If You Don't Sign It, I'll Beat You Until You Do!

In the CEO's office...

Zhou Wanqiu's expression was dark.

"CEO Zhou," Li Fengjiao said. "Su Chen isn't capable of much, but he talks big!"

"I reckon that b*tch, Gao Min, will use him to attack you again!"

"What is your relationship? If it's possible, you should switch secretaries, so that he won't keep causing trouble for you!"

Li Fengjiao had a lot of opinions about Su Chen.

Zhou Wanqiu frowned. "Alright, you can leave. I'll contact Liu Liding first."

Li Fengjiao had no choice but to shut up and leave.

Zhou Wanqiu called Liu Liding.

"Hello, Manager Liu, this is Zhou Wanqiu!"

"CEO Zhou! You must be very busy. Why are you calling?" Liu Liding's tone was casual.

Zhou Wanqiu smiled and said, "Manager Liu, we signed the milk contract during the Hao Bin Food Street project. Please send us your approval in writing. After all, it's long overdue!"