
"Are you particularly surprised to see me?"

When Levi opened the hotel door where he lived, Naomi, who appeared at the door, really startled him. The blue hair and the sincere smile on her face surprised Levi too much. 

"Naomi, I have to say that there is definitely a surprise, but the surprise...

First, I'm not talking about your style. Do you really think it is a wise decision to come to my place at almost 12 o'clock in the evening?"

Looking up at his watch, Levi was once again sure that he had not mistaken the time. It is now midnight, and it's a bit surprising that Naomi came here at this time.

Shouldn't she be in the United States at this time? When did she come to France? Moreover, after coming to France, she should have given himself a call first. Why did she come directly to Levi's hotel room?

And, at this time?

However, Naomi didn't pay attention to Levi's answer. She pushed away Levi's hand, blocking the door, and entered the room.

"I just arrived in France and came directly to Cannes. It seemed a little late, but I wasn't very tired. In other words, your movie was such a surprise to me. I couldn't wait to discuss it with you. Let's talk about it..."

"Naomi, let me say it again: is it really wise for you to come here at this time?"

Levi's question again made Naomi blush slightly. However, before she spoke, she suddenly heard the sound of the bedroom door in Levi's room. Suddenly, she understood what Levi said. Levi seemed not to be alone here... 

"Nick, who is that?"

The voice from behind made Naomi turn her head. She saw a woman wearing pajamas standing at the bedroom door behind her. Then she turned back again. 

Only then did she realize that Levi was also there wearing pajamas; it was obvious that they were definitely not drinking tea just now.

This time, the situation was a bit awkward.

"Naomi, this is Scarlett. Scarlett, you should know Naomi... I'm sorry, excuse me. I'm going to change clothes, and we'll talk later." 

Levi was the first to break the silence. He strode into the bedroom to change clothes, causing the two people in the room to look at each other and laugh awkwardly.

Scarlett Johansson... Naomi recognized this girl.

This girl seems to be a well-known American actor. She was a child star and has acted in many movies. She is said to be an actress with relatively artistic pursuits and has also acted in several independently produced films. 

It seems that during the filming of X-Men, she and Levi met, but she didn't expect that their relationship seemed to be developing very quickly.

As for what she was doing here... Naomi didn't ask; she wasn't stupid. Having been in the industry for a long time, she understands everything. A young actress showed up in her pajamas at night at the director's house. Could it be that she was here to learn filmmaking?

She is a very brave little girl... Regarding this, Naomi said something in her heart. But nothing was revealed on her face. There is nothing strange about this girl being willing to do this. 

Levi is a top director, after all, just as her agent said. There are many people who want his help. Some smart actors always know how to get closer to directors. 

Moreover, to them, let alone young directors like Levi, who is just over 30 years old, directors of Woody Allen's age won't be disgusting either.

Her agent told her a few days ago there would be many actors who would go out of their way to please him. It seems that now he has met one.

Naomi has seen too many of these things. She didn't even have the intention to criticize. Instead, she smiled gently at Scarlett.

"You came in a hurry. I didn't know you were coming and wasn't well prepared... Oh, by the way, your hair is dyed very uniquely."

"Well, after I saw the script, I went to have my hair dyed this color. The person who dyed the hair didn't know what color the decadent blue you mentioned was. I considered this part of the script. After the characters appeared in my mind, I thought it was necessary to make the color of the entire lens brighter, so I dyed it a lighter blue. Do you think it's suitable?"

Levi was wearing clothes in the room, and Naomi talked to him through the door panel. 

Scarlett, who was standing outside the door, was wearing pajamas but had no intention of going in to change clothes. The way she looked at Naomi was quite provocative, especially when Levi and Naomi were talking through the door panel; her eyes were getting worse and worse.

"Very good, your understanding is correct. As I said, there will be no problem in getting you to act in this movie."

Levi walked out of the room after getting dressed. He sat on the sofa opposite Naomi, and Scarlett almost immediately sat next to him and leaned against him. 

Levi smiled awkwardly at Naomi while Naomi raised her eyebrows playfully, not pointing any fingers.

She knew it was useless to criticize herself.

"I came here actually to ask you for further information about this movie. Oh, first of all, I decided to accept the script. The movie is great. I have read the script. I like this movie very much, and I believe I can do a good job. 

  However, I still have a few questions to ask you. If you plan to shoot this movie, I also want to ask, who is the male protagonist of the movie?" 

Regarding the male protagonist, what Naomi heard was that Levi's original plan was for Jim Carrey to star - Naomi herself has worked with Jim Carrey, and she also knows Jim Carrey better. If she cooperates with him, it will be much easier. 

However, Jim Carrey didn't have time. He is the number one actor in Hollywood, and having film appointments was an important reason why he couldn't take on this movie.

And if he doesn't act, the movie will naturally need another actor.

"The leading actor? While I was in Europe, I liked a European actor. He was a British man named Daniel Craig."

This name made Naomi frown. She had heard of this name. This man played Laura's boyfriend in the upcoming Tomb Raider. Just last year, European media rated him as one of Europe's most promising movie stars. 

Naomi remembered that she had seen this person before, but it seemed that this person was not particularly handsome and seemed to lack the handsomeness of a leading actor in a romance movie.

However, if he is British, maybe his temperament can make up for his appearance. 

Naomi knows that many British actors have excellent temperaments. When it comes to being able to perform in a gentlemanly manner, the British are better. 

The requirements for the male protagonist in the movie is not particularly handsome, but this character is required to be restrained and have a calm temperament. Such a character needs a better disposition to experience. Maybe this British man can really do it - they are very good at playing dull roles.

"Then, I'll meet him another day and try acting." Naomi nodded slightly and said.

"You will definitely be satisfied. This is a very charming actor." Levi added.

Of course, he is still very satisfied with Daniel Craig: this actor will also play 007 in the future, and there is absolutely no problem with this person's demeanor. 

Moreover, he happens to be the same age as Naomi, so he seems just right in this drama.

Of course, in terms of pure acting skills, he may be a little weak and cannot be considered top-notch. However, if a movie does not particularly want to highlight a certain actor, it does not require him to have particularly outstanding acting skills. 

Brits work hard preparing movies, which is good for Levi.

"Finding several other supporting roles must not be difficult if this role can be finalized, right?"

In this movie, in addition to the two protagonists, there are also several supporting roles that do not have many parts - the male protagonist's friends, a couple, they embody tolerance within marriage. 

And the doctor who erased the hero's memory and his three assistants. The doctor is the most important negative role in the movie, and he is also the representative of love's derailment, while the three assistants represent admiration, desire to conquer, and secret love. 

These characters all have their own meanings, and the process of weaving them together is also wonderful.

"Well, it's decided. I decided to give the doctor's position to Hugh Laurie. He has some ideas about acting in movies. It just so happens that it is the off-season for TV series filming. He doesn't have too many things to do. It would be best for him to act. 

  Among the three assistants, one of them belongs to Mark Ruffalo. This actor's acting skills are relatively bland, but he is very amiable and more suitable for the character positioning of the person with a crush in the movie. 

  And again, there is one I haven't asked yet, but if possible, I hope Heath Ledger will play it. This role needs to show some young people's half-understanding of love, and it requires a coexistence of arrogance and stupidity. I hope I feel more at ease with Sledge's acting skills."

"As for the last supporting role, I think it will be played by the young lady next to you," Naomi said.

"Yes, I will play a supporting actress in the movie." Scarlett, sitting next to Levi, answered the question for Levi.

There was some provocation in the tone of the young girl's answer. Naomi heard it quite clearly. However, her age made her completely ignore the hostility towards this little girl. 

She just smiled and expressed her friendliness. "Then, we have to work well together in the crew."

Although Scarlett Johansson is only 18 years old, her figure does not look like a child at all. For her to play this role, as long as she adds some makeup, her appearance won't be a problem. As for her temperament, she is an actor with a background in art films, so it's okay.

There is nothing wrong with Levi's preparation. However, looking at this girl, Naomi felt a little unhappy for some reason.


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