Crimson Crystal Legion

Egon was unconscious in a room that seemed to be like an interrogation room.

Egon's eyes gradually opened, he was momentarily blinded by the intense glare emanating from the bright white fluorescent lights that hung from the high ceiling. He struggled to adjust to the stark brightness of the room, which was in stark contrast to the dimly places he had been in moments before.

"How did I get here?" Egon questioned, still disoriented from the blow he had received.

He sat on the hard white plastic chair in the center of the room, trying to process everything that had happened to him. As he looked around, he noticed that the walls were covered in thick white foam, which ensured complete silence and privacy from the outside world. The overall appearance of the room was quite appealing, despite being a space reserved for questioning suspects.

Egon then noticed a man in military uniform sitting on one of the chairs. At first, he thought it was the same person who had arrested him, but upon closer inspection, he realized that it was a different person.

The man checked his watch and noted that it was exactly 12 o'clock. He broke the silence by saying, "I don't know how Darkblade manages to do that, but all the victims he makes unconscious manage to wake up at precisely 12."

Egon scrutinized the man for a moment, feeling uneasy in his seat. He shifted his position, eventually placing his legs on the table.

"Wow. That's quite bold of someone who is under arrest," the man commented, observing Egon's crossed legs on the table.

"Okay, I guess you now despise Darkblade more than anything. I guess you don't know him. Darkblade is the commanding officer that arrested you," the man explained.

"Oh! That name truly suits him for someone who's good at kidnapping," Egon responded, glancing sideways.

"Kid, you really have an attitude. But actually, you don't have to blame Darkblade for destroying your apartment and arresting you. The decision was made by the authorities above," the man clarified.

Behind the glass window in the interrogation room, a group of individuals observed the conversation. "This kid has no manners. I wonder how Rex trained his nephew," one man remarked.

"I heard he was quite strong," another added.

"I thought he was quite weak before according to his records, but it stated that something unexpected happened."


Back in the bright room, the Egon spoke up. "I heard Darkblade bring up those exact words 'The higher ups'. When my Uncle gets back he can account for the damages he brought to our home," Egon lashed out.

The man laughed and answered,

"That will be a problem between your Uncle and Darkblade, not me."

Egon remained silent, acting like he didn't hear what he said.

"Now, let's get back to the reason you're sitting here," the man said sternly, his eyes locked on Egon.

"Your previous actions caused mass destruction and resulted in the death of Leo."

Egon's face twisted with anger. "I don't remember killing Leo, but even if I did, it was in self-defense," he spat out. "And I wouldn't regret it anyway. He killed his friend Drake. He's a bloody murder, In Mystical, there's no law against killing a murderer. And on Earth realm, it's survival of the fittest."

The man began to applaud, a cruel smile spreading across his face. "Haha! You speak your mind without any regard for the consequences, I like that."

He leaned forward, his voice low and menacing. "But let me make one thing clear. We didn't arrest you for killing Leo. We're part of the Crimson Crystal Legion, a secret organization that's been protecting the dimensional regions for over a thousand years."

Egon's eyes widened in surprise as the man continued speaking. "We recruit young like you, kids who possess unknown abilities that seem to be recognized as threats."

"The Crimson Crystal Legion has been protecting the dimensional regions and trans-dimensional threats for over a millennium. We recruit young individuals who appear to be threats due to certain unknown circumstances."

"Thousands of years ago, scientists made a groundbreaking discovery in multi-dimensional telepathy. They worked tirelessly to replicate the telepathy ability that was lost.

After numerous experiments, they finally succeeded in creating a Quantum Dimensional Device.

However, they soon discovered that the effectiveness of multi-dimensional telepathy was enhanced by the use of Nascents as vessels, which helped to overcome the barriers of unknown forces that plagued the dimensions."

"In those times, humans were able to traverse dimensions without bringing threats back to Earth realm.

However, the creation of the new device created a loophole in our plane. This allowed threats to gradually slip into our universe and fuse their bodies with humans.

These resulted in the emergence of threats such as the Flesh Eaters, Valtorath, Nimbers, Croth, and others."

"These threats multiplied in certain regions of Earth and claimed numerous lives.

The Crimson Crystal Legion, a secret organization, took it upon ourselves to stop these threats from escalating further. We developed advanced technology, including weapons that could destroy these threats, and sent our agents to different dimensions to track down and learn more about them"

"However, our task is not an easy one. These threats have evolved and adapted to our technology, making them harder to defeat. We constantly research and develop new technology to keep up with the ever-evolving threats. Our agents are trained to be efficient and deadly, and we have a network of informants who provide us with valuable intelligence on the movements of these threats."

Egon listened to the man's explanation with a calm expression, not showing any sign of fear. "So how does all this history have to do with me and why am I here?" he asked, his voice even.

"Our agents detected your signal during your fight and identified you as an S-grade threat. We conducted a series of diagnoses on you and found out that you are not a threat," the man explained in a stern voice.

Egon raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Okay, let me go straight to the point. You have been recruited to join us," the man said, his voice laced with authority.

"And what if I say No?" Egon asked, trying to assert his independence.

The man let out a cold laugh. "You don't have a choice, if you don't choose us, I must warn you that doing so might have consequences. Leo's family may not be among the great families, but they are quite influential. They won't hesitate to take you out if you pose a threat to them. Ben and Ray are alive, and very soon, you as the perpetrator will be revealed. And you know what happens next. So, I suggest you think carefully before making a decision," he said, his voice dripping with menace.

Egon's mind raced as he considered his options. He knew that the man was right, and he had to be careful. He remained silent, nodding his head in agreement.

"I'll take your silence as a yes," the man said, extending his hand for a handshake.

Egon barely shook his hands and said "Deal," his voice wavering.

The individuals outside the interrogation room conversed amongst themselves, one of them spoke up.

"I knew he couldn't resist. I think we're ready to move on to phase 2," said the voice, with a glint of excitement