You Really Know How to Brag

Gao Renhuai and the others walked out in a daze.

They were in high spirits when they came here, but now they were in a daze.

Hao Tiancong, Zhang Zhongcheng, and the other shareholders all stayed far away from Gao Renhuai. However, they gazed at him with disgust and hatred.

It was this b*stard who had given them hope, and now he had ruined everything.

Now that Gao Renhuai had lured the Yao family of the provincial capital to support the Zhou family, Zhao Chongling would probably kill him.

It was better to stay away from him now so that they wouldn't go down with him.

Everyone quickly dispersed.

Even Gao Min didn't speak to Gao Renhuai. She sneaked away with everyone.

Gao Renhuai, who was alone, could no longer hold back his tears.

He felt so wronged!

Until now, he still could not understand it.

He had already discussed everything with Yao Shanhe. Why had things changed?