Insanity (part-2)

Jayden was panting slightly as more than fifty vampires glared at him, some with disdain while others with anger and fear.

" Shall we start the round two? " Jayden said and in the next instant, his figure became a blur.

He turns Andrea into a small pointy needle while covering his face with another cloth.

" WH-? "

Jayden controls Andrea to fly at an extremely fast speed and pierce the eye of one vampire. He didn't even have time to scream, as his brain was destroyed by the needle and the next instant Jayden absorb all the energy, leaving behind a dried corpse.


As the small needle tore through the air, it produced a whistling sound. Jayden began to use it to pierce the eyes of vampires or enter into their bodies through their mouths. Even if it didn't harm their vitals, the poison was enough to kill any of them within a single minute.