
" Just tell me where is my family, don't worry I won't stop them if they are in some kind of test, and I won't destroy this place. " As he spoke, Jayden ordered the Ravan to relax, who returned back to its normal form and gave the swords back to Jayden.

" Fine, I can tell you, follow me. " Saying this Five turned around and began to fly away, removing the wings from his back Jayden began to follow her while Rakshasa disappeared.

After flying for just a few seconds over the hot desert, Five went through some kind of layer and disappeared behind it, following behind her Jayden also went through the invisible wall and soon found a blinding light striking his face.

Then opening his eyes, he found himself inside a big hall that looked almost like an abandoned castle and in front of Jayden there were several doors, each with height more than twenty feet.