Character and Destiny

Amid people's confusion, the movie continued, and the scene changed again. This time, the camera returned to the 1970s.

Twenty years have passed, and the little girl has grown up. When Susanna grew up, she became a physicist and served as a lecturer at the university.

This time, the person playing this role has become Adjani.

Everyone knows that Adjani is 48 years old this year. As an actor, she is already a figure of the older generation, but when she appeared in the movie, people still found that she still looked like a girl in her 20s.

This also makes people slightly admire: some actors can indeed play roles that are very different from their age. Levy's choice of this character is also very correct.

It seems that her life is perfect: although her father was persecuted to death, it appears that none of this has affected her life. 

She is beautiful, has extraordinary intelligence, and has a boyfriend who studies geology. Everything seems to be going well.

However, the story is certainly not all smooth sailing. 

By chance, her boyfriend discovered that if a mineral mine were mined near the university, it would pollute the water source and affect the lives of local residents. 

However, in order to run for elections and develop the economy, local councilors desperately want to cooperate with large companies in mining.

In order to expose this situation, Susanna's lover chose to write to the media, exposing this situation: environmental pollution is a very serious problem. If these are ignored, it will affect the safety of many people's lives.

However, it didn't take long for the letters he sent to come back to him again.

His plan failed. 

In the 1970s, the mining industry in the United States was developing on a large scale. 

In this era, American government officials and bosses of large companies do not care about environmental damage. As a geologist, what he should do is explore more mineral veins rather than expose the crimes of large corporations.

The mining company had already communicated with the media, and his letter was sent to the company. His efforts were destined to be in vain.

As an intellectual, it is, of course, impossible to go against big companies. The behavior he tried to expose only brought him trouble - the company framed him, and he went to jail. This was not the final outcome. 

News of his death soon came - the cause of his death remained unclear.

After losing her father, Susanna lost her lover again. For her, it was another blow.

But similar to the last time, when she suffered the blow, no one around her mourned the death of her lover. 

On the contrary, under the company's publicity, her lover was considered by the local people to be someone who affected local development. Someone to be scorned. Local people have gained wealth from mining, and they don't care who sacrificed their lives for it.

Faced with the situation, Susanna's smile faded, and her childlike demeanor gave way to a mature, gloomy aura.

She began to despair. Not hatred towards one person but dissatisfaction towards the world as a whole.

Her tragedy makes people pity her.

The lens changed again. At this time, in the Three-Body game world, Mr. Copernicus was also experiencing the second world.

After the first world was destroyed, he also ushered in a second world. This time, his world is ancient Greece.

And since it is ancient Greece, the character who appears is naturally Aristotle. Here, Copernicus and Aristotle were already discussing the issue of celestial bodies, and they were debating here according to the custom of ancient Greece.

This game seems to be played like this - a group of people debate what the celestial environment of this world is like.

Compared with Ahmes, who still pinned everything on theology, Aristotle is much more advanced. He learned how to make celestial models, and the things he made were one step closer than Ahmes. He tried to use these to prove the correctness of his theory.

From ethereal theology to calculations that establish actual models, this is undoubtedly a scientific progress. However, his theory still lacked attention to flying stars. During this debate, Copernicus soon discovered that his approach was untenable.

And just after Copernicus pointed out the error in his reasoning, the world was destroyed again.

On the horizon, there appears a sun that seems to swallow everything. Everything on the earth burned. Even Copernicus himself was on fire at this time.

Different from the previous world, where everything was frozen, this time, the world is where everything is burning. In just ten minutes, the world was destroyed twice in two completely different ways, greatly exciting the audience.

The camera shot the distant horizon from the sky, and everything on the earth was burning. Then, it focused on Copernicus on the high platform. Finally, the camera focused on his eyes in the blazing flames. 

As he blinked, he broke away again. He left that world, and in the blink of an eye, he had experienced the destruction of two worlds.

And he hasn't found this truth yet.

He is searching for the truth of the world, and at this time, Renault's investigation is still ongoing. 

But this time, he has investigated the place where the deceased worked before her death, the Astronomical Observation Center. Here, he investigates the deceased's activities during her lifetime, trying to find clues.

After learning that the deceased died due to work-related problems, the focus of Renault's investigation was naturally the place where she had worked. During the investigation, he also discovered problems.

The deceased received some information before her death. The information provided to her was to tell her that the background radiation of the universe would change at a certain period of time.

The whole universe will flash for you - this seemingly beautiful sentence is actually a reminder for the dead.

Renault investigated the data from the Astronomical Observation Center. Based on the data there, he knew that the cosmic 3k background radiation really flickered during a certain period of time. 

All of this is completely inconsistent with the laws of physics, but it all happened.

The deceased probably chose to commit suicide because she couldn't bear this fact.

This all sounds extremely absurd. Even Renault's assistant started to look a little uneasy. Anyone with a bit of knowledge of physics will know how difficult it is to deceive a physicist, but for Renault, all this is still not a problem.

"These are just tricks." Renault was quite firm about this, "I don't understand science, not at all. But I am a policeman, and I only know that any strange thing is probably someone playing tricks. It's like this for other things, and it's like this this time."

Renault's calm and composed temperament seemed to shine through the screen, affecting everyone in the cinema. No one expected that in the face of such a huge crisis, an ordinary police officer behaved so calmly.

Although this can be regarded as the fearlessness of the ignorant, this kind of character is impressive after all. In particular, Washington's role as a policeman with such a character is very unique, and he expresses the character very well.

Such a character is endearing.

"We need to find out where the information she received was sent. This information will be the key to our investigation of the case."

Renault expressed his opinion. He discovered what he was investigating. It seems that it is no longer a suicide case but a larger and weirder case.

At the same time, in the game, Copernicus is experiencing the third world. The person in this world who expresses his opinions is Bruno, and the person who judges his theories is the Pope.

Obviously, this is already the Middle Ages.

Bruno's reasoning, going a step further, was based on observations. Infer the universe model through a large number of experiments and observations and perform return-type detection. On this basis, he came up with his own idea.

Unfortunately, the Pope's answer to this answer is still the stake.

At this time, Copernicus, who had been watching all this, finally couldn't help it.

"This world is a Three-Body world."

After experiencing the three worlds, Copernicus expressed his opinion loudly.

This theory finally made the fans who watched the movie understand the reason: Although they already knew that this was a world surrounded by three stars because of the trailer, the relationship between flying stars and the sun... 

They were also thinking, but because of the freezing of everything, the special effects of the burning fire, and the arrival of the two doomsdays, they were trapped in the movie and did not understand the reason. 

But now, in his words, people finally understood the reason for all this.

However, his opinion only seemed to make the Pope raise his head.

"Burn him to death."

This Pope seemed to be as stubborn as the medieval popes. He wanted to execute Copernicus regardless of the credibility of this prediction.

Copernicus, who was extremely confident in his own inference, had started resisting. But all this did not change the stubborn Pope. Copernicus was tied to the stake, and at this moment, the Three-Day volley he had just predicted finally appeared.

Everything on the earth burned instantly. 

Compared with the burning of the world previously, the destruction of the world this time is even more terrifying. 

Previously, all the combustibles burned up, but this time, the earth melted, and the sky glowed with a network of fire. 

The color of the flames was no longer red but had weird colors. Everything seemed to be burning. This world is completely plunged into a sea of ​​fire.

The only one who was not burned was Copernicus on the stake. The world was destroyed, but the truth remains forever. He who revealed the essence of the world was not burned to death.

His persistence is admirable.

The third world was destroyed, but people also saw the reality of this world.

Three different protagonists, three different personalities, three different destinies. And now, their fates are about to become entangled.


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Marcelo Maia


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