Publicity Cycle

It can be said that people are talking more and more about Levi's movie with the release of the movies in May.

It can be said that these blockbusters in May are quite satisfactory.

Although Spider-Man's character is inconsistent with the comics, the story of such a low-level civilian hero is still recognized by many people. After the movie was released, the single-week box office immediately became the largest of all hero movies. This may even be the most profitable of all hero movies if nothing else happens.

Although Star Wars Episode 2 has reached a new low, with each film being worse than the last and setting a new lower limit for the Star Wars series, this movie still has a large audience after all. Its box office is also still very high.

And even the work Resident Evil was shot quite well. Compared with the original game, the story of this movie has changed a lot. The choice of a female protagonist makes it very different from the game. 

Moreover, from the beginning to the end of the movie, it is not the human but the computer that is causing trouble. This just makes Michaela Dicker, the Red Queen, the biggest villain in the movie. 

This makes people who have played the game quite dissatisfied - shooting like this is very different from the original game, especially the climax, which clearly shows that they want to make a sequel. This approach is a bit unacceptable.

However, for a wider audience, this movie is pretty good. After all, it can truly capture the terrifying and depressing atmosphere that the original game should have. With these, how can you expect more?

However, these discussions have caused the film's reputation to be both high and low, causing people to debate endlessly. This also made people start to have expectations and worries about Levi's movie.

Look at the technology that Enigma has. People aren't worried about the look of Levi's new movie. In the Resident Evil trailer, the images shown by Enigma Company are already quite outstanding. If the movie is shot to this extent, fans will be satisfied.

Think about the Star Wars series, which is getting worse and worse, and Spielberg, who had Waterloo last year. The science fiction stories shot by two top directors have all failed. Whether Levi's film can succeed is also causing people to discuss it at this time.

Resident Evil, in particular, has received mixed reviews, which has people worried. Will Levi's commercial blockbuster also suffer a failure?

These discussions seemed to be deliberately led by someone to allow people to discuss them. Although it is said that Levi's movie will not be released until next year, people have already made it a year in advance and are discussing this movie.

And if you are careful, you will soon notice a shadow of the Enigma Company's hype in it.


There is an obvious difference between a commercial blockbuster and an artistic film; commercial blockbusters need to be hyped. In order to obtain better box office, commercial blockbusters often start promoting them long before they are released. 

There is truth and falsehood, reality and fiction in the hype, and not all are true. But what they want is an effect that the audience will remember.

Generally speaking, for a commercial blockbuster like this, at the beginning of filming, some interviews will be held to talk about the filming ideas of the film, and two stills will appear at the same time. 

It is necessary to reveal some news about the crew. After these, during the filming process, some on-site photography of the crew will be revealed from time to time. Or some promotional videos for movies, which is also a way of publicity.

A commercial blockbuster often costs tens of millions to publicize. Those who follow the crew during filming are often media publicists. What these people are responsible for is to whet the appetite of the audience at all times and make them stay interested in the movie. 

This kind of practice is extremely common in Hollywood. 

At the beginning of the movie preparation stage, they start to hype the joining of various blockbuster stars, using the names of each star to attract the audience's interest. 

After the cast is confirmed, the cast's final makeup photos are immediately released, allowing the audience to comment freely. 

Then, during the filming, some new materials were constantly being released; maybe the release was rescheduled, perhaps someone on the crew was injured, or the difficulties and experiences the crew had during filming. 

Then, when the movie is finished filming, fan organizations start to be encouraged to support the movie online. After the promotional video was released, the actors will continue to participate in talk shows to boost the momentum. 

After the movie was released, they look at the audience's reaction and decide whether to create some on-screen couples that would make the audience happy.

In the final analysis, these methods are all about making the movie better. Precisely because these are all hype, they may not all be particularly satisfying, but they must be very topical. 

Especially in this age of the Internet, any topic on the Internet will cause controversy and become publicity for the movie, so topicality is even more critical. 

For example, before The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo started filming, there were already rumors that a large group of actresses were willing to audition, but in the end, they chose an unknown actor. This is a kind of hype. 

The new version of the Fantastic Four has four new people. Obviously, it is not very satisfactory, but they still have to be compared with the four people in the old version. This is the purpose of the hype. 

After Godzilla was released, rumors immediately began to circulate on the Internet about which monster would appear in the second part. At this time, there were also some specious pictures circulating on the Internet. These are hype. 

For the movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Gal Gadot, who has a good figure but has no breasts, is cast to play the plump figure of Wonder Woman in the comics, which has aroused people's discussion. This is also a kind of hype. 

And Levi's film also needs publicity. 

His movie is not a superhero movie like Spider-Man, with countless comic book fans waiting to contribute funds. 

Moreover, he did not lay the groundwork as early as George Lucas and filmed an unforgettable trilogy. After all, his movie is a brand-new story. 

If he wants more people to watch it and come into contact with the movie, he needs better publicity. 

Now, all Enigma does is publicity. 

When people are discussing, adding Levi's unproduced movie to the discussion will make people have more impressions of that movie. Of course, these impressions can be both good and bad, so how do you eliminate bad impressions? 

In this regard, Levi also thought of a way. 

Although the movie is not out yet, on the movie's homepage, people have already seen the concept drawings of the film, as well as the unformed special effects clips. 

Levi selected some of these things and put them on the website. It also caused controversy among movie fans. These things are still quite novel to most movie fans. 

Even movie fans rarely know the script and preparation of the movie. For them, the film presents a story, so they also think of the movie itself. It's all a story. However, during the preparation of the movie, there were many differences after all. 

Many movie fans have no idea what these concept maps are for, but they just feel amazing looking at these patterns. 

Movie fans don't know that these beautifully painted patterns maybe just a shot when the movie is shot, or not even a shot, just a background of the film. 

The patterns they saw at this time were enough to surprise them. Unique alien architecture, the weird alien landforms, the planets among the three stars... all of these are surprising. 

"Levi said that his movie is about the universe, so it is not surprising that aliens appear in this movie. However, why are there no aliens in these images? What do the aliens look like in the movie?"

This problem caused a lot of discussion on the Internet. If there is an alien physical environment, alien landforms and astronomy, and alien architectural communities, then where are the aliens? What will they look like?

In addition, some other patterns also attracted people's attention.

The background of the woman standing next to the signal transmitter, facing the setting sun, the black policeman standing in front of the console and the big screen, and the bespectacled male scientist standing in the Panama Canal looking at the cruise ship. 

These three photos are the final makeup photos of the protagonists. The photos also caused a lot of discussion.

"What are the identities of these three protagonists? Why does Adjani's style look like the hairstyle and clothing of the 1970s? Why is a policeman standing in a room that looks like it is high-tech equipment at a glance? There is also a scientist; what is he doing looking at the canal? What do these things mean?"

Through some details, people are guessing the content of this movie. Some of these hypes are the Enigma Company's own hype, and more are discussed by the audience.

They didn't believe it was just useless pictures. After all, Levi has always been meticulous and is famous for paying attention to details when shooting movies. 

How could there be holes in the details of the movies he shot? Since this movie has given these concept drawings, it will definitely be explained in the movie, and how are these people connected? How will they connect with aliens? These are all worth studying.

And if these things only triggered discussions, then what aroused more interest was the special effects clips of the movie.

These special effects clips are not complete yet; some can only be said to be pictures that may be used in some movies. However, these pictures still aroused great interest among people.

People saw a person lying in the desert in the context of ancient Egypt, and his body was quickly dehydrated and dried into human skin. 

They also saw three suns appearing in the sky together in the context of ancient Rome and the Vatican. In an instant, it was burned into a sea of ​​fire. 

An image of a phalanx of tens of thousands of people rose helplessly toward the sky under the gravity of three suns.

A large ship was cut off from the flagpole and was blown away like cheese. Cutting open, falling down with a harsh sound...

These images all ignited people's enthusiasm.

"This movie is definitely worth watching!"

The audience expressed their opinions on this. They still don't know what the special effects scenes in the movie mean or how they connect the story, but just the thrilling momentum of these scenes is enough to make people sigh like this.

This movie is definitely worth watching!


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