
"You have a lot of things to do?" Alexander was quite puzzled by Levi's words. "Are you really planning to start filming the third part of The Three-Body Problem from now on?"

Alexander's question is not without reason.

Two movies of The Three-Body Problem have been released, and the income from both movies is very high. Therefore, what people are now concerned about is naturally whether he will have a third movie. Although no one has stipulated that commercial blockbusters must shoot a trilogy, many blockbusters do this, and many people naturally think that it is normal for a movie to shoot a trilogy.

Moreover, even from the plot point of view, it seems that there is a need to film a third part. After all, the plot didn't seem to be over at the end of the second part. Humans and Trisolarans have formed a balance, but this balance is as fragile as the nuclear deterrence of the Earth era. No matter who becomes stronger on both sides, they are looking forward to breaking this balance. How long can such a balance be maintained? After the Earth's civilization progresses, will it be able to surpass the Trisolaran people? If so, how should the Earth's people deal with this balance? It is not that people have not considered these issues.

When people watch movies, they always want to see a true ending. In movies about the war between Earth and aliens, people always feel that something is missing if one side does not win but ends with a temporary truce. Therefore, the current audience is also looking forward to the third part of this movie, which will bring this story to a truly complete end.

Such a movie can be more in line with people's ideas if it is shot into a trilogy. The first part finds the enemy. In the second part, there is a stalemate with the enemy, and in the third part, the enemy is eliminated - this kind of shooting rhythm is the rhythm that the audience expects.

Of course, everyone knows that the third part of The Three-Body Problem cannot be released so soon. After all, the second part of The Three-Body Problem has already gone a long way, and if Levi really wants to release a third film in a short period, people will question whether he can make the movie well. Many people are also suggesting that Levi should stop filming other movies for the time being and go back and study hard so that he can make the best shot of the third three-body movie.

Alexander had heard many such statements, so he became suspicious. Does Levi have such thoughts?

"How could it be? I am not prepared at all for the filming of Three-Body Problem 3."

Levi smiled and denied what he said.

What he said was indeed true. He did not prepare for Three-Body Problem 3 - in fact, it was Da Liu's Three-Body Problem. It hasn't been written yet, so it's naturally impossible for him to change it into a script.

Moreover, now looking at Liu, who is writing The Three-Body Problem, Levi sometimes feels that maybe even if he really wants to adapt it, he won't be able to adapt this novel into a single movie.

In Levi's memory, the story of Three-Body Problem 3 was written by Liu. It can be said to be a very controversial movie: on the one hand, this novel has amazed many science fiction fans, but on the other hand, there are also many things about this novel. They all make people sigh: on the one hand, those excellent settings are thrown out almost one after another, which makes people feel dizzy and even feel a bit regretful; on the other hand, the character creation in this movie. It's also hard to accept, especially the protagonist Cheng Xin. I don't know how many people who have read the novel criticized her endlessly.

Therefore. In fact, it can be said that it is very difficult to adapt Three-Body Problem 3 into a novel. How do you shoot the things in the novels? It would be a lie if Levi said that he was not prepared. In fact, he had thought about it for a long time, but he never had a good idea.

He has thought about whether he should find more professional people to cooperate with the technological means in the story and how to display the high-dimensional space in the movie so that it can be reflected in the 3D screen; he has also thought about the need for How will the two-way foil and the civilization of singers behind them be displayed? Would it be effective if the singing of the singers as a civilization was used throughout the entire process? He also thought about Yun Tianming's three stories. Should he consider asking Disney to use an animation to show them?

These things can all be narrated in words in novels, but if you want to make them into movies, you have to consider how to show them in pictures and how to develop them into stories. In a movie, it is impossible for a roomful of people to sit together and spend ten minutes reading three stories. If the movie is shot like that, no matter how beautiful it is, it will still be a failure.

He had thought a lot about these things, including how to express the character Cheng Xin. Levi had also thought a lot about it. He even thought that if Da Liu really wrote it as he remembered it, he would: Should I look for Anne Hathaway to play the role or Natalie Portman for the role? In a sense, the approach of this character is somewhat similar to the characters of these two characters. If they are allowed to act, it can be regarded as a true performance...

Levi has thought a lot about these aspects, but what makes Levi feel a little surprised is that in this life, Liu's novels seem to have changed.

In Levi's memory, when Liu was writing Three-Body Problem 3, he had to speed up his writing plan in order to buy a house, which caused a lot of regrets in his novel. But now, because of the movie adaptation, he has received a large part of the income as the original author. In life, he is not short of money at all. Without the problem of funds, he naturally writes more detailed and slower.

In the novel manuscripts he has produced, his creative thinking no longer seems to be free of money. Because he had more ideas when he wrote, he also wrote better, and the throwing of these things was not as crazy as Levi remembered.

In terms of shaping the main characters, he also changed some. Although Cheng Xin is still such a person with the feelings of a Virgin, she still represents the weak and human side of human beings; her existence still represents a kind of human thought, and she plays an important role in the book, but this time In the story, she is not that annoying anymore.

This novel was made even better by him. On the one hand, Levi felt quite gratified. On the other hand, he also realized that

 It would be troublesome to think ahead if he wanted to adapt this novel into a movie.

However, he didn't pay much attention to these issues. After all, if he had spent more time and made more preparations, he believed he could have shot the movie.

It's just that those things need to be done later.

"Let's wait for a while to talk about the filming of The Three-Body Problem 3. That matter is not what I need to consider now."

Levi expressed his views to Alexander directly. Although fans are very concerned about the filming of the third part, there are indeed too many difficulties. You can't be too anxious if you want to make this movie well.

Of course, Alexander agreed with Levi's idea: when making a sequel to a movie that has the highest box office in film history, it is natural to strive for excellence. However, after verifying Levi's idea, Alexander's doubts became even greater, "Since you don't want to shoot the new Three-Body Problem 3, then what else do you have to be busy with? The promotion of the movie, competing for the Olympics, these tasks, I will arrange for someone to do it for you. Do you have anything important?"

Levi said that he was very busy, but he was not busy filming the movie, which made Alexander strange. What did he want? What?

"I said I have a lot of things to do, but actually, more than anything, I want to see what others are doing now."

Alexander didn't quite understand Levi's words, but he knew the meaning.

He shot a 3D movie. Hollywood has changed so much now. The 3D wave has arrived ahead of schedule, and the filming of blockbusters has reached a new level. The fate of many people has been changed. He also wants to take a closer look at whether there will be any new changes in Hollywood.

After all, everything was different from what he remembered.

What will the Batman Begins series look like now that it has lost Nolan? Warner will not allow other people's superhero movies to make money for a long time while it does not make any money. How should the Batman series and Superman series be promoted? Levi was quite concerned.

Robert Downey Jr. has returned to the front line of Hollywood, so naturally, he will not take over the filming of Iron Man. Without Downey, will Iron Man succeed? Without the success of Iron Man, how could Marvel's movie series be promoted? With the copyrights of Spider-Man and X-Men out of the way, Marvel only has Iron Man, Captain America, and other superheroes in its hands. Can their plan to open their own movie company be carried out smoothly? If not, can you take advantage of the opportunity to get something? Levi is naturally also very concerned about these aspects.

3D movies have taken the first shot, which also means that from now on, the cost gap between commercial movies and art movies will become wider and wider. What kind of development will commercial films have in the future? Will Inception, which Nolan is filming now, be successful? And what good works will emerge in commercial films in the future?

In addition to commercial films, will there be new changes in the artistic film market? Will novels adapted into movies be taken more seriously in this new era? And if you want to make literary films in the future, shouldn't you also consider collecting more novel themes and adapting them?

Furthermore, filming a movie is naturally inseparable from the actors. There are many actors with whom I have a good relationship. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, I also need to think about how to behave.

So many things require your own thinking, and the memory advantage you once had has basically disappeared due to the changes you have made.

Fortunately, I don't need those things now - thanks to my hard work over the years, I now have the ability to gain a foothold in Hollywood and control the sky in Hollywood without those things.


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