Mount Cyllene

Zeus was surprised and confused after hearing that Apollo wanted to know Maia's location but without giving him any time Jayden continued:

" First he bought a few energy stones for me and now he wants them back, he kept threatening me and now he even attacked me, if it continues like this then I don't think I will be able to help you in the future with anything not even with that army and I won't even give you those books.

And if you try to take them forcefully you won't be able to find them, I am leaving this place. " Jayden said and then turned in another direction to leave.

" Wait " Zeus spoke then he looked at Apollo and asked: " Is that all true? Despite knowing that he is my guest you are still treating him like that? "

" No father, I am not asking for the stones back, and I do have kidnapped that woman since I wanted to know his real motive, but I don't know anything about that location thing- " Apollo spoke calmly.