Still alive or dead?

"Did you think I would just stupidly jump between two strong beings like that? I know how terrifying Hecate is and on top of that we don't even know about the level of your strength yet.

So instead of making demands it would be better for you to just hand her over and I'll spare the life of your remaining family members," the beast king named Malgor spoke. Then he raised both of his arms and held his hair tightly in his grip.

Jayden watched him in rage as Malgor began to tear apart the skin and flesh, and from inside a body emerged. It was smaller at first as if it was just an organ inside Xerome's body, but then it began to grow.

Xerome's skin, blood, flesh, heart, and other organs fell onto the ground. Aside from the brain, they had taken away his entire body. Xerome must have gone through an unbeatable torture as they did so. The heart was still beating.