Two Heroes

Along with the photo shoot, the two actors also completed the transition from young actors to mature actors.

Generally speaking, using two actors to play the same character in a movie is not advised. Because everyone has their own personality, it is impossible for two completely different actors to play the same person. The only recognized movies in which two people played the same role are Godfather 1 and Godfather 2.

However, in this play, this change is not a big problem. Eric quickly realized that the change of actors was actually a hint: on the one hand, it implied that a long time had passed; they were no longer who they used to be.

The people they were ten years ago are not the same as they will be ten years later — replacing actors is just hinting at this.

And after the movie camera turned around, Billy, played by Brad Pitt, entered a video store. And with his shout, Colin, played by Norton, sitting in the back, has also stood up and greeted him.

The audience knew very well that the identities of these two people were very different, but at this moment, they were like two ordinary people, discussing which speaker was better in the audio shop, which made people feel quite funny.

Generally speaking, many movies use the condition of information asymmetry to create plots. Putting out detail the audience did not see, but the characters in the play saw it, so it can shape the excellence of the characters in the play. And some information the audience knows but the characters in the play don't know, can create various feelings - such as the friendly dialogue between two people now. It is a method used to develop psychological changes for the audience.

"Try this; this is very good."

Colin, in the movie, turned on the music.

"All around me are familiar faces

Worn out places, worn out faces

Bright and early for their daily races

Going nowhere, going nowhere

Their tears are filling up their glasses

No expression, no expression

Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow

No tomorrow, no tomorrow..."

This song seemed familiar to Eric. After a careful search in memory, the name Mad World a song by the Tears for Fears brand was dug out from the depths of his memory.

This song seems to be from the 80s. Eric also couldn't remember clearly, especially this song, which seemed not quite the same as his memory - the band in his memory was definitely not such a low-pitched song with piano and cello accompaniment.

But he had to admit that the song sounded better when sung this way and seemed to have a lot of flavor.

Especially for such two people to listen to it, this taste is very full - the identities of these two people, listening to this song couldn't be more suitable.

Eric remembered that at the press conference just now, Director Levi also mentioned it.

And Levi did a good job, not only making the song arouse people's emotions, but also, the two of them were chatting while listening to the song, and people could hear something from their words: Colin, who is a gangster, still has humanity, and he also recommends cheap shops for others, and he still has a kindness deep in his heart. And Billy is already getting married, and life is obviously going well.

A long time has passed, and they are living with each other under their own disguise. From the looks of it, they seemed to be doing well — but just after Billy turned and left, Colin and the video store owner delivered the goods, reminding people once again that this story is still a gangster movie.

To perform the warm scene and such an ugly reality so ungrafted together, the impact on people seems even more unbearable.

Immediately afterward, the footage of the movie was shown on the rooftop.

Norton was sitting there with a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, but his expression seemed numb, and Liam Neeson appeared again at this time.

What the camera showed was his back, and what followed was the scene in the glass — the distorted images in the mirror, which also made Eric wonder: among these people, who is good and who is evil?

If it was another movie, the goodness of the police department and the evilness of the gangsters may have been determined from the very beginning.

However, there are many gangster movies in the United States, and there is not necessarily absolute good and evil. Especially the film itself makes a fuss about it, which also makes people doubt this.

Is this person who makes his subordinates go undercover really a good person?

On the rooftop, the police officer and the undercover agent had a conversation. During the conversation, people also heard that during the ten-year covert period, Colin was under tremendous pressure in his heart, and he hurt people many times because of this, and he is still doing psychological counseling.

It has not been easy for him to be an undercover agent for the past ten years, and he is also under great pressure. Only one person in New York knew his identity, which made him feel a lot of pressure.

In front of him, the police officer first reprimanded him angrily and then encouraged and comforted him. And at the end of this scene, when the undercover finds out about the birthday gift given to him by the police officer, although he said he didn't like it, the smile on his face still makes people see his happiness.

If the opening scene is to highlight the gang boss and the subsequent part is to embody the two undercover agents, then this part is to highlight the police officer. Showing both kindness and power to his subordinates, on the one hand, he focused on solving the case; on the other hand, he also cared about his subordinates, and the image of an outstanding police captain has also reflected.

It is with this kind of good boss that Colin can persist.

After getting the news of the undercover agent, the camera also returned to the police station. It's here Billy is talking to someone.

Apparently, he had just returned from a funeral. While talking, he was still talking about how the deceased took care of himself when he was in the police academy.

And after he finished speaking, he gave a lecture to a young policeman about his clothes. "Put on a suit; you're not going to invade Poland... What you need to be a policeman is keen observation, not diligence..."

As a policeman, Billy is still very good at wooing people. Now he is a police officer. In the same way, he was an outstanding football quarterback in the police academy; he is still the core of the people in the police department.

He talks and laughs freely and has a lot of experience. He is a star in the police circle in people's eyes. He was introducing his past experience to people, which also caused a lot of laughter.

At this moment, his colleague behind him suddenly said, "By the way, Billy, how did you know that guy's hideout last time?"


This sentence made Billy stunned for a moment. He did not speak again. Eric saw it, and it was Matt Dillon who was interrogating — but he didn't know if he was a trick. And this sentence obviously reminded Billy that this news came from the gang's boss, not a good source.

Confusion about his own identity surrounds him all the time. In the police station, he is the core of people and the focus of attention. He is the most successful policeman but has another identity after leaving here.

Colin's irritability and dissatisfaction were released by beating someone. But Billy wants to suppress his emotions and can only reveal them inadvertently. The mode of this movie is two heroes - the changes in the emotions and abilities of the two people are reflected in every detail.

It was at this time that the companions in the police station bought something to eat, and Billy picked it out, took a donut, and bit into it — this move made Eric feel a little ridiculous: eating sweets.

The action of eating donuts; does this imply that Billy regards himself as a policeman in his heart? American police cannot do without donuts; has it risen to the level of literature?

However, in any case, this paragraph has already shown the psychology of the two people, and immediately afterward, the captain, played by Liam Neeson, called all the people in the police station and held a meeting.

"Who is the person we want to arrest? I think you all know. That person has a transaction within this week. We don't know his delivery location yet, and we need to monitor it at all times..."

Long lines and humorous speeches were originally the strengths of Liam Neeson, who won the Tony Award. This line made the image of the police officer even more outstanding.

It's just that Eric finds it quite novel to call the boss of the gangster "you-know-who." It's really rare for a gang boss to have such oppression.

Of course, he has such an idea because Eric only likes to watch gangster movies, not fairy tales — otherwise, if you look at Harry Potter, you will know where this title comes from.

Following Liam Neeson's arrangements, a large-scale arrest operation has been deployed layer by layer. The police began to gather, ready to arrest people, and the gangsters also began to gather, ready to deliver — the battle was about to start.

At this time, Billy took the phone and walked onto the balcony, wanting to call the boss, the gangster, to inform him that the transaction should be canceled. However, the police officer patted him, "Stop calling; you are not allowed to communicate with the outside world now."

The police officer's words made Billy's hand hang down. And at the same time, Colin was sitting in the same car as the mob boss, his hand in plaster by the window, signaling.

Obviously, Colin had the upper hand in this battle for the time being. However, everyone knows the movie will not end in less than 20 minutes. So, what will this first fight look like? How on earth did Billy get the message out? These doubts aroused Eric's heart again.


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