
Levi wanted to start this experimental field. In fact, in addition to trying to adapt some domestic works and find some worthy of filming, there was also another aspect. 

It was only when he came to China this time that he discovered that he seemed to have forgotten one thing.

In the past, Levi told Director Zhang that if actors want to develop, it is best to stay in China because in the United States, they will not have many acting opportunities, and it will be difficult for them to improve their acting skills. 

But this time, when they were filming in China, Levi realized that he had made a mistake. 

First of all, if they stayed in China, they might not be able to improve their acting skills because of filming. 

Secondly, even if the actors are highly skilled, it is unlikely that Levi will be able to use them again if they remain in the country — one of the reasons being that they may not be able to overcome the language barrier.

The current film and television dramas do not really hone acting skills. Even the audience can see that the acting is highly exaggerated and the acting is not serious, but not many people care about these things. 

The immaturity of the domestic market makes this problem quite serious. Furthermore, even seasoned professionals are not familiar with the shooting and working methods of foreign actors. The language is still a trivial matter. They lack familiarity with advanced shooting techniques and struggle with special effects production.

He once thought it would be better for them to stay in the country, but he ignored these problems.

Chinese actors will undoubtedly be required in upcoming Hollywood movies. Even from a business perspective, featuring some Chinese actors or famous landmarks can increase the chances of success at the box office.

However, according to Levi's recollection, there are very few Chinese actors who are capable enough to meet Hollywood's standards for acting.

To solve this problem, he has to try to get some of these actors to develop in the United States. Therefore, it is necessary to create a TV series that does not necessarily have high ratings to maintain the situation.

With this platform, it will be easier if he wants to choose actors in the future.

Of course, there are still some problems here. 

For example, Leslie Cheung does not know kung fu, and he is also a bit old. In this TV series, he could serve as a major supporting character. 

Hollywood screenwriters are always able to write some supporting characters with compelling backstories, and Levi is not worried about his image problems at all.

Levi proposed his own method, and Leslie Cheung readily agreed without much hesitation. Firstly, he really wanted to go out and relax. Secondly, he knew that if he played a supporting role in an American TV series, he could be written off at any point. American screenwriters are very familiar with killing off characters in their writing.

Levi informed Bob, who was in the United States, about the matter and asked Leslie Cheung to meet with Bob and discuss the scriptwriting. Levi had faith in the writers led by Bob and believed that they could create scenes that perfectly fit Leslie Cheung's charismatic image.

After these things had been dealt with, Levi also got rid of the people from Hong Kong who contacted him to see if he could introduce a few actors to Hollywood. 

Levi doesn't know whether the people to be hired are male or female, old or young, so he just left everything to Bob. However, they have to wait until the future for Levi's notification because, after about a month of filming, Levi left China.

Shooting a large scene with a large number of people is indeed a great challenge for the director. Even simple movements like doing group exercises with thousands of people can be difficult and cost a lot of energy. 

Although the footage may not seem like much, it is actually quite challenging to shoot and requires the director's ability to control the scene.

Fortunately, one month later, Levi still successfully completed these things.

December passed, and Levi returned to the United States. 

He is not in a hurry to do the TV series. Anyway, it is still very early before the TV series starts next year. There is no need to rush. Whether finding actors or filming the TV series, he can still put it aside and let it go.

There are some scenes in the movie that need to be reshot.

In fact, after more than half a year of filming, the film has basically taken shape. It can be said that all the necessary shots have been shot. The only thing left is editing. 

Now, Levi has roughly cut down these shots, and the reshooting task is to reproduce the parts that Levi thinks were not shot well.

These tasks are actually finished. A large part of the actors who participated in this movie can go home to rest. It can be said that this movie has entered the finalization stage.

However, this is already January.

"It seems that Levi really hasn't been able to contribute a movie this year."

It's January, which means that a year has passed, and at the end of the year, Levi has not finished shooting the movie. 

This movie shooting has just been completed, and with its special effects content, it will take at least three months to edit. This movie can only be released in the summer.

This somewhat makes the anticipating audience a little anxious. There are so many blockbusters now, one after another, never stopping. Levi's movie has been promoted for a long time, but it has not been released yet. 

How can it not make people anxious?

However, Levi also knows how to make the audience look forward to it even more. Just when his movie shooting was finished, the first promotional video was released on the website.

Compared with the previous ones, which only had simple concept drawings and special effects, this time's movie trailer, which lasted more than two minutes, is much more mature.

At the beginning of the trailer, Denzel Washington is standing in front of a round table, lecturing his subordinates.

"In just half a year, ten physicists committed suicide one after another. There must be some connection behind this." Washington, in the trailer, was standing in front of a large screen, and on the screen, there was a flash of light and moving photos, "We need to find the connection."

The camera turned immediately, and Ruffalo, holding a small piece of paper, spoke softly, "Physics... ...Dead?" His voice was filled with fear and uneasiness.

Then, the camera began to switch back and forth between the two people.

"We found this Trisolaran organization; they are quite suspicious." This is Washington's investigation.

"Welcome to the Three-Body Game." This is Ruffalo's game.

"We must find out what the purpose of these people is." Washington is going to take the initiative.

"This is a world with three stars." Ruffalo also got the information in the game.

Then, the camera panned to the empty sky, with a giant moon suspended in the sky, and on the ground, there were strange-shaped buildings. The camera passed in front of the building as if taking an aerial shot of a building, and at this time, there were sounds coming from the building.

"Our planet is going to perish. We cannot survive. If we want to survive, we must go out to the universe and find a planet suitable for our survival."

Although it is just an overview of the building, the silhouette and appearance of the alien did not appear in the promotional video, but after listening to these words, anyone knew that it was an alien. 

There seemed to be a clue in the hazy story, and then the camera flashed to another picture.

"This is the Earth."

The imagery, architecture, costumes, and even the filming techniques all resemble those of the 1970s. In this scene, Adjani sends a signal to the universe with desperate yet calm eyes.

Then, the camera returned to the alien planet.

"We have obtained extraterrestrial information, and we have a planet that can survive! Our entire planet must take action. Before our doomsday comes, we must move to a new planet." 

"Before that, we need to send our advance - one proton, one proton, is enough for us to get that planet."

With the voice of the alien, the camera returned to the Earth again. Ruffalo was already sitting in the Pentagon, and here, there were also Russians and Chinese with unmistakable characteristics.

"This is a war for mankind, and all mankind must unite now."

In the conference room of the building, humanity has united, and in another venue, Washington led people and rushed into the venue.

Here, a huge three-body symbol was hung, and the people standing there shouted loudly.

"Eradicate human tyranny. The Earth belongs to the Three-Body Problem!"

As this slogan was shouted, the dialogue in the trailer was over. However, this promotional video is not completely finished yet. With an explosion, the special effects part of the trailer also begins.

First, there was the spectacle of three suns appearing in the sky. All combustible objects on the ground seemed to burn instantly, and the entire screen seemed to be plunged into a sea of ​​fire. 

Then, there was an extremely spectacular row of cyborgs with uniform movements. It appeared on the vast expanse of land, and there was a unique beauty. 

Then, it came to the torn part of the hull. The huge hull, first the flagpole was broken, and then, the pipeline on the deck suddenly broke. Immediately, the huge hull spread out, and it was destroyed layer by layer with sound.

Just after this shot, the screen was pulled in front of the camera, and a cold line of words appeared on the screen.

"You are just bugs."

The promotional video ends here, and the last part that appears is the triangular logo with missing corners in the hall of the Earth Trisolaran Organization. Then, the movie title appeared.

Three body.

It will be released soon, so stay tuned.


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