Something went wrong?

Just as the palm of Azrael collided with Jayden's chest, a black silhouette was pushed from the back of his body, which seemed to contain all of Jayden's evil thoughts and intentions.

Azrael smiled as he saw that he had succeeded in pulling out Jayden's evil self; without wasting a moment, he made a grabbing motion in the air and squeezed the black silhouette until it exploded with a puff.

Jayden just stood there with an expressionless face; his body slightly trembled for a moment, the red halo had been transferred onto his body from the angel of death, who looked at Jayden with a haughty gaze.

"W- What happened?" Jayden questioned while rubbing his head, as if he couldn't remember a large part of his memory and even his thinking ability seemed to be very limited.