Light of Hope

This is perhaps the most spectacular scene of space war.

For the audience, when watching a movie, they naturally want to see big scenes. 

In this movie, although there are various human speeches, assembly scenes, work scenes with scary space environments, scenes of future social technology, and interior scenes of spaceships, these scenes, in comparison, can't say enough about it. 

When watching a science fiction blockbuster, what people want to see most is naturally the scene in the universe. Among all the cosmic scenes, the most beautiful to people is naturally the cosmic war.

The pursuit of the universe and the unknown is a common feature of human beings. Seeing wars, seeing big scenes, and seeing unattainable pictures is what people expect.

At this time, people really saw this picture.

In the past movies, countless movies have described space wars to people, and if you are used to seeing battles between spaceships, this scene looks uniquely magnificent.

At this time, a small and inconspicuous spaceship seemed to be like a devil, moving forward persistently. Human weapons sounded. Those proud weapons were useless in front of such a little thing. 

They poured out like a flood, and the rays of light intertwined, making even the droplet invisible. It is clear, but all these weapons can only shine in vain in front of the droplet. 

High temperature, lasers, nuclear explosions, wave energy weapons, all of these are like an ant in front of an elephant in the face of the high quality of the droplet. 

The droplet moved forward slowly, breaking away from the patches of light without any hindrance.

In this light, the droplet flew slowly. Drill in through the bulkhead of one spaceship and then out on the other side. All the things in the spacecraft that humans consider to be high-tech are chopped and cut like butter under the super-hard texture of the droplet. 

No fancy skills. There was no dazzling light or even any technical changes in attack methods. It just went straight, crashing from one ship to another, smashing all the spaceships.

In the cosmos, spaceships disintegrated and shattered one after another. Broken parts and flying fragments are floating disorderly in the gravityless cosmic environment. Wherever the droplet passed, all the spaceships were cut into a mess.

In front of it is the fleet of order, and behind it are the broken parts of the spaceships - this droplet is like a nightmare at this time. It destroys all order and shatters all human beings' beautiful illusions.

The picture of cosmic war that humanity has ever thought of, the picture of cosmic war that mankind has ever described. Everything seemed so fragile at this time: those tactics, those tricks, those human weapons, in the face of the absolute technological gap, it is worthless.

And all of this was presented in front of the audience. What shocked the audience even more was that the sound effects were missing in this scene. People thought about it; there had been a situation like this before in the movie, where there was a vacuum in space, and no sound could be transmitted in a vacuum.

Compared with those loud cosmic wars, it seems more depressing. A huge group of battleships were being massacred, and during the entire massacre, no one could hear a single sound. Countless lives seem to have been lost silently, with their debris floating in the space, wandering forever.

The audience's breathing became heavier, and their hands clenched. The magnificence of the cosmic war and the sense of powerlessness, no power to fight back, all surged in people's hearts at this time. This kind of desperate beauty made the audience both appreciate and feel pain.

At the end of this series of shots, the droplet adjusted its direction and flew straight towards the screen. At the moment of the end, the sudden burst of sound also caused the audience in the 3D theater to let out a low cry.

At this moment, they really had the illusion that a spaceship was crashing into them.

After all, the people watching this movie are human beings. Since they are human beings, they will naturally bring themselves into the human perspective. 

Even in the previous scene, he employed a time span of 300 years to immerse people in the technology of the future. Despite harboring doubts, the audience found some satisfaction in witnessing the failure and panic of these arrogant humans from 300 years later. However, even so, they still looked forward to it only if human beings could win.

Seeing human beings being massacred in such a tragic way will still make them feel very sad.

And it was at this time that people saw a glimmer of hope. While the droplet was killing people, one of the spaceships in the distance began to move.

The Chinese general's spaceship started moving early - it chose not to resist but to turn around and run away.

In the fleet under his control, the people on the five spaceships had long been ordered to enter a hibernate state, which made the escape extremely fast. These five spaceships were far away from the range of the water droplets.

This approach gives people hope: maybe this hope is not the hope of defeating the Trisolarans, but at least there is hope for surviving.

In the spaceship, facing the doubts of his subordinates, the general also gave an explanation.

"I'm not a loser; how could I be? I just realized that this war will inevitably fail." The general's explanation made it clear what he had always done: from the beginning, he was a defeatist. When the United Nations was making the plan of Wallfacers, he was thinking about how to instigate an escape.

"From the beginning, I never thought about using the power of all humanity. Conspiracy is inherently better when fewer people are involved. Too many people involved in the conspiracy will only increase the possibility of the conspiracy being exposed. "

His tone was calm and even-tempered, but people knew how big of a deal this was.

Such an escape is cowardly, no matter how you look at it. As a soldier, running away without a fight would be despicable. But looking at the damaged and unsightly wreckage of the spaceships behind, people don't know how to evaluate this Chinese general at this time.

His approach may not be full of courage, but it is definitely full of wisdom. Moreover, his approach is different from those of those politicians - maybe their ideas are smarter and can take care of more people, but this soldier has execution ability that none of them have.

Compared to those who wanted to rely on deception to save humanity, this soldier chose to do it himself.

"We need to leave our home and find a new direction in the universe. This is our only way out."

His calmness and indifference made people feel heartbroken: for his escape plan, he also made a second decision: He decided to attack the several spaceships that escaped together. This spaceship could not fly to the edge of the universe; it needed spare parts, fuel, and food.

Therefore, he needs victims.

He killed people in cold blood, deceived those who trusted him, abandoned most of the people on Earth, and, even after escaping, attacked his own subordinates - all these actions seemed evil.

But at least he viewed the crisis correctly, planned his escape, and preserved the fire for humanity. Compared with other human beings, his thinking and execution ability are far superior.

A ruler who is cruel but has clear thinking seems to be more capable when facing a crisis. Maybe this is the future of mankind. People can only hold on to this hope. After all, it looked like there was no hope for Earth.

At this time, the camera also returned to the Earth. The people on Earth are now in chaos.

For three hundred years, they have been deceiving themselves and telling themselves that they can resist alien invasion and that they can easily crush aliens into pieces. 

Such self-confidence has made the people on Earth live in pride and joy. For them, the destruction of the space fleet is simply an unimaginable disaster.

At this time, they all know that the droplet is suspended outside the Earth, sophons are living around them, and aliens will arrive within ten years - this is a terrible news for the people on Earth.

The aliens have not yet arrived, and the people on Earth have already fallen into a doomsday scenario. Under the annihilation, people's order has been lost. 

All kinds of smashing, looting, and crimes are emerging one after another, all sorts of crazy people are doing crazy things, and the evil side of human desires is completely released. 

All these things are exposed when human beings no longer need social order.

Perhaps before the Trisolarans arrive, these things will destroy mankind first.

At this time, Hines was also released: as the first person to develop his machine, he also implanted the stamp into himself. Therefore, after accepting the news of the defeat of Earth people, his speed of adaptation is unparalleled. 

In this situation, he is the only one suitable to stand up and take charge. After standing up, he immediately led people to manage and rectify the chaotic social situation.

However, all this is in vain for the goal of defeating the aliens.

But amidst all the sadness, Hines also received shocking news.

Three hundred years ago, the planet and the solar system were destroyed in response to the news broadcast about the space probe.

The surveillance of the people on Earth captured this picture very well: a seemingly small light particle hit the planet at one-tenth the speed of light. After a moment of light, the planet completely exploded into space dust.

This news aroused people's surprise: does the sociologist really have the ability to destroy a planet? Could he be the spokesperson of other alien civilizations or someone who controls some kind of cosmic power?

Does humanity still have a chance to make a comeback?


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