is not difficult at all."

Although many of these tricks were prepared, in private, people in Hollywood still knew that none had any effect. This movie is not worried about these methods.

Levi has always been cautious in his actions. It is too simple for these film companies to use small means to deal with Levi.

Levi's movies have always had a good box office. Even literary films can have a good box office. If it is said that Levi's commercial film box office is not as good as literary films this time, the media is not very convinced.

Universal's approach may be able to weaken the influence of Levi's film, but it is impossible to completely defeat it. Moreover, maybe, what they did would cause trouble for themselves.

"Levi has always said that what this movie wants to do is to become a classic. If a classic movie hits the box office, it will definitely crush other movies."

Moreover, the media is talking about this issue. Sometimes, they will also bring up another saying: Although Levi only said that it is better than other movies, his movies have been the best of the year before, so this time, it is natural that they must be classics. Since it was Levi who said that the movie would become a classic, how could a classic movie be rushed to the market by several comedies?

On the contrary, if a movie can really be a classic early, will anyone really watch those two comedies?

If Universal's idea wants to succeed unless Levi's movie is a smash and no one will watch it, it cannot fail too much - but how likely is Levi's movie to be a smash?

The media is happy to discuss this issue: If Levi has a Waterloo, how much impact will it have on his career? However, while they were still discussing this issue, Enigma Company had already sent its promotional video to the major media.

After people saw the promotional video, almost all the media stopped talking about it.

The camera pans across the street against a black and dim background. Alleys, rooftops, and various scenes in the movie were filmed, and at this moment, De Niro's voice also sounded.

"When I was your age, people said I could be a policeman or a criminal. But when someone points a gun to your head, is there any difference between a policeman and a criminal?"

With these words, De Niro has already appeared in the movie. This old guy is still as strong and majestic as he was when he was young. Coupled with the dark background behind him, just one shot has already made people see the shadow of a gangster.

Immediately after are the silhouettes of the two young men shown. One of them finished talking with the gangster and practiced marksmanship in the police academy. One walked out of the police academy and left a shadow on the police academy - this story has already had some clues here.

Immediately afterward, the camera turned, and Liam Neeson was walking on the rooftop, his shadow distorted and deformed on the glass, making it hard for people to see whether he was good or evil.

"You said it was three years, but three years later and another three years. It's almost ten years now!"

On the rooftop, Norton roared at Liam Neeson, expressing his anger. This shot, combined with the previous words, reveals some hidden tone in the movie.

Immediately afterward, a group of gangsters entered the building. Liam Neeson, standing at the elevator door, patted Norton and said to him, "You go first; leave me alone." After this scene, on the rooftop, the two protagonists talk face-to-face.

"I want to be a good person."

"Talk to the judge."

"That would make me die."

"Sorry, I'm a policeman."

"Who knows?"

Very brief dialogue. Coupled with the dark background of the rooftop and the blue sky, people felt a sense of desolation out of thin air. The darkness and solemnity rendered in the front, coupled with the desolation, excited people even more.

Immediately afterward, Norton suddenly pulled out his gun and pointed it at Brad Pitt, making people's hearts hang.

But this time, the footage differs from the previous ones, and these clips are even more fragmented. First, there is the confrontation between De Niro and Neeson, then the shooting under the building, and then several people in the elevator grab Neeson and then, it is as the elevator is falling, gunshots rang out continuously, and the tense atmosphere heated up all of a sudden.

And when the tense atmosphere reached its climax, the atmosphere suddenly calmed down. De Niro was walking in the garage; the music stopped, and only slow and heavy footsteps could be heard. Suddenly, the phone rang. Brad Pitt stepped out from behind the pillar and raised his gun at De Niro, pointing it at him.

Gunshots rang out, and the screen suddenly went black.

At this time, the voice-over also sounded.

"The movie The Departed will be released on August 5th. Levi's work, starring Brad Pitt, Norton, De Niro, and Neeson, produced by Enigma, distributed by Columbia, please look forward to it."

The promotional video of the movie is over.

De Niro, who plays the gangster, Liam Neeson, who plays the police officer, and the two protagonists stand side by side; simple but straightforward dialogue - this movie is excellent, even if it is a short promotional video of less than two minutes, it can also reflect it vividly. The film's excellent lines and wonderful performances only reveal a few details of the interpersonal relationship, so those who have seen the promotional film have already aroused their anticipation.

In this promotional film, the dark background, heavy music, coupled with the sad story, and the complicated and complicated interpersonal relationships, make people see that the movie is unusual.

Compared with the general gangster movies, which have almost no depth, this movie differs from the style! This kind of desolation and sadness rendered in the bones is absolutely not found in ordinary movies!

With an all-star lineup and a great director, how could this movie fail?

"This movie will definitely be a good movie!" The editors-in-chief of the magazine who got the promotional video, even if they only watched it, all saw that it was extraordinary. He was on the phone and contacted the relationship, "How can I get the tickets for the movie's premiere? We have to attend the premiere of this movie no matter what. The news of this movie is more important than everything else!"


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