Knowing and Understanding

"Very good, Scarlett, this part is over. You performed well."

As Levi called to stop, the two people dancing on the bed immediately stopped. Just now, Scarlett and Mark Ruffalo were performing a scene where they went crazy after smoking marijuana. 

This scene can be said to be the most troublesome scene in the whole play, and now, they have finished the performance.

"Wow, is my performance okay? I have never smoked marijuana. I have only seen other people's faces after smoking in videos. Is it really okay?" Jumping off the bed, Scarlett, who was only wearing shorts, took the blanket from the assistant. With the blanket wrapped around her lower body, she turned around and asked questions to the people around her, and several people praised her performance.

"Don't worry, when you show off your figure in the movie, few people will be in the mood to see if you are crazy, whether it really looks like you have taken marijuana." 

Levi, who was standing opposite her, was obviously teasing her - this scene has passed, so Levi is easy to talk to. If it hadn't, he wouldn't be joking like this - and his words made Scarlett cover the blanket with one hand while the other hand gave him a gentle push in response to his jokes.

Looking at this scene, Naomi, who was standing aside, shrugged and said nothing, just walked away silently.

In fact, strictly speaking, Scarlett did not do anything wrong in the crew. This girl is more thoughtful than Naomi imagined. Not only is this young girl not just an inexperienced little girl like Naomi thought, but on the contrary, she behaved very maturely, and even when interacting with Levi, she always followed the rules.

When on the set, she strictly adhered to her role as an actor and never said much. She will not deliberately show her intimacy with Levi, nor will she show off her privileges in the crew. 

Just from the perspective of being an actress, she has to say her approach is quite mature. She has a close relationship with the director, but no one in the entire crew hates her, which is inherently difficult.

Moreover, Levi did not make the wrong choice. This actor's acting skills are really good. Most of the girls her age are still in the age of showing off their sexiness. 

For them, all they need to do is wear fewer clothes and show off their youth in front of the screen. By doing so, she can win a large audience, but this actor did not do that.

In the movie, whether she is required to perform the craze after smoking marijuana or she is required to perform her infatuation and admiration for the doctor, or her attitude towards the other assistant changes from warm to cold, and after learning the truth, she performed the look of horror quite well.

And outside of acting, she also has a cheerful nature. When she was on the set, she didn't have any stage fright when laughing and joking with others. This is quite a likable girl.

As expected of someone who has long been considered an acting genius and someone who has been in the industry since childhood. The strength of this actor is indeed admirable.

However, she doesn't know why, but Naomi just can't stand her. Perhaps if she was really as shallow as Naomi expected, would Naomi be happier?

Every time she thinks of her, in Naomi's mind, she would think back to the night she went to Levi's place.

That night. She was really planning to give Levi a surprise - of course, her surprise couldn't be as simple as hair. However, her surprise was not delivered because of this girl, and from then on, Naomi always felt a little awkward.

After that night, Naomi washed out her dyed hair immediately. When filming inside the crew again, she also chose to use a wig. Levi said nothing about her choice, and she herself was not prepared to explain it. When she saw Levi again, she ran away without even having the courage to discuss it with him.

Although she didn't say anything in front of Levi and still retained her self-esteem, she always thought in her heart that her purpose had been seen through by Levi a long time ago, and he would definitely laugh at her privately. Moreover, it's not just him; the little girl also does this.

The more she thought about it, the more restless she became.

She didn't like her current mood very much, and she couldn't explain exactly what she was feeling. 

Jealousy? Is she jealous that this little girl is younger than her? 

Envious? Envy her success at such a young age? 

Or the regret of not succeeding? 

Or maybe she fears Levi recognizing others? 

Even more, can this be regarded as the destruction of love?

These thoughts were always lingering in her heart. If she hadn't experienced too many things in her early years and had seen ups and downs in the industry for many years, she herself felt that she might have to refuse filming because of her bad mood. 

Her heart was in a mess, and she even doubted herself.

But of course, she wouldn't do that now. At least she didn't want to show her weakness on the set. 

Naomi is very clear that her most important task is still to be an actor. As an actor, she must be competent.

Moreover, even in terms of the heavy filming tasks, she has no time to feel sorry for herself. The rest of the actors in this movie did a good job and didn't leave much time for Naomi.

In the movie, Mark Ruffalo doesn't have many scenes with Naomi. His main scenes are with Scarlett. However, even without any rival scenes, his performance is evident to all. The actor has been called the new Marlon Brando, not just because he's of Italian descent. 

In the movie, he performed quite well as a sultry man, and his passive mentality in love was well displayed.

And Heath Ledger's performance is equally commendable. His role this time around is very different from the one Levi gave him last time. This time, in the movie, he is a young kid who doesn't understand what love is and just wants a beautiful woman. 

Because he saw that the customer was beautiful, he stole the customer's information, learned about her preferences, and then used the words her boyfriend said to flirt with her - such a person thinks he is smart and is a bit petty. 

The image of a reckless young man who has a bit of a desire to conquer but is not really devoted to love is different from Heath Ledger's character, but in the movie, he also showed this character.

Likewise, Hugh Laurie, who plays the doctor, also did a good job - he has been acting in crime dramas for the past two years, and people's impression of him has always been that of an expert in solving crimes.

Who knows, in this movie, he plays the role of a doctor just as well. That kind of fanatical attitude towards work can indeed make little girls obsessed with it.

They all acted very well; of course, there was no room for her to perform poorly. 

As the heroine in this movie, her acting task is also very heavy. She must express all aspects of a woman in the movie. The attractive side of love, the informal side of life, the attraction to the boyfriend, and the personality factors that make her boyfriend uneasy. These things need to be expressed in a very three-dimensional way.

It takes considerable thinking to understand the life of a person with a completely different personality. She also needs to do a detailed analysis of the characters of the people in the movie and spend a long time trying to figure out the characters.

There was no time to think about Levi.

Besides, what's so good about Levi?

In response, Naomi forced herself to calm down. 

He is not handsome, and he is not handsome at all. He is not particularly outstanding in temperament - if he really has a good temperament, she doesn't know how many actors in Hollywood are better than him, not to mention others. 

The actor Daniel Craig, who plays with her this time, is an actor with a very outstanding temperament.

Levi's casting in the film is quite outstanding. This actor named Daniel Craig does not have a very handsome appearance. However, the gentlemanly temperament displayed in every gesture has a very attractive side.

Compared with him, Levi's appearance and temperament are much worse.

With some complaints, Naomi ignored Levi behind her. She quickened her pace and found Daniel Craig at the side.

"Daniel, let's practice this part again."

After suppressing her thoughts, Naomi found Daniel and rehearsed with him again. In the movie, she has scenes opposite Daniel and Heath Ledger. Moreover, she basically has the same lines with both the characters, but when performing, she needs to show a sincere relationship and a hypocritical one, respectively. 

This kind of perfunctory performance is not easy.

"Is your current state really okay?"

Daniel Craig spoke opposite her. This sentence surprised Naomi, and she turned her head. She raised her eyebrows and then nodded as if she was angry.

However, this expression did not elicit admiration but a somewhat mocking smile from Craig. Obviously, she could see that his smile was insincere.

However, out of a gentleman's habit, he did not reveal it.

Is her expression so obvious?

"I haven't been in a good mood lately, but don't worry, I can make a good movie. I've read the script many times, and I understand the script well enough. There will definitely be no problem." 

Speaking of this, Naomi still said very confidently. Although she was in a bad mood recently due to professional reasons, she still read the script very seriously.

"I don't think so. If you are really in a bad mood, I will just wait for a while. Anyway, I am not in a hurry, and I guess Director Levi is not in a hurry either. 

  Naomi, this is a movie about the philosophy of love. And you were obviously emotionally unprepared. If you really understood the script thoroughly, how could you still look unhappy?" 

The philosophy of love? Naomi was suddenly stunned.

All along, she felt that she had understood the deep meaning of the movie. Levi's movie was about the philosophy of love, and she knows it. However, now Craig's words suddenly made her realize something: she seemed just to know but not understand.

Can these philosophies of love really help you to clarify your thoughts?


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