He Had Done Something Wrong Again

"Doesn't your brother, He Zhenlong, have the Black Dragon Gang? This kind of organization is perfect for this kind of thing!"

Zhao Shijie glanced at He Zhentian.

Hearing Zhao Shijie's words, grief flooded He Zhentian's expression.

"Young Master Zhao, you might not know yet. Recently, my brother's Black Dragon Gang was destroyed by Chen Zhongyi of Zhongyi Hall!"

"My younger brother and my son both died at the Black Dragon Gang base!"

He Zhentian hurriedly added, "By the way, I feel that Chen Zhongyi couldn't have destroyed the Black Dragon Gang. I'm guessing that Su Chen must have made a move!"

"Otherwise, Chen Zhongyi's Zhongyi Hall would not have been able to destroy the Black Dragon Gang!"

After being taught a lesson by Su Chen, He Zhentian slowly came to his senses.

How could Zhongyi Hall, which had been suppressed by He Zhenlong, suddenly destroy the Black Dragon Gang?

Su Chen definitely had something to do with this.