
" Yes yes, look at this paragon of virtue, who can't keep himself from helping those poor wives. Hehehe " Anna said, laughing.

After chatting with her for a little longer, Jayden decided to go and spend some time with his wives.

" Goddess Damuda, can you please open the po- "

Before Jayden finished his sentence, a portal appeared in front of him, stepping through it he arrived in front of the battle field in Devlocsea.

He saw that all three assassins and the two former Coven members were practising, so he went back straight to meet his wives.

Within a few minutes he arrived in front of Alice's house, but since she wasn't there, he decided to go where the rest of his wives trained.

This time, he directly teleported there and found that Alice was also present there, walking closer to them he spoke:

" Hey everyone, how is your training going? "