The reservation

Standing in front of Jayden, Lao Rong had an angry look on her face, she wanted to beat him to death, no one had ever talked to her like that.

" If I kill you now, no one will be able to find out, not that anyone cares enough to investigate. " Lao Rong spoke, suppressing her anger.

" But you can't kill me, whether you or anyone else kills me, everyone in the Kingdom will know about your dear daughter's secret, if you don't believe me you are free to try. "Jayden challenged.

" You can't hide behind that forever, when Xiao'er strength grows strong enough, then you'll have nothing to blackmail me with," she warned.


Jayden silently observed her, ' Just what kind of secret are they hiding that she has to fear even the supposedly super weak Wang Jin. ' Jayden thought, as he activated the Void Eye skill.