Milf's taste-3 [ R-18 ]

" Mmmmm~ Fill me haa haa up hnnnnnn~ I- I want it inside me aaaaah~ "

Liling said while grinding her drenched pussy along the length of his penis, she have heard that talking dirty like that makes the man much more excited.

" Liling, don't you feel bad for your husband? "

Jayden asks, and she stopped moving for a moment, but then she resumed grinding her ass on top of him, with her eyes closed and light moans coming out of her mouth, she replied:

" Right now, I just want you, he doesn't even love me anyway all that matters mmmm~ to him is his status, I am just a uhhhmmm~ trophy wife for him, anyway don't haa haa take about that- "

Jayden interrupted her and asks again, he stretches his hands and held her soft boobs, her nipples pressing against his palms, then he squeezed them as he moulded them into different shapes :

" Then what about your son, Qiang, don't you feel bad for him? "