Self-Inflicted Sins

Zhou Wanqiu and Zhou Pingjiang led the way.

Gao Renhuai sneered and said, "Let's go and watch!"

"After working for the Zhou Catering Group for so long, we have to watch it get shut down!"

Everyone filed out.

However, to everyone's surprise, Tan Saicheng was not leading the Health Department workers today.

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a suit and glasses.

This person was the person in charge of the Health Department, Li Wandao.

Tan Saicheng lowered his head and followed behind him.

Wu Yihua, the leader of Team 2, followed behind with a sour expression.

Team 3's leader, Wang Linjian, was in a good mood. He was laughing, standing in the same row as Wu Yihua.

There were also a few other staff members who were carrying a bunch of things.

Seeing the Health Department's team, Gao Renhuai's face flashed with doubt.

Zhou Pingjiang and Zhou Wanqiu looked at each other with surprise.