So many guests

All three of the goblins instantly felt their throats getting squeezed, their bodies were raised into the air and the three goblins kept shaking their arms and legs around.

" Y- Yes we are goblins, we were just ughhh ordered to do that, and we w- weren't the only ones who came to destroy your places, many others were sent to the other p- places too. " The goblin instantly began to admit to everything, they even began to give the info that Jayden had not asked for.

" So that's all huh, I guess it's all you know. Fine, you can go now since you answered me correctly, so go away and enjoy your life at least until it lasts. " Saying that Jayden finally let go of their necks, after they fell down all three of them coughed violently and then without even glancing back they ran away as fast as they could.