A surprise

" If you can answer my questions, then I'm willing to give you all the techniques I have, what do you say, are you interested? " Jayden said with a calm expression on his face.

The fifth elder pondered Jayden's words, ' After getting all his techniques I'll capture him and after making sure that the techniques are complete and not just fake, I'll kill him. 'He thought.

" Kid named Wang, ask me what you want to ask, I swear I won't lie. " he said ' After all you're going to die soon. '

" Then my first question- You were sent to the Divine Sword Sect by the king right? " Jayden questions.

The elder showed a surprise expression on his face, as he wondered how Jayden found out about it.

" That's correct, I and the second elder and the sixth elder both were sent here by the king. " Shi Hao confessed.

" Then my second question- What was your purpose in coming here? " Jayden threw his second question.