
Levi has been in Europe throughout August, busy working on his movie. As usual, the filming process went smoothly. But what was different from usual was that he was a little dissatisfied during the filming process.

He always felt that there seemed to be some gap between him and Naomi.

In the early stages of filming, it seemed like Naomi was a little late getting into the groove. However, as the filming of the movie began, her condition became better and better. 

When she needed to express various stages of love in the movie, she did a good job. Whether it was sincere feelings or insincere coping, she did it with ease, and it was very satisfying.

However, outside of filming, her attitude towards Levi is still very subtle. She took the initiative to dye her hair again to make the movie better, and on the set, she was also willing to help Scarlett and teach her some acting skills.

Everything she does is like what a good actor should do. However, only towards Levi, she has never expressed anything special and has always been lukewarm.

This lukewarmness is not particularly obvious. When Levi took the initiative to say hello on the set, she would still respond. She would still ask questions about things she didn't understand in the script. In front of everyone, she would not give Levi any embarrassment. It seemed that everything was as it should be.

However, Levi could feel the disconnect. She would not take the initiative to say hello to Levi, she would not cater to Levi's quips, and she would not give praise to Levi's scripts and arrangements, no matter how brilliant they were, let alone in private. She would never have any more communication with Levi.

These things made Levi very awkward.

There wasn't much communication between the female lead and the director, which wasn't a big deal. However, Levi always felt suspicious. He could still recall that night. It looked like Naomi came into his room, but why was she so cold now?

This weird attitude made Levi a little puzzled. What does Naomi want to do? Did she really start to hate him? Or is this just posturing?

Sometimes, it's really hard to guess a woman's thoughts. It seems that Naomi consciously did not let Levi know her thoughts and deliberately tempted Levi to guess her thoughts. It seemed like it had become a game to her. She has always had the upper hand in this game.

This game is the reason why Levi is troubled. He seemed to be unable to beat Naomi in this game, and guessing a woman's thoughts was not something he was good at.

Fortunately, though, Levi emerged victorious in the game. You don't necessarily need to guess a woman's heart.

When September arrived, a quick knock on the door brought this game to an early end. It also let Levi know what Naomi was thinking.

Levi did not expect that not long after, Naomi would knock on his door again, but this time, her mood was very different from the last time.

"Nick, didn't you watch the news?" With a hint of panic, Naomi spoke, "Something big happened over there in the United States!"

Big thing? Levi was surprised for a moment and then immediately thought of something.

The day of 9/11 is here. Now, the plane must have arrived as scheduled in the United States.

In this case, he knew very well why Naomi was frightened. Seeing Naomi's panic, he felt a little happy in his heart: Naomi came to him immediately when she encountered a problem. Such trust and dependence made him quite happy.

He pulled Naomi into his arms, hugged her gently, and comforted her, "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. You don't have to worry about things here."


After he placed Naomi on the bed, pulling the quilt over her and letting her sleep, Levi walked gently to the balcony, picked up his mobile phone, and made a call.

Unlike Naomi, Levi didn't have much panic when he heard about this incident. After putting Naomi to sleep, the first thing he thought of was to make a call to the United States to arrange things.

And this call was obviously timely.

"Nick, is it you? Do you also know what happened here? Oh my God, can you imagine? Someone actually blew up the World Trade Center. Even if we were making a movie, we wouldn't dare to be so crazy!" After hearing Levi's voice, Alexander felt relaxed. 

His words made Levi laugh, "I remember someone said that reality is more exciting than movies, and this is very true."

Levi's attitude surprised Alexander, "Nick, why are you still laughing? Don't you have any feelings about things here?" 

"Of course, I have feelings. In fact, what I want to say is that I have recently had a new idea born based on this time. Alex, what do you think if we shoot a TV series about anti-terrorism?" 

"Nick, do you really know what is happening here in the United States? What on earth do you think? How can you be so calm?"

"What happened? The World Trade Center was bombed, and the United States suffered its first attack in many years. I think the United States is in chaos now, right? The media reports, the panic of the people... it must be very... Lively."

"And what you think of is to produce a TV series immediately?" 

"Then what should we think of? Panic with the people, or advocate a revenge war with the media?" Levi remained calm on the phone, "Don't be silly. Even if it is a terrorist attack, it has nothing to do with us. We are just making movies. Terrorist attacks will not come to us. There is no need to panic. 

 And we are not the media or celebrities. We are using this incident to increase our sense of presence. What good does it do to us? The most important thing for us is not to find ways to make money while taking advantage of it?"

Levi's straightforward answer stunned Alexander for a while before he spoke again, "You are not in the United States. Even though the people here are panicking, you still don't understand the seriousness of the situation. Over there in Europe, all you see are bright and cheerful scenes, so it's superfluous to tell you this."

Levi, on the phone, just smiled and said nothing. To say he didn't know about this would be to underestimate him. Regarding this matter, he has read much more information than Alexander.

It is precisely because he has seen a lot and learned a lot. On the contrary, he is calmer than those people. 

Anyway, this matter is not a big deal for the United States. Is it worthy of panic? Levi is definitely in no mood to blame anyone. The US government is not short of big sticks. It can just hit those who are dissatisfied. There is no need to accuse.

"Don't worry, the matter will pass. And after it passes, the United States will still be the world's most powerful country, so it's no big deal. If you are so worried, why don't you come to Europe to hide for a while?" Levi asked. 

Alexander was silent for a moment, "No, we have many things going on here. September is when the TV series starts. We can't both hide out at this time. The company's affairs are important..." 

Levi, on the other end of the phone, rolled his eyes and laughed. Are the fears this guy just had real or fake? Why are you okay so quickly when it comes to money?

"Nick, don't laugh. I'm terrified. I've never been so worried about my life. It's scary to hear, especially now that the media is reporting overwhelmingly. However, I also understand what you said. The United States is not, no matter how scared I am, will not collapse like this, and can't just do nothing, right?"

To Alexander, Levi didn't even claim it was true, but he still found it funny in his heart. It's just that he traveled through time, and it is acceptable to be fine as he knows the future. But for Alexander, it seems that his moral integrity is not much higher than his own...

"You are filming a movie over there. Don't be in a hurry to come back in a short period of time. I will handle the things here. As for the new thing you said, TV series... It may be released within a month or two if you start preparing now. 

 If you really have an idea, send it to me, and I will ask Bob to find someone to produce it - this subject will definitely be very popular. There should nothing be wrong with your judgment." Alexander gradually regained his composure, and his thinking began to become rational.

"Don't worry. I will send you the script in a short time. For this TV series, you should contact CBS. The anti-terrorism theme will definitely be on the right side. CBS may not be willing to broadcast it, but it prefers this type of TV series. Let's see who wants to release it."

The script Levi mentioned was actually 24. He has been preparing this script for some time and is very well prepared. In his memory, this TV series was originally produced two months after 9/11 to cater to the public. 

In terms of integrity, real Americans are indeed no better than him, a time traveler. Not only did the media report it, but they were also not slow to produce their own TV series. What he did was just write the script earlier and let people screen it.

This will be a hot topic in the next few years, and there is no need to worry about no one watching TV series on this subject.

Moreover, TV series with themes that cater to political events are also very easily favored by the Emmy Awards: Levi has won many Oscars and a Golden Globe Award, but in terms of Emmy Awards, the harvest, on the contrary, is not big. 

And superheroes are not popular themes. Although Heroes has high ratings and many nominations, it didn't win any awards. In comparison, The West Wing is so lenient in winning awards... 

Levi doesn't value the Emmy Awards very much, but if he can have the opportunity to produce a TV series and enjoy the treatment of winning awards and being lenient, then why not?

For Levi, this is what should be considered after 9/11.

Regarding his arrangement, Alexander nodded and agreed on the phone. After agreeing, he spoke again.

"Nick, you should be careful when you are in Europe."

"Don't worry, everything is fine here."

After putting down the phone, Levi smiled slightly.

Is everything okay? Really? Looking back at Naomi, who was sleeping soundly in the bedroom, Levi felt in his heart that his words seemed not very accurate.


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