Academy Requirements

The somewhat boring Golden Globe Awards passed like this. Levi's movie was drawn from most of the theaters after the Golden Globe Awards.

The North American box office of the movie is a total of 70 million. This box office number is considered good for a love movie, but it could be better.

The box office of romance movies generally fluctuates wildly. Some of them are not very good at the box office, typically around 40 to 50 million. 

The Levi's Lost in Translation box office did not reach this level last year. 

Some love movies starring big-name stars can have very high box office, even over 100 million is still possible - but this is the limit of love movies.

The North American box office of 70 million, including overseas box office, can probably reach nearly 100 million. Such a number can be said to be quite an achievement for the two leading actors, who are not particularly famous.

After all, the stars of this movie are Daniel Craig and Naomi Watts, not box office stars like Julia Roberts or Tom Hanks.

However, despite the box office results, other controversies about the movie did not stop there. Especially after the Golden Globe Awards, the Writers Guild Award was awarded to this film, but Levi was not nominated for the Directors Guild Award, which also caused much controversy.

People are not surprised that Levi's movie won the Writers Guild Award - from the time this movie came out, people have been saying that this is the most outstanding script in recent years. Such intelligent movies are very rare in the United States in recent years.

Among the movies this year, the ones that can really be called good scripts are this one and Gosford Park. 

Originally, in Levi's memory, good scripts this year include Memento and Amélie, but now, Amélie has already been made by him, and Nolan has a higher starting point, and he didn't film Memento. These two movies are gone. 

The problems of Gosford Park, which are complicated and lacking in storytelling, can be ignored at the Golden Globe Awards, which pay more attention to international works. However, when it comes to the Guild Awards, it has become its weakness.

This also makes Levi's third time he won the award for Best Original Screenplay in the Writers Guild awards.

This is already the third time Levi's script has become a strong contender for best screenplay, and people are no longer surprised by this. In contrast, Levi's films always have been at the top of various awards. What makes people feel odd is that there is no nomination for best director.

Levi's level is worthy of a nomination. However, he is deliberately ignored whether the Golden Globe Award or the Trade Union Award. 

Why is this?

And it's not just the Directors Guild of America. Even in the subsequent Oscar nominations list, Levi was not nominated for the Oscar for Best Director, which caused people to be in an uproar again.

On the one hand, people lamented that Levi was unable to break through the record of four consecutive nominations. On the other hand, people were wondering what happened to the Oscar standards and why he couldn't get a nomination this year.

It's not that Levi won nothing this time - his films also received several nominations, such as Best Original Screenplay, Best Editing, Best Actress, and Best Supporting Actress. But this is Levi's film, and it's the first time in years that a Levi film isn't nominated for Best Director or Best Picture.

Although almost everyone now believes that A Beautiful Mind will be the best movie this time, it is really unreasonable not even to give Levi a nomination.

In this regard, some people think that this is because Levi has won two Oscars. Since he has won twice, he should give up the opportunity to others this time. 

Some people think that Levi was complimenting Naomi when filming this time. He may also have made some sacrifices in the hope of making the actress famous - it is really difficult for people to find the movie's shortcomings; therefore, they can only find reasons in these aspects.

All of a sudden, all kinds of discussions were going on. In these discussions, one voice began to gain the upper hand gradually.

These comments believe that the reason why Levi did not win the award is not because of these reasons but because, although his movies are good, the breakthrough of his film is not enough to win him an Oscar nomination.

In fact, from the moment this somewhat official evaluation appeared, people already knew that it was the explanation given by the academy.

"The most surprising thing about this time's Oscar nominations is that the film directed by Levi did not receive much favor. Although it achieved a good box office in terms of script, editing, actors, etc., this is considered an excellent work. 

 However, this movie was not nominated for the most important Oscars for Best Picture and Best Director. This is surprising because the quality of the movie is not poor. At the same time, it is also very regrettable because this has forced Director Levi to interrupt his Oscar nominations for several consecutive years.

 It is a bit puzzling that the Oscars would make this judgment. But if you look carefully and understand the reasons for the academy's evaluations in previous years, you will find that this is not surprising. 

 For nominees, they value two things. One is the artistry of the film, which is reflected in whether the film can deeply explore human nature and be able to, through the art form of cinema, truly reflect life. The other is whether a breakthrough in film technology is made in film shooting. 

 With one of these two points, you can win the favor of the academy. Otherwise, it will be difficult to succeed.

 Levi's movies have always been based on human nature. His movies can indeed touch the human soul, which is why he is considered a good director. 

 However, because of these achievements, he has also received enough honors. However, Levi should shoot a more profound movie if he hopes to receive more honors. 

 Although his new movie can be said to involve the field of philosophy, the shooting has become more systematic, but there is no breakthrough in the depth of human nature, which is the biggest reason why it is not favored.

 Simply speaking, Levi's movie is very good but is not a good enough breakthrough to the level of a master who has won two Oscars. Such a movie may be considered satisfactory for others, but it is not enough for Levi.

 If Director Levi wants to win another Oscar, he must dig deeper into human nature or shoot more shockingly. Until he has made a breakthrough for himself, he does not deserve to win the award again."

This comment was also sent to Levi immediately. Looking at the words from the media, Levi also showed a helpless smile to his friends.

"That makes sense. What the academy's requirements are, their analysis is really accurate."

In fact, Levi knows better than anyone else why he didn't win the nomination. Oscar's balancing measures and measures to promote newcomers must be carried out continuously. 

How can the Oscars continue if the Oscars play around one Levi every year for twenty years? Based on just one thing, Levi is sure that it will be difficult for him to win favor again - after all, Hollywood needs new blood.

Last year, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks, plus himself have won. Winning the Oscar is actually a symbol of renewal. Now Levi has to make movies to compete, so naturally, he will not be favored by others, and it is normal not to win the award.

However, even if you don't give a reward, you should always provide a reason. Levi didn't expect that the answer given by the academy would be so straightforward. 

Even if they found some faults with Levi, Levi wouldn't think anything of it. However, they actually admitted straightforwardly: Your movie is very good, but we just don't think it's good enough, so we won't choose you.

This approach made Levi feel helpless.

"This was originally the answer given by the academy. There are too many people discussing this now, and they can't stand it. However, based on these, it still doesn't make sense that they didn't even give a nomination." Bob still said this with some dissatisfaction.

They can accept failure, but Levi's level is not even among the top five in the whole year, and they also feel sorry for Levi.

"There's no need to be angry with the academy." Levi shook his head. "Actually, they are willing to give us an explanation, which is pretty good."

"What's so good about it? Could it be that you think they treated us well? They just gave us an explanation. Do you think this is acceptable?" Bob asked.

"No, I'm not saying this is acceptable. What I mean is, since they said it like this, they must have a standard. Since they have told us how to shoot a movie if we want to be nominated, then, as long as we follow what they say, how can they stop me next time?"

Oscar hopes that Hollywood will have new blood. Levi naturally understands this truth. However, he never thought that he was already an old director. Since they want new blood, he can inject it into them. 

In fact, Levi had already begun to promote actors such as Scarlett at this time. He was not an old antique. He was less inclined to use outdated technologies or old actors. He has always been at the forefront in terms of technological innovation.

However, he did not expect that after he had done so much in these areas, the academy would still evaluate him in this way.

However, it's okay; they finally made clear their requirements for deeper humanity and better technology. 

"Perhaps we should also consider how to use better technology." Levi thought for a while and then spoke to Bob, "Recently, there have been a lot of blockbusters. It seems that everyone wants to shoot them now. I also think I have some ideas for a blockbuster movie - maybe it's time for us to make a blockbuster movie, too."


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