I love you

" Is it a woman? " Hera asked as a frown appeared over her face, without raising her head the maid spoke:

" N- No it is a man, though it is the first time I have seen someone like him. "

The maid added with a glint in her eyes, noticing the change in her expression Hera asked: " Why, was he from some kind of new race? What was so different about him? "

" He is a human, he has white hair and a face much more beautiful than anything I have seen in my life, even his aura seemed extraordinary I'm sure he is not just a random mortal from the collosium, it's hard to explain but he is... just different. "

The maid finished and in her excitement, she even forgot about her fear.

" Maybe he got blessings from Aphrodite, I had heard she gave her blessings to a human and made his looks superior to everyone in the universe. " Hera mumbled to herself, now she was getting a little curious as to why her husband had brought that man here.