Stream of Consciousness and Narrative

There were three scripts in his hands, but he could only slow down and look for the scripts while thinking about the next step. This made Levi feel quite embarrassed. 

However, he himself knows how he got several screenwriting awards. Choosing the right things, finding the right people, and producing excellent works are the methods he has always insisted on. 

He will not change his course of action because he is now famous.

"Actually, I am currently planning a new script. The script involves some racial issues this time, so the writing is slower."

Among the three scripts, Levi's first film was still The Intouchables. Compared with the other two films, at least this one just needs some changes in the script, not because Levi's talent is not enough or his technology level cannot keep up.

However, the most troublesome thing about this movie was the script preparation.

Levi and Leslie explained why his film preparations had slowed down, and Leslie immediately understood, "Because of racial discrimination? That is indeed a troublesome point. Do you need my help? I know several good screenwriters with some experience dealing with these issues."

"Leslie, I basically know everyone you know," Levi replied with a smile.

"That's true... there are only a few outstanding black screenwriters, and you know almost all of them."

Leslie nodded, and what made Levi find interesting was that his thoughts were completely different from Levi's — conspiring together.

Levi's method is actually very simple. Since black people will be dissatisfied with writing such a script, just find a black person to participate in the scriptwriting together.

Black people are so weird in this regard. If other races say bad things about black people, they will be extremely dissatisfied, but if they say it themselves, there will be no problem. 

If others write bad things about black people, that's called racial discrimination. If black people write badly about black people, that's called self-analysis.

If this script were to be written well, Levi would prefer to find a black screenwriter to participate in it nominally compared to making drastic changes. 

Even if you will pay an unnecessary fee as a result, it's better than changing the story beyond recognition just to make black people happy.

Therefore, by finding a black person to participate in the screenwriting, this problem will be solved. Originally, this was a real-life story in France, which was written into an autobiographical novel. 

Now, if he wants to turn it into a movie, it needs to be adapted. It wouldn't be difficult to find someone to put their name on.

"I asked Bob to find black screenwriters and work with them to write the script. Originally, the script also needed to involve some habits and slang of black people, so there were some benefits to hiring them.

 Just writing a script together will inevitably be slower. After all, it involves some issues of role allocation or line allocation. We have to discuss it all, but it really can't be done quickly. "

With Leslie, Levi didn't have to hide anything. He just said it directly.

It is indeed more troublesome to co-write the script. Especially since the main line of this script is still two characters, which aspect of the plot focuses more on becomes a matter that needs to be debated. 

The story mainly revolves around the white, rich man, but what proportion and weight should the black caregiver's life have? These aspects are also the key points that need to be discussed. 

If it is just Bob writing it himself, all he needs to do is consider the plot structure. But now that it is a collaboration, these things have to be discussed.

Because of these troubles, the writing of the script cannot be completed immediately.

"In that case, you are serious enough. Does this story sound good to you?"

Leslie's question made Levi frown, "It's not particularly good, but it does have places worth photographing. This is a very heart-warming movie, and I like it very much, so it doesn't hurt to be well prepared."

In fact, it can be said that Levi is more fond of this movie.

In Levi's view, "The Intouchables" is a very suitable movie theme that can change America into an inspirational story. 

On the one hand, it is a story of a white, rich man getting back on his feet. On the other hand, this is the process of a black man moving from a gangster to mainstream society. Moreover, these two people supported each other and finally successfully got out of the predicament. 

It is a very touching story. In particular, this story tells of friendship between two men. It is a very normal friendship from beginning to end. There is no deliberate deviation from the theme. 

This is why Levi likes the story very much. 

Moreover, this movie also touches on some other issues, such as how to treat people with disabilities, which takes up a lot of space in this story. 

In addition to the emotional line of a good story, social issues are also a big concern. This aspect is also what Levi feels is very important. 

A movie with these two aspects is worthy of Levi's filming.

"Actually, you don't have to be in a hurry. Just prepare slowly and take your time. You didn't need to be in a hurry to make a movie, right? "

After listening to Levi's words, Leslie just nodded.

What he said is correct. For Levi, there is no need for him to make a movie every year anymore - when he first became famous, filming movies continuously to consolidate one's reputation. 

Even if a director's works are very good, if one movie is only expected by others for several years, he cannot increase his reputation.

In order to have his own place, he had to work hard to make movies. 

But now, his reputation is already very famous, and his status in Hollywood is stable enough. It is somewhat unnecessary to keep shooting one movie every year.

Even if he wanted to announce a break now, rest until the script of The Three-Body Problem is released, and then start shooting that movie, no one would say anything. 

However, Levi knew it was best not to interrupt for such a long time for things like film shooting. He knows that he is not a genius. 

If he doesn't make movies for two years, his shooting techniques and understanding of film technology will not keep up with the rhythm, which will be difficult. 

It's not that Levi has never seen something like this; with time, some directors who like to take extended breaks can no longer keep up with people's demands for their films and gradually fade out of people's sight. 

Although Levi is still young now, however, he has to be prepared.

He cannot go down that path. Therefore, the purpose of making a movie now is to practice his hands and not to let his hands idle. 

The investment for this film is not large, and the filming is not expensive. Especially laborious movies naturally became his first choice.

Of course, this is just as Leslie said. You don't have to be in a hurry to shoot this movie. You can take your time and prepare slowly.

Moreover, in Levi's memory, this movie still has some problems. These problems are also the reasons why Levi wanted to shoot it.

This movie was shot by a French person; overall, he also has a strong French film color. 

Of course, when this movie was shot, the director was trying to flatter Oscar. The angle in which he shot the story was already very American. 

However, French movies are French movies, after all; although he tried very hard to get closer to the narrative style of American movies, the movie still has a strong European flavor.

Of course. This is not necessarily a bad thing. In The Intouchables, both the music and the filming are of a very high standard, which is why European movies have always been excellent, and their use of classical music and artwork is also very Woody Allen style. 

This is something that ordinary American movies cannot do. European movies have a strong influence on culture in movies. The degree of attention paid to it is generally higher than that of the United States. 

Although their long-term shooting of literary and artistic films has led to the strong niche of the film, they do have a good level in this aspect. However the European atmosphere has given many good things about the movie, but it also has a lot of bad influences. 

On the one hand, he also made many mistakes. The main line is not clear enough, the contradictions are not prominent enough, and the characters are not portrayed in-depth enough. 

On the other hand, there are many shortcomings in the movie's narrative. This is a common problem for many European directors.

Although the black and white people in the movie are the protagonists of the movie, due to the stream-of-consciousness problem in European films, the images of these two characters are not profound and prominent enough. 

They have become simple image symbols of black and white people without their respective identities. 

How many character traits? This is a big question. Although both people have changed in the movie, there is no foreshadowing in the main line from beginning to end, making this change not obvious. 

There are also some conflicts and changes in the movie, which makes the movie look somewhat scattered.

Such a problem would only be if the story could not be told clearly, but it has developed to the point where it affects the connotation of the story.

When The Intouchables was released in North America, it was considered to be racial discrimination. In addition to the competition at that time, it was also because the story was too stream-of-consciousness and unclear. 

The problem of black lives was written in the front, and the latter could have echoed the problem by using the progress of the black protagonist to solve this problem. 

However, the movie did not do this. It only played the part of solving the problem, making it seem as if black people need to be saved by white people. 

Insufficient foreshadowing and poor narrative layout distorted the meaning of the film itself. Otherwise, a film originally intended to be anti-racial discrimination would not have ended up like this.

To put it simply, this is a movie that can move people but cannot surprise people.

The biggest problem with European movies is the excessive stream of consciousness. The whole film lacks a clear main line. This problem has been their problem for many years.

This kind of problem is also the reason why Levi chose to shoot this movie. He really wants to absorb the lessons in this area and increase his experience. 

How to combine the advantages of European movies with the advantages of American movies? This is what he has been trying for a long time, and he still wants to try it now. 

How to better use stories to deepen thoughts; this is what he wants to do.

When you get other people's movies, you have to learn from the good ones and correct the bad ones in order to make your own progress.

Nothing is more important than his own progress; this is something Levi has long understood.


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