A proposal

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Lao picked up and the mobile and saw that Emma had sent a video Lao thought Emma was sharing a video of their trip in the vampire world, she was also quite curious about that world so Lao clicked on the video without thinking much.

Just a couple of seconds in the video and she stood up in shock, as she mumbled: " What kind of trip is this? " Then she walked out of the room and found that everyone had come to the hall, they had all watched the video and now looked at each other not knowing what to say.

" I recognise this man, he is Bardot Remington one of the count of the vampire world, I wonder what Jayden did to make him act like that. " Hecate spoke, answering everyone's doubt.

" Is he strong? " Lisa asked, while she watched the video, he was easily killing so many of other vampire.