A twisted reality

" I'll be going out soon... With someone. " Xiao Rong said, with a little hesitation.

Lao Rong raised an eyebrow, she was surprised to hear her daughter's words, and after a moment she asked: " Is it a boy? "

Xiao Rong nodded without thinking much, and it shocked her mother even more, Lao Rong had an idea about who it might be but she didn't ask any further questions about it, she was happy that her daughter had change so much and hopefully it is for the better.

' So, she is going out with Wang Jin? But is he really suitable for her? The last time I met him... '

She wondered and remembered the last time she had talked to Jayden, it was on a desolate street where she shared some very very intimate moments with him, thinking about that her face turned red in shame, but she could still remember the dreadful aura that surrounded Jayden at that time, she was sure he isn't really what he appears to be.