Gao Renhuai's Help

At the table...

Zhao Shijie was still drinking and celebrating.

Suddenly, the door opened, and someone walked in with a flustered expression.

"Young Master Zhao, bad news. Someone is standing on the Zhou family's side and declaring war on us!" He Zhentian said anxiously.


Zhao Shijie slammed the table.

"Which b*stard is so bold as to ignore my boycotting?"

Zhao Shijie asked angrily.

He Zhentian hurriedly replied, "It's Qin Wentian from the Tianhao Group. It's not just him. A few of his colleagues in the Bin Cheng Chamber of Commerce joined up as well."

"Tianfang Construction's Liu Yuan, Long-Distance Machinery's Zhang Ze, and Chengxi Grain's Zhongshu Liang all had their businesses seized by you!"

"Haha!" Zhao Shijie sneered.

"I was wondering who it was. So, it's these guys! My dad has always disliked them. Now that they have come forward again, it's a good excuse for my dad to destroy them!"